
Fabiola Robles: A Woman in the Law

March 24, 2022

Born in Ecuador and raised in Queens, Fabiola Robles is a first generation college graduate and will be the first in her family to obtain a law degree. Fabiola grew up with four older sisters who have had a significant impact on her outlook and drive. “To be a woman in the law, for me, signifies advancement and accomplishment. We have come so far, but we have a long battle ahead as we continue to fight for equality, not just for women, but for other marginalized groups. As I continue throughout my career, they are the women who I keep in mind, as they are some of the strongest, hardworking, dedicated, and focused individuals I have ever met in my life. They are my inspiration. I have witnessed them face several obstacles and overcome them. There are not enough words to do justice how great and inspiring they are to me, all I will say is if I can be half the woman they are, I would be happy.”

Studying at John Jay College, the more exposure Fabiola gained to the legal field the more fascinated she was with it. Fabiola notes that, “After graduating from John Jay, I worked at a law firm and met many attorneys who served as my mentors and helped me gain more exposure to different areas of law, which solidified my decision to pursue a law degree.”

Since starting her law studies at Haub Law, Fabiola has taken a variety of courses with different professors, but it is Professors Bridget Crawford, Bennett Gershman, and Noa Ben-Asher who have had the biggest impact on her. “I am taking the Feminist Legal Theory Seminar right now with Professor Crawford and the most interesting thing to me is the definition of feminism and what it means to be a feminist. Throughout the course, we have read about different perspectives of pioneers of feminism, and it is fascinating to see their different approaches and views on feminism. The course has opened my eyes to think differently about my approach to certain topics, it has made be more mindful and aware about my own feelings and beliefs, and how each feminist theorist may analyze my opinions. Overall, it has been a very rewarding class.”

With graduation impending in May, Fabiola’s immediate goal is to study and pass the bar exam. As far as advice for future law students, Fabiola states, “You have to want it. In my opinion, saying law school is hard is an understatement. While the work may be doable, there will be times you want to give up, those are the moments that will really test your dedication, and the only thing that will get you through is your desire to accomplish your goals, your drive to get that degree. So, my advice is you have to want it. If you want it, that drive, that motivation, that desire, your dreams and your goals, will get you through every single time.”

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In the Media

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In the Media

Haub Law Professor Bennett Gershman speaks with Newsweek about how Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s past statements are being cited in legal arguments against Donald Trump’s executive order seeking to outlaw birthright citizenship.