Faculty and Staff

Haub Law Dean Horace Anderson Named to Westchester County Association Board of Directors

March 29, 2023
Dean Horace Anderson seated for a picture

Horace E. Anderson Jr., Dean of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, has been named to the Board of Directors of the Westchester County Association (WCA).

Dean Anderson’s appointment is a reflection of the long-standing partnership between the Law School and the WCA on policy and programming, including collaborations with its Land Use Law Center and Energy and Climate Center. Together, they launched the Clean Energy Program Portal, which was recognized by Westchester County last year at its 3rd annual ECO Awards. Among its most recent collaborations, Haub Law hosted the inaugural WCA Sustainable Business Conference, bringing together environmental law faculty and alumni experts with thought leaders from across the state to discuss ESG concepts, policy and innovations in business sustainability.

“As leader of an important educational institution located in the county, I am proud to have an opportunity, through service on WCA’s board, to contribute to the success of the business and nonprofit community in Westchester, and to the growth of the regional economy,” said Dean Anderson. “The law school and WCA have forged several successful collaborations over the years. We are excited to continue providing the ideas, expertise and energy of our students, faculty and staff – especially in the vital areas of sustainable business development, renewable energy, land use, and healthcare.”

“The reason the WCA can be so effective on issues that drive regional economy is because leaders like Dean Anderson step up and serve on our board,” said Michael N. Romita, President & CEO, Westchester County Association. “In his tenure at the Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law, Horace has already made invaluable contributions to our sustainability initiatives. We are fortunate to have his thoughtful expertise on our board and look forward to our continued partnership with his new role.”

As the preeminent business membership organization in Westchester County, the WCA is committed to business advocacy, economic vitality and to providing a strong and clear voice for the interests of businesses on the regional, national and international levels. The WCA represents professionals in real estate, healthcare, finance & banking, hospitality, technology and other professional services; as well as municipalities, nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education – supporting their objectives through direct advocacy and original programming.

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An avid reader and world traveler, Steffen Pedersen has worked his entire legal career as a maritime lawyer in international law firms. Currently, he is working as a maritime arbitrator with a keen interest in deep sea mining. He is also a frequently published author and panelist on the topic of international arbitration and mediation, with a focus on East and South-East Asia. Steffen decided to pursue his LLM in Comparative Law at Haub Law to open the door to more opportunities in the United States in his career as an international arbitrator. 

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In the Media

Under Horace E. Anderson Jr., Pace University’s Elisabeth Haub School of Law has increased its enrollment, donations, full-time faculty and partnerships with leading universities worldwide. Anderson, an intellectual property and technology law specialist who joined the faculty in 2004, recently established the Sustainable Business Law Hub, a research incubator devoted to global sustainability. The school now boasts the nation’s top-ranked environmental law program, according to U.S. News & World Report. Anderson also strengthened social justice and community ties through the new Pace Access to Justice Project.