
Upcoming Events

March 26
3:30pm to 4:30pm
General Meeting for Art Club, we will be doing something fun and creative while making new friends and sharing interests.
March 26
5:00pm to 7:00pm
Join IASA to celebrate St. Joseph's Day.
March 26
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Get ready for an evening of fun and prizes at our Study Abroad Bingo Night!
March 26
6:00pm to 9:00pm
For more information go to the Psi Chi instagram.
March 26
8:00pm to 9:30pm
Join Setters Unscripted for fun improv games and general shenanigans!
March 27
7:30am to 5:00pm
March 27
8:00am to 3:00pm
Join us for the 7th Annual 'Experience Chemistry Day' for students majoring in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science. Students from…
March 27
3:15pm to 4:30pm
Join Her Campus at Pace at our weekly meeting where we share pitches for articles, updates for events and opportunities, and have lots of fun!
March 27
3:25pm to 4:25pm
Come join Pace's Latin American Student Organization's weekly meetings! LASO is a place for students to come together through discussions,…
March 27
3:25pm to 4:25pm
Interested in joining the Pace Debate Society? Attend our general meetings to learn about the club, our travel opportunities, and our events! Whether…

Special Events

Classroom reservation policy change for 25live—Due to substantial increases in academic programming and limited space options, Special Events will no longer process any 25live requests for a classroom/academic space during the first 2 weeks of the semester. Requests submitted prior to the 2 week blackout period will be deleted from the system, and you will need to complete a new form for a date outside of that period. Thank you for your cooperation.