
Jessica-Taylor Lehman: From Competitive Dancer to International Law Student

May 31, 2022
Headshot of Pace student Jessica-Taylor Lehman

The first in her family to go to law school and pursue a post-graduate degree, Jessica-Taylor Leaman ’24 grew up in Toronto, Canada with her parents and grandparents. Intrigued with the law from an early age, Jessica forged her path to law school by majoring in criminal justice in undergraduate school. “Before I began at Haub Law, I was sure that I wanted to be a criminal defense attorney. However, upon completing my first year, I decided that it wasn’t for me, and I found a new interest in tort and property law.”

Jessica describes her entire experience at Haub Law so far as “welcoming.” “Everyone has been so kind and helpful. The transition as an international student can be especially challenging and the upper year students have truly made my journey here smooth and positive. The professors have been amazing, Professors Mushlin and Czarnezki especially! They truly know how to get the most out of their students. Professor Czarnezki made us laugh each class, and Professor Mushlin reinforced the main concepts every chance he had.”

To further her decision to have a well-rounded law school experience, Jessica is also the representative for the Corporate and Commercial Law Society. “My dream is to work at a firm surrounded by excellent attorneys who will ensure that I never stop learning about the law. As I go through school, I will find my niche but as of now, I am keeping an open mind and embracing whatever opportunities present themselves with open arms.” Jessica is currently completing a summer internship with Bell Temple LLP in Toronto, Canada and is thoroughly enjoying the hands-on learning experience.

In her spare time, Jessica enjoys staying active and focusing on her other passion: dance. She was a competitive dancer until she was 18 and continued as a teacher and choreographer until the summer before her 1L year. “Dance has always been a passion of mine and I like to think that my training has shaped me into a hard working individual who will make a great lawyer.”

As far as advice for future law students, Jessica has two words: stay organized. “There are numerous meetings and networking opportunities that happen on and off campus and it is important to schedule everything in so that you can take advantage of all the opportunities that Haub Law has to offer.”

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