
Nina Rodriguez '22

October 28, 2021

“Pace has been incredibly kind to me, and I could not imagine my law school experience without the Haub Law community and all of the lifelong friends I have made here.​”

3L Nina Rodriguez spent her summer gaining legal experience as a housing intern with Bronx Legal Services. When she graduates, Nina hopes to help people that are in need and do work that advances social justice. Of importance to her this past summer were building a foundation for her future career through learning practical skills. She described the experience as exactly what she hoped for – very interesting and hands on. “Every day was different for me. Some days I spent a lot of time researching answers to niche landlord/tenant legal questions. Other days, I spent time talking to clients, doing intake, and providing them with advice.”

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Faculty and Staff

The COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement during 2020 forever shaped communities around our nation. Capturing first-hand experiences of how these events impacted people is a critical part of providing primary sources for future researchers, and that’s what Assistant Provost and Clinical Associate Professor of History Maria Iacullo-Bird, PhD, set out to achieve with her Oral History Project.