
Q&A With Akhila Ramesh '21

August 31, 2021
Students in front of the library on the Pace Pleasantville Campus

Why did you choose to attend Pace?

Akhila Ramesh

I chose to attend Pace (Pleasantville) because it was close to my home and offered a high-quality education on a walkable campus. I also had friends who attended and loved it here.

I transferred from a local community college, and when I first applied, I enrolled as a Management major in the Lubin School of Business, but felt that I wanted a more well-rounded experience. I was always an avid reader and a creative person, so I decided to come to Dyson. Once here, I discovered that I also enjoy writing and telling stories that bring out a range of human emotions. That is what drew me to pursue a degree in communications. I see my skill as a writer improving with each class I take, and I appreciate the context offered by each communications course, including a focus on history, ethics, and various types of writing and mediums.

What activities have you participated in as a student?

While I've been at Pace, I've participated in meetings for the Programming Board, a student-run organization that creates on-campus events, helped form a singing choir called Abyss of Sound, and co-founded a fashion club on campus called POSE.

I also have a passion for the environment, and was selected this year for the United Nations Millennium Fellowship Program, presented by the United Nations Academic Impact as well as the Millennium Campus Network. The aim of my project, entitled "Eco-nomize the Pace University Pleasantville Campus," is to promote green living on-campus, as well as in the school's curriculum, hopefully introducing a new class on sustainability in the upcoming semester.

Related to this is my advocacy for environmentally friendly and sustainable uses of fashion. “Fast fashion” is the second largest polluter in the world, after the oil industry, and I believe that contemporary fashion brands should align with a sustainable social impact or utilize "zero-waste fashion.” A model since I was 18, I am taking part in upcoming pageants in 2021, which include Miss US International and Miss Earth USA.

I enjoy telling stories that bring out a range of human emotions.

You were featured in a News12 Westchester segment on your volunteer efforts to send letters to nursing homes during the COVID-19 crisis. What inspired you to do so?

I felt that volunteering was a way to give back to those suffering from the effects of the virus, or the virus itself, without support in place. Many disparities have been highlighted since the outbreak of COVID-19, and that has made it harder for those across the world to access necessities such as food, medical care, and even close family and friends. I feel that it is a priority to remind everyone that help is there and that it is accessible, and to spread the positive message that we will get through this together.

Tell us about your career goals.

In 2018, I interned in Shanghai, China, at SMH International, an international marketing firm. There, I wrote public relations reports and attended meetings with foreign investors. I feel that my writing skills, along with my passion for various social causes, would allow me to successfully engage in marketing and public relations for various clients in fashion and luxury. That would be my dream job.

I would also like to write a book and become a motivational speaker one day.

What advice, if any, would you like to give to our current students?

Remember that college is an exciting time; spend it as if it were the best years of your life!