Faculty and Staff

Dean Horace Anderson Honored with Nonprofit Westchester’s 2023 Changemaker Award

December 6, 2023
Elisabeth Haub School of Law Dean Horace Anderson, recipient of the 2023 Changemaker Award

Horace E. Anderson, Jr., Dean of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, was honored as a recipient of the 2023 Changemaker Award by Nonprofit Westchester (NPW) at the organization’s Keep Westchester Thriving Awards Ceremony last week.

More than 300 supporters attended the event to celebrate the work of NPW and to honor the 2023 award recipients for their remarkable contributions to their organizations' missions, their transformative impact on clients' lives, and their unwavering dedication to addressing critical systemic gaps in our society. Dean Anderson was joined by fellow honorees Kathy Halas, Executive Director, Child Care Council of Westchester, Limarie Cabrera, Director of Data, Westchester Children’s Association, and Cheryl Brannan, Founder and CEO, Sister to Sister International.

The 2023 Changemaker Award was presented to Dean Anderson in recognition of his leadership creating a culture of collaboration, community service and innovation at Haub Law. During his tenure as Dean of the Law School over the past four years, Dean Anderson has lead the introduction of many new programs and initiatives that have strengthened ties with the community, including the Access to Justice Project, the Legal Hand Call-In Center Serving Westchester County, and the Sustainable Business Law Hub, as well as programs for student wellbeing and engagement, partnerships to improve diversity in the legal pipeline, and enhanced services for the community through Haub Law’s centers and clinics.

“Your leadership, intellect and humility have enriched our community and we feel it deeply in the nonprofit sector and through Westchester,” said Michelle A. Nicholas, Founder and CEO of The Nico Consulting, who presented the award in front of a supportive and enthusiastic audience.

Dean Anderson accepted the award, taking time to acknowledge the work and support of Law School administration, staff and his family in his accomplishments. He thanked the NPW and the nonprofit sector for their support of Haub Law’s mission and their tireless work to make Westchester County a more equitable community.

“This room supports Westchester in ways that a lot of people don’t see, but are vital,” he said. “There is nothing about making this a more equitable county, and county that supports opportunity more, and a county that supports wellbeing more that doesn’t start with the people in this room.”

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