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Emily Stolzenberg Receives 2023 Haub Law Emerging Scholar Award in Women, Gender & Law

August 9, 2023
Picture of Professor Emily Stolzenberg, winner of Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Emerging Scholar Award for 2023

Professor Emily J. Stolzenberg of the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law has been selected as the winner of the 2023–2024 Haub Law Emerging Scholar Award in Women, Gender & Law for her paper Nonconsensual Family Obligations, 48 BYU L. Rev. 625 (2022). Professor Stolzenberg is an Associate Professor; she teaches Property, Family Law, Land Use, and Advanced Topics in Family Law.

Professor Stolzenberg’s research focuses on conflicts between obligation and autonomy in the fields of family law and property. Her scholarship has explored a broad range of family-related issues including the rights of unmarried partners and the privatization of dependency. Her recent scholarship has also appeared in the Maryland Law Review and the Boston College Law Review.

Professor Stolzenberg received her JD from Yale Law School, where she was an Editor of the Yale Law Journal and the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism. She also holds an M.Phil. in Political Theory from the University of Oxford and an AB from Princeton University.

Professor Emily Gold Waldman, a member of the award selection committee and the Associate Dean for Faculty Development at Haub Law, said: “Professor Stolzenberg’s thoughtful article asks important questions about whether we are over-relying on consent as a foundation for family support obligations. It critiques consent as a theoretical structure that can contribute to inequality of all kinds—both within a family and between families. This article pushes us all to think about ‘consent’ in a new way.”

About the Award

The Haub Law Emerging Scholar Award in Women, Gender & Law is presented annually in recognition of excellent legal scholarship related to women, gender and the law published by a full-time law professor with five or fewer years of full-time teaching experience. After an open call for submissions, papers are reviewed on a blind basis by members of the Haub Law faculty with expertise in this area. The Haub Law School invites the award recipient to present their winning scholarship to the Haub Law community.

Nominations are due by July 1 of each year and can be directed to Professor Bridget Crawford.

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