Lubin News

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When Lubin student Akshata Swami '24 sees an opportunity, she goes after it—and it shows. Not only is she on the e-board for Pace University's chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, but she also traveled with the organization to Las Vegas, attended an exclusive investor summit, and spent a week in India with Lubin peers and other students from around the world. As a Pace Go Getter, Akshata is clearly setting herself up for success as she gets ready to head into her final semester with Lubin.

November 7, 2023

As an intern for Internal Communications and Engagement at Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD), Bianca Mazur '27 spent her summer learning the ins and outs of the entertainment media industry.

November 1, 2023

We could tell you to start by organizing your study materials and creating a study schedule to break your subjects into manageable portions, but you already know that. Here are some not-so-obvious tips to help YOU make it through exam season.

November 1, 2023
In the Media

Lubin Professor Philip G. Cohen pens an op-ed in Bloomberg Tax about reforming U.S. international taxation laws to set a global example.

October 27, 2023
Bloomberg Tax
In the Media

Lubin Professor Larry Chiagouris speaks with WalletHub about comparing personal loan rates.

October 23, 2023

Do you have an innovative solution that can make a positive impact on the environment? Share your ideas by December 19 for the chance to win a $15,000 grant! Join The Front Yard at Pace University and Speedemissions in addressing climate change, protecting the planet, and slowing threats to Earth's ecosystem.

October 19, 2023

In this episode of The Lubin Link, Isaiah Jimenez '23 discusses his passion for entrepreneurship, why he believes business students should take art classes, and his advice for fellow aspiring entrepreneurs.

October 17, 2023

Although he's far away from home, Danny Canales '24 is finding his on-campus family at the Lubin School of Business. Not only is the native Los Angeleno building a network within our Arts and Entertainment Management program, but he is also creating a community within several organizations that promote culture, the arts, and athletics.

October 2, 2023

Lubin student Richelle Fatalo '25 isn't afraid to step out of her comfort zone. When the opportunity to study abroad arose, Richelle went after it—despite having never set foot in the country that she would soon call home. Not only did she get to visit new cities and see historic landmarks, but she also gained valuable insight into how marketing is done in other countries.

October 2, 2023

Who is going to address the Class of 2024? You tell us! The annual speaker and honorary degree recipient nomination process has opened so be sure to submit your nomination no later than Friday, October 27.

October 1, 2023

Got News?

What's your #LubinLife story? We want to hear from you about your internships, jobs, exciting hobbies/interests, awards, and/or scholarships! Your #LubinLife story may be featured on our social spaces, website, or even in our #LubinLife newsletter. Contact the Lubin School at