
Inside the Corner Cubicle with Amber Borrero

March 18, 2021

Amber Borrero ’17, a recent communications graduate on the Pleasantville Campus, was a creative student and mentor during her time at Pace, finding ways to help students get involved on campus through organizations such as the AALANA program, Orientation Leaders, and Student Government Association. Borrero applied those skills as an intern for the creatives team at TMPG, an independent marketing company in White Plains, NY, that bridges the worlds of radio, promotions, digital, and new media through innovative programs. TMPG’s clients include Burger King, Coppertone, Dell, Lifetime, Kraft, and more.

In this Q&A with Borrero, get an inside look at what it’s like to intern at an award-winning marketing company, find out how she landed the internship, and learn her advice for students interested in interning.

Internship: Creatives team intern for TMPG in White Plains
How was the internship obtained? Through Career Services
Most valuable takeaway: “I never realized what the steps were behind promoting a product.”
Biggest piece of advice to aspiring interns: “You never know until you try. I am a communications major and never thought that I would be working as a marketing intern.”

How was your overall experience interning for TMPG?
I loved working at TMPG last semester! The people were friendly, and the environment in the office definitely had personality. I worked as an intern for college credit as part of their creatives team. I was in charge of researching data for their social media sites and editing the PowerPoints they have done for their promotions plan. I also pitched ideas they could use to promote products with their clients.

How did Career Services help you land this internship?
I spoke to Nicole Catalfamo, assistant director of Dyson programs and services in Career Services on the Pleasantville Campus, about looking for an internship. She said I would be perfect for this job, so I e-mailed TMPG my resume, got called for an interview, and was hired on the spot.

What was one of the most memorable moments at your internship?
One of the most memorable moments at my internship was when I provided creative ideas toward one of their projects that I was passionate about. One of TMPG's clients, the Trevor Project, needed help promoting a product. The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ young people ages 13–24. I had a lot of fun helping my supervisor come up with unique and creative ideas on how to promote through social media and in the city. I was also in charge of researching fun facts, motivational quotes, and current events on media and ad revenue. It was cool to look at their social media and say, "Hey, that was my work!”

How has the Pace Path helped you in regard to this internship opportunity?
The Pace Path has definitely helped make connections in order to get this internship. I learned making connections is one of the most important things you can do when trying to look for a job. My supervisor actually graduated from Pace University and was roommates with one of my chapter founders for my sorority.

How has this internship shaped you for the future?
If I ever work for another marketing firm in the future, I now have the experience in the marketing field thanks to TMPG.