January 30
11:00am to 2:00pm
Pace's Study Abroad Fair offers students the opportunity to learn about studying abroad as part of their Pace Path! Speak one-on-one with Pace…
February 1012:50pm to 2:00pmPlay In the Joints Of the Religion Clauses and Law More BroadlyDelivered by Professor Michael C. Dorf, Robert S. Stevens Professor of Law at Cornell…
February 113:00pm to 6:30pmNY Fed President John C. Williams will give prepared remarks and take questions from the Pace audience. Come to ask questions to a leading figure in…
February 1212:15pm to 1:15pmStudents will get an opportunity to meet FBI agents and learn about what it means to be an agent, how to work for the FBI, and even hear about some…
Upcoming Events
March 3
12:00pm to 1:30pm
LGBTQA+ Center invites you to eat lunch together on Mondays during the Spring 2024 semester.
March 3
12:10pm to 1:10pm
Join P.A.C.E. Board for our General Meeting!
March 3
12:15pm to 4:15pm
Come meet and learn about the international student club!
March 5
12:10pm to 1:10pm
Join us for Ascend's General Meeting! Elevate your career with ASCEND and meet new friends. Don't miss out—what are you waiting for?
March 5
12:10pm to 1:10pm
Join us every other week to catch up on current events in the world of politics!
March 5
12:10pm to 1:10pm
StandUp! Productions is a student run theatre production company, producing licensed and original works. Here at Standup! we provide plethora of…
Special Events
Classroom reservation policy change for 25live—Due to substantial increases in academic programming and limited space options, Special Events will no longer process any 25live requests for a classroom/academic space during the first 2 weeks of the semester. Requests submitted prior to the 2 week blackout period will be deleted from the system, and you will need to complete a new form for a date outside of that period. Thank you for your cooperation.