Spring Admit Resume Workshop
Hello, Spring Admits! Please join the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) for a 1L Resume Workshop (all Spring Admits should attend). Please bring your resume (either in hard copy or on your laptop) to the workshop, so that you can begin to work on it and ask any personal questions you might have.
1 PD Credit will be awarded for attendance.
February 11
12:45pm to 1:30pm
Event Type:
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
<p>Hello, Spring Admits!  Please join the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) for a 1L Resume Workshop (all Spring Admits should attend).  Please bring your resume (either in hard copy or on your laptop) to the workshop, so that you can begin to work on it and ask any personal questions you might have.</p> <p>1 PD Credit will be awarded for attendance.</p>
Description http://maps.google.com/?q=41.040383%2C-73.765587%28Spring%20Admit%20Resume%20Wo… Law - Career Development rbrowncheng@law.pace.edu America/New_York public