
Dyson Student Delivers Statement on Disarmament and International Security at the United Nations

Antonia Gentile
October 21, 2024
Pace University student Layne Davis ‘25, Peace and Justice Studies, Political Science, delivering statements to the United Nations General Assembly First Committee

Layne Davis ‘25, Peace and Justice Studies, Political Science, delivered a statement on October 16 to the United Nations General Assembly First Committee, which considers issues of disarmament and international security. The statement called for greater engagement in youth inclusion and disarmament education (PDF).

In consultation with partners around the world, it was drafted by Professor Matthew Bolton, PhD, and Associate Professor Emily Welty, PhD, co-directors of Dyson College’s International Disarmament Institute, a collaboration between the Peace and Justice Studies and Political Science programs.

Students who contributed to the drafting process include Rachel Kohley ‘27, Political Science; Zachary Powers ‘26, Economics, Political Science; Teresa Siniak ‘24, Communication and Media Studies; Chloe Stout ’26, Political Science; and Marlene Thomas ‘25, Peace and Justice Studies, students in Bolton’s POL297L Global Politics of Disarmament and Arms Control course. The class, which counts for civic engagement credit, brings students to the UN in small groups, allowing them the opportunity to monitor discussions in the First Committee.

“As you deliberate in these conference rooms, center the voices of communities affected by the weapons you are discussing. Their experiences highlight connections to climate inaction, colonization, and intersecting forms of marginalization along the lines of gender, race, class, Indigeneity, sexuality, caste, and disability,” said Davis, on behalf of more than 100 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), educational, and youth organizations from around the world.

The International Disarmament Institute is becoming a space of world-class education and research, and plays a convening role in support of disarmament policymaking, from humanitarian, human rights, and environmental perspectives. Pace’s contributions to promoting the involvement of young people in disarmament forums were featured in a report this year by the UN Secretary-General.