
Making Her Mark in Marketing

March 18, 2021

For the last three years, Vinona Rugova ’17 has been a resident assistant on the Pleasantville Campus, and also served as general manager of Pace Connect, a student-run business that is part of our Center for Student Enterprise. This summer, she was as a human resources intern at GroupM in New York City.

Where are you currently interning?
I am currently interning at GroupM, the world’s largest media investment company, as a Human Resources Intern in their NY office.

What have you been working on at your internship? Has it sparked an interest in a career/area of study you hadn’t already thought about? Or has it confirmed that you are on the right path?
Interning at GroupM has been such a fulfilling experience thus far. As an HR intern, I communicate with global partners on a near daily basis. I work heavily with reporting in Excel, and in doing so I have sharpened my Excel skills. Working alongside the Human Resources Director has given me the inside view into how to manage people effectively. I am currently working on a social media recruiting project with other HR interns, with a goal of boosting awareness of GroupM and the abundant opportunities available for new college graduates. I also get to attend many Lunch and Learn events regarding media and media investment, which tie into my major. I have always enjoyed Human Resources and the aspect of building relationships with staff, this internship has helped me experience HR on a grand scale.

Do you believe your internship experience has helped to prepare you for your future?
This internship has prepared me in many ways. I feel more prepared for a 9 to 5 scheduled job. I also feel so well versed in Excel now, which can be a major aspect of any position. This internship even helped me get to know my way around the New York City better. I have never spent so much time in NYC like I am now. Overall I feel like a more confident professional.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships? What Pace resources have you used to help you, and would you recommend them to other students?
My advice would be to really put yourself out there. Attend as many company information sessions as you can and network while you are there. Most importantly, meet with career counselors at Career Services. I am very grateful for Bless Vaidian the Director of Career Services on the Pleasantville Campus! Ever since I walked into her office my freshman year, she has always been willing to help me. GroupM and the other agencies within the parent company WPP have a lot to offer, I encourage people to do some research and apply to positions within this prestigious company.

In a few sentences, describe the best thing about your internship.
One of the best things about my internship is that my boss is so caring and organized, it helps to have a great relationship with her. Another big plus is that the dress code is business casual in the NYC offices. The company really allows people to be creative and be themselves, which in turn makes for a more pleasant and comfortable work environment.