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Meet Priyanka Eluri, a global marketing management student who doesn't take student involvement opportunities for granted. In her sophomore year, she became the Vice President of the Lambda Sigma National Honor Society. For the past two years she has been the Co-Capitan of Pace's Shakti Bollywood Dance Team, and this year she became a member of the Lubin Sales Team. Additionally, Priyanka has a passion for travel. She studied abroad in the United Kingdom and took that opportunity to start a travel blog. We talked to Priyanka about her experiences as a student leader and her internships doing research for Discovery Inc. and CNN.

February 2, 2020

Meet Ligia, an international student who has earned two degrees, as well as worked as a business analyst in Brazil for nine years. She decided that she wanted to expand her horizons and start a new chapter in her life. Hence, she is now a Lubin graduate student and she has not taken the opportunity to attend Pace for granted. Ligia has been making it a priority to interact with professors and take advantage of their office hours. While participating in Lubin-sponsored initiatives such as the Analytics Bootcamp and the Pace Pitch Contest, she has been falling in love with New York City—constantly snapping pictures of streets and corridors, and sharing them on her Instagram.

February 2, 2020

Melissa Correa '20, a Global Marketing Management major on our New York City campus, came to New York from Florida in search of a global business education that would provide her with experience-based learning. With the goal of taking advantage of all opportunities that she encountered on her path, Melissa interned with Lubin's Office of Communications and External Relations. She has also had numerous leadership roles within the Student Government Association. This summer, she discovered her passion for the non-profit world through a Wilson Center internship. We talked to her about her internship and how she lives her #LubinLife.

February 2, 2020

Saul Pacheco Vidal '20 created his own path to success with the MS in Marketing Analytics degree, which helped launch his career in operations research.

January 28, 2020

Meet Cayley Plotkin '19, who put her business and leadership skills to good use in the field of arts and entertainment management.

April 14, 2019

Meet Jason Chen '19, who talks about his internship and finance courses as key factors in launching his career.

March 29, 2019

Meet Ruben Irizarry '19, who talks about his internship and study abroad experiences as key factors in launching his career.

February 16, 2019

Meet Jabari Chambers '18 from Wilmington, Delaware, who is pursuing his dual MBA in Human Resources Management and Financial Management on our New York City Campus. Jabari co-founded a menswear clothing line called Sylvian Hyde, and debuted his first collection at the 2018 New York Fashion Week.

February 2, 2018

Meet Emily Tree '18, an advertising and integrated marketing major who after building up her resume with impressive internships, took on the opportunity of being a part of the Brand Marketing Team. Elected President of this year's competition team, Emily led her great team to success, as they came in third place in the district's tight race to the NSAC.

February 2, 2018

Virginia Dusi '18 used her MS in Social Media Marketing degree to beat out the competition for a desirable digital marketing job, and credits her experience at Lubin with helping launch her new career.

January 28, 2018

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