
Upcoming Events

September 17

The Provost’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence invites all faculty and staff to join us for an in-person discussion on AI at Pace! Learn about our summer initiatives, discuss your AI needs, and contribute to the future of AI at Pace. This is the first of an ongoing series of user group events about how AI is affecting higher education and Pace.

3:25pm to 4:25pm
The Provost’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence invites faculty and staff to kick off the semester with in-person discussions on your AI journey…
September 23

The Provost’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence invites all faculty and staff to join us for an in-person discussion on AI at Pace! Learn about our summer initiatives, discuss your AI needs, and contribute to the future of AI at Pace. This is the first of an ongoing series of user group events about how AI is affecting higher education and Pace.

12:10pm to 1:10pm
The Provost’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence invites faculty and staff to kick off the semester with in-person discussions on your AI journey…
September 27

The Provost’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence invites all faculty and staff to join us for an in-person discussion on AI at Pace! Learn about our summer initiatives, discuss your AI needs, and contribute to the future of AI at Pace. This is the first of an ongoing series of user group events about how AI is affecting higher education and Pace.

12:00pm to 1:00pm
The Provost’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence invites faculty and staff to kick off the semester with in-person discussions on your AI journey…

Special Events

Classroom reservation policy change for 25live—Due to substantial increases in academic programming and limited space options, Special Events will no longer process any 25live requests for a classroom/academic space during the first 2 weeks of the semester. Requests submitted prior to the 2 week blackout period will be deleted from the system, and you will need to complete a new form for a date outside of that period. Thank you for your cooperation.