From municipal government to her role at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, MPA alumna Andrea Grenadier has navigated a successful career in public administration.
Nechelle Nicholas '22

Let’s jump right in–how did you spend this past summer, as a rising 3L?
I was a summer intern at Black Marjieh & Sanford LLP. It was a great experience. I had the opportunity to complete assignments in many different aspects of insurance defense. On one day, I was preparing summaries of depositions and medical records. On another day, I was observing depositions, conferences, and was even asked to give feedback on case-strategy. I was also able to draft discovery demands, responses, and motions.
What do you feel you gained from your summer experience?
I definitely gained more practical legal experience, which was my goal for my 2L summer. I began the internship with little knowledge on insurance law and have left with a lot of valuable experience. I saw concepts such as negligence, service of process, and summary judgment at work, and analyzed them in current cases.I also sharpened my legal writing skills.
What activities are you involved in at Haub Law?
I am an Articles Editor on the Pace Law Review, where I lead a group of Junior Associates weekly. My law review note surrounding the Eighth Amendment and ICE detainees in the COVID-19 crisis will be published in the upcoming volume. Also, I am the Public Relations Chair for the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) and will be competing with the BLSA Mock Trial team. Along with those positions, I am a 3L Rep for the Women’s Association of Law Students.
Do you have a specific area of law you are focusing on or know what you hope to do upon graduation?
I am still undecided, but I plan to graduate with the Corporate Law Path to Practice. I have developed a strong interest in litigation, so I hope to do some type of litigation upon graduation, whether it is commercial litigation or in the public interest sphere.
What would you say about your Haub Law experience?
It has been great. I have been able to participate in moot court competitions, the Federal Judicial Honors Program, law review, and a few societies. The small class sizes are a plus in terms of grasping course content and having your professors know you by name. Also, the ability to participate in various externships and programs has helped me to see explore various areas of the law, while still figuring out what I would like to do upon graduation. The non-competitive atmosphere has allowed me to thrive academically and socially, as everyone wants to see you do great.