Believing in You: Daniel Reyes '24

When asked about his Haub Law experience so far, the first words Daniel Reyes mentions are "support system." Daniel grew up with a close-knit family who looked to one another for support, so seeking out the same environment for his educational pursuits was paramount. “I am a first-generation college graduate and law student; my parents always preached the importance of education to my brother and me and the importance of having people you can depend on. My brother recently became the first engineer in the family, and I am now working towards becoming the first lawyer in the family. Haub Law showed immense faith in my potential and had a very family-oriented feel to its campus.”
For Daniel, his involvement with the Latin American Law Students Association (LALSA) has been where he found his support system. “The members of LALSA have been mentors for me and have truly guided me throughout my first two years at Haub Law. I am truly grateful for each and every one of them and it was so rewarding to serve as a mentor for the incoming 1L class in return.” Daniel is also a member of the First Generation Law Students Society, which he notes has connected him with so many others who share a similar background and upbringing as him.
As a 2L, Daniel participated in Haub Law’s competitive Federal Judicial Honors Program (FJHP), where he worked in the federal courts for the Southern District of New York for twelve hours a week. “The experience was both challenging and rewarding. Having the opportunity to have your writing and research skills put to the test at a judge’s standard is intimidating, but a very valuable learning experience. The practical and hands on knowledge I gained is amazing.”
While law school wasn’t always at the forefront of Daniel’s mind, today, he can’t imagine another educational pursuit. “For most of my life, I wanted to become a police officer. However, I began studying accounting during undergrad and discovered a new passion. After graduating from Rutgers in 2020, I decided that going to law school would be the best way to merge my two interests in criminal justice and accounting. I try to keep an open mind and think outside of the box. Attending Haub Law has solidified for me that I made the right choice.”
Although Daniel still has another year left of law school, he hopes to work in private practice one day. “Right now, I am interested in corporate, banking, securities, and tax law. However, each new experience I have at Haub Law makes me realize how vast the profession of law is and that there truly is no limit to what you can do with your degree.”
When Daniel isn’t studying, he enjoys playing chess, soccer, and snowboarding. He is also a huge New York Jets fan. His advice for a successful law school experience: “The first step to success is believing in yourself! Once you truly have faith in your capabilities, the only person that can stop you is YOU.”