Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Enters into New Partnerships with Eight Leading Universities Around the World

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University has entered into eight new academic partnerships with leading universities from Australia, Spain, Brazil, Germany, India, Switzerland, and Mexico. These collaborations are the latest additions to Haub Law’s seven existing international partnerships. These agreements provide a cooperative framework that will benefit students and faculty at both institutions, providing opportunities for global research, education and cultural immersion.
“Haub Law has a historical and deep-rooted commitment to fostering collaboration with other academic institutions,” said Horace E. Anderson, Jr. Dean of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law. “We believe a well-rounded legal education goes far beyond the walls of our own institution. We live in a globalized world and by collaborating with international institutions we are providing the next generation of legal minds with an opportunity to learn through and with diverse perspectives. Haub Law is proud of its expertise in international environmental law, international human rights, comparative criminal law, and so many other specialties. We look forward to sharing and joining our strengths with the expertise of these new partner institutions.”
Pace’s recent collaborations will result in additional learning opportunities in the United States for students from the partner institutions, including exchange study, dual degree programs, new and innovative joint courses, and additional avenues to publish research.
“The goal of these partnerships is to work toward building mutual programs and learning opportunities for students of all of the institutions,” said Diana M. Ramirez, Associate Director Graduate Programs and International Affairs at Haub Law. “Collaborative educational experiences are integral to the study of law. Our students and those of the various prestigious international institutions where we are collaborating will have the opportunity to form partnerships and share knowledge across geographic and intellectual boundaries, creating a more inclusive learning environment as well.”
New partnerships in Mexico include Tecnologico de Monterrey (TEC), a top five school in Latin American and the #1 ranked school in Mexico. In Argentina, Haub Law has partnered with Universidad de Buenos Aires, which is ranked #1 in Argentina, top 10 in Latin America, and its law school is ranked top 50 worldwide. Haub Law also has a pre-existing collaboration with OP Global Jindal University, which is the #1 ranked law school in India.
Haub Law’s list of new and continuing international partnerships includes:
- The University of Adelaide, student exchange
- University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
- Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, student Exchange and LLM programs
- Universidad de Malaga, student Exchange
- Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), student exchange
- Sorbonne University, student exchange and LLM programs
- The Artic University of Norway (UiT), student exchange
- EBS, student exchange
Costa Rica
- UPEACE, dual degree LLM/MA
- OP Global Jindal University, student exchange, LLM programs
- BITS Law School, general MOU
- Universidad científica del sur, LLM in environmental law degree
- Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), student exchange
- Tecnologico de Monterrey (TEC), student exchange
- Universidad de Buenos Aires, general MOU for collaboration with the environmental programs