
Clubs: Student Governance

December 1, 2021

Pleasantville Campus

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

Is both a school and national organization created to ensure that residence halls are the best they can possibly be. RHA is a form of student government and leadership for the residence halls and works to improve the quality of your residence hall and programming, gives students a voice, and helps students meet and interact with their peers. If you're interested in joining, visit the RHA website and check out the RHA SetterSync page.

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)

Committee made up of student-athletes assembled to provide insight on the student-athlete experience. Students build a sense of community within athletics and campus-wide and foster a positive student-athlete image. SAAC hosts various fundraisers including BINGO Night, which raised $3,100 for Make-A-Wish Foundation, and a Japan Relief Drive, which collected 50 bags to send overseas. For more information, check out the Pace Athletics website.

Student Government Association (SGA)

Serves as a liaison between the administration, faculty, staff, and the students of the Pleasantville Campus. SGA offers governance and support to all student organizations through a legislative branch and executive branch. For more information, check out the SGA website and SGA SetterSync page (Pleasantville).

New York City Campus

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

Is both a school and national organization created to ensure that residence halls are the best they can possibly be. RHA is a form of student government and leadership for the residence halls and works to improve the quality of your residence hall and programming, gives students a voice, and helps students meet and interact with their peers. If you're interested in joining, check out their SetterSync page.

Budget Allocation Council (BAC)

Reviews submitted requests for funding from student organizations and checks for policy and financial compliance issues. For more information, check out BAC's Budget Allocation Council SetterSync page.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The governing organization of the New York City Campus. Committed to bringing change and student concerts to light, the SGA acts as a liaison between the administration and the student body. SGA is also responsible for overseeing the Budget Allocation Council (BAC) which distributes funding to the clubs and organizations on campus. For more information, check out the SGA SetterSync page (NYC).