
Producing a Silver Screen Dream

July 5, 2023

Eden Alcufrom

Class of 2024

Currently Studying: MBA in General Business

Current Internship: Developmental and Production Intern for Marisa Vitali, Emergent Pictures

Pronouns: She/Her

Lubin MBA student Eden Alcufrom '24

When Eden Alcufrom first stepped into the Lubin School of Business, she brought a unique set of skills from the film industry with her but was ready to master a new industry—business. Upon graduating in 2024, Eden will take on the film world with her passion for producing, a business degree from Lubin, and experience in both industries, all of which will set her apart.

How has the Lubin School of Business helped you prepare for your current internship?

I was able to gain confidence in my work thanks to group projects and encouragement from my professors, which has and will help me be successful in my current and future professional experiences and internships. I would specifically like to thank Professor Chris Ramos for proactively helping me in my internship search. He went through my resume and contacted people in his network who he thought would be a match with my skills and knowledge.

What attracted you to this internship?

After completing my undergraduate degree in film studies with a minor in entrepreneurship at The New School, I became even more passionate about film and the many different steps it takes to develop and produce a film. Additionally, upon graduating from the Lubin School of Business with my MBA, I will pursue a career in film production. The knowledge that I am accumulating during this internship will enable me to understand the business aspect of film production and how it can affect or benefit the creative aspect of a project. Becoming a film producer is my ultimate career goal, so having direct contact and access to someone currently in that role allows me to obtain real knowledge on this position.

Describe what a typical day looks like as an intern with Marisa Vitali at Emergent Pictures.

A typical day with producer Marisa Vitali and Emergent Pictures includes going through a collaborative board and completing the tasks that are required of me for that week. Every Monday, Marisa and I meet to go over the status of my tasks, any questions about what we have worked on together, and the different strategies that are required for specific aspects of the projects that we are working on together.

What has been the highlight or most enjoyable aspect of your internship so far?

While there have been many highlights during this experience so far, I am most enjoying having an ongoing dialogue with Marisa about my career goals and how she can best cater this internship to me to help me gain as much knowledge about this field and position as possible.

How has this experience shaped or impacted your career goals?

This experience has made me even more interested in this field. I cannot wait to start working on my own projects where I will be able to handle production.

How will this experience impact your next semester at Lubin?

This experience allows me to fully grasp the area of film I would like to work in after graduating in May 2024. Next semester, I will be taking an arts and entertainment management course that will reinforce the knowledge that I have gained during this internship and will prepare me for my job search.

Regardless of the industry you are looking to pursue an internship in, make sure to take advantage of every opportunity that arises... Having experience across many industries will help you better understand what interests you and what doesn't.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students who would like to pursue an internship in the future?

Regardless of the industry you are looking to pursue an internship in, make sure to take advantage of every opportunity that arises. This will help you form personal communication skills while also allowing you to develop an understanding of how to navigate your upcoming professional life. Having experience across many industries will help you better understand what interests you and what doesn't.

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