Press Release

Professor Sharmila L. Murthy Delivers Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law

September 28, 2022
headshot Professor Sharmila Murthy is Senior Counsel, White House Council on Environmental Quality Professor and Director of Faculty Scholarship and Research at Suffolk University School of Law

Professor Sharmila L. Murthy delivered the Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law on Thursday, September 15 on "Advancing Environmental Justice." The Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law was established in memory of Lloyd K. Garrison in 1995. Professor Sharmila Murthy is Senior Counsel, White House Council on Environmental Quality Professor and Director of Faculty Scholarship and Research at Suffolk University School of Law.

Haub Distinguished Professor of Law, Katrina Fischer Kuh had the pleasure of introducing Professor Murthy, a respected scholar and attorney. During her introduction, Professor Kuh noted that Professor Murthy’s “work is remarkable for the real world impact it has had particularly with respect to environmental justice.” After the introduction concluded, Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law and Associate Dean of Environmental Law Programs and Strategic Initiatives Jason Czarnezki presented Professor Murthy with the Garrison Award and Medal.

Professor Murthy’s lecture focused on the advancement of environmental justice. She started her lecture by discussing the White House Council on Environmental Quality and explaining the Council’s priority areas, structure of the Office, and the initiatives the Council is tasked with. The overall focus of the lecture covered a variety of significant topics related to environmental justice, including the major executive orders on environmental justice, the key initiatives that have happened in the Biden-Harris administration, tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad, key actors, discussion on how the administration is seeking to advance environmental justice across the entire government. During the lecture, Professor Murthy noted, significantly, that “Our shared mission is to advance environmental justice for all.”

Sharmila L. Murthy is a Professor and Director of Faculty Scholarship and Research at Suffolk University Law School. She is currently on leave serving as Senior Counsel at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, where she supports the Biden Administration’s efforts on environmental justice. Professor Murthy’s scholarship focuses on human rights, access to water, climate change, and environmental justice.

After the lecture, audience members had an opportunity to comment and ask questions and a White Plains Alumni & Friends Reception immediately followed the Garrison Lecture. As in the past, this was an opportunity to reconnect with the superb network of Pace | Haub Environmental Law alums in the Westchester vicinity and beyond.

Watch The 2022 Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture

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