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Morgan Brandt '24 isn't wasting any time this summer. Not only is she taking classes that will help her complete her degree in Arts and Entertainment Management, but she's doing it in a new country, gaining international business experience that will help launch her career upon graduation.

June 6, 2023

On this episode of The Lubin Link podcast, Mariama Diallo '20 highlights how she came to the Lubin School of Business as part of an exchange from France but ended up staying for the entire school year due to the endless opportunities presented to her. She also discusses her experience leading the Lubin Sales Team and how it helped her land a job at the height of the pandemic.

May 23, 2023

Accessing your tickets, when to arrive, where to park, what to eat, and so much more. You've got questions and we've got answers. Get ready to walk, grads.

May 14, 2023
In the Media

Kaufman quoted Larry Chiagouris, a professor of marketing at the Pace University Lubin School of Business: “For the longest time, ads presented the typical American household as Caucasian, heterosexual, two children and two cars in the driveway. “There’s still a part of the world that’s like that, but there’s a large portion that is nothing like the ‘Father Knows Best’ Americana image. It’s taken the advertising community, and particularly their clients, a long time to come to grips with that. They’re risk averse.”

April 28, 2023
The Stanly News & Press

Read our interview with Lubin student and entrepreneur Seyi Fakoya '23, co-founder of Gamr.

April 27, 2023

When she first enrolled at the Lubin School of Business, Erika Hostrop '23 immediately knew she wanted to take advantage of everything Pace University and Lubin had to offer. Not only has she studied abroad, but Erika has also put in the work to revamp an on-campus club, routinely checks in with Career Services, and has gone after opportunities presented to her outside of the classroom.

April 26, 2023

Lubin student Latoya Robinson '23 is making a name for herself in the music industry and on-campus. As she pursues her BBA in Arts and Entertainment Management, she's also interning at Sony Music as an A+R intern, discovering new talent and helping them launch into stardom. Meanwhile, on the New York City Campus, Latoya is on the e-board for the Residence Hall Association and a member of the Black Student Union and P.A.C.E. Board, where she has the opportunity to curate and be part of major events.

April 20, 2023

Read our interview with Lubin and Seidenberg alumnus Eric Klein '90, '97, co-founder and COO of Cloudonix.

April 14, 2023

Fatima Rehana '23 always dreamed of getting a graduate degree that combined her interests in marketing and analytics. She found that unique opportunity at the Lubin School of Business. As she pursues her MBA in Marketing Analytics, Fatima is also building leadership skills and friendships on campus by taking advantage of all of the student organizations that Pace University offers.

April 13, 2023

Rebecca Sikar '19 joins the latest episode of The Lubin Link to discuss how she broke into the business side of fashion and worked her way up in the industry before landing her current role as the Global PR Manager of 3.1 Phillip Lim.

April 13, 2023

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