
Knocking it Out of the Park

March 18, 2021

Originally from Stamford, Connecticut, Diego Caro ’17 found a perfect place at NBC Sports Group, where he’s gaining the hands-on experience needed for the field. President of Delta Kappa Epsilon and former President of the InterFraternity Council (IFC), Caro is also a member of the Order of Omega—Greek Leadership Honor Society, and on the Dean’s List.

Where are you currently interning?
Have you had any other internships previously? I am currently interning at NBC Sports Group in Stamford, CT as a Marketing Operations Intern. This is actually my second semester interning here. Prior to my senior year, I also interned with NBCUniversal as a broadcast operations intern with the Jerry Springer Show and Steve Wilkos Show.

What have you been working on at your internship?
I focus primarily on logging and reporting cue sheet information for all departmental promotions. This allows the company to compensate all the composers and publishers for the music we use as part of our promos. I also assist the marketing department with logistics by completing various tasks on a week-to-week basis. I’d say that the majority of the work I do is “behind the scenes work” for the promotions that air on NBC and NBCSN.

Do you believe your internship experience has helped to prepare you for your future?
Without a doubt, my internship experience has certainly prepared me for the future. It’s opened my eyes to an industry I knew very little about before. I’ve learned so much and have built great relationships with my co-workers. It’s taught me the importance of networking, and also how to properly conduct myself in a corporate setting. It’s also taught me how to better manage my time, meet deadlines, and just work hard overall. Whether it’s a big or small task I always push myself to produce the best quality of work because employers take note of that.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?
I can’t stress the importance of networking. I’m sure it’s a term highly overstated but it really is crucial in any field. Every job I’ve ever had has come from networking and just knowing someone already in the company. Another piece of advice is also to not feel discouraged when you don’t hear back from an employer or don’t get the job at first. Use every career fair, phone call, and interview as a learning experience…you really do learn something different each time. Coming from personal experience, you will feel so much more confident and relaxed after the sixth or seventh interview you’ve been to, as opposed to the first.

In a few sentences, describe the best thing about your internship.
The best thing about my internship is working for a network that has such a huge influence in the sports industry. I’ve always loved to play and watch sports so being able to work for a company that brings the thrill of sports to millions of people across the country is truly amazing. Being in an environment where one day you’re working on Sunday Night Football content, and the next day on the Olympics, is actually a dream come true.