
Record-Breaking Success for Haub Law in the National Trial League Competition

December 1, 2023
Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University student competitors for National Trial League Competition

Haub Law’s team for the National Trial League Competition broke a record this year as they were the only school to ever remain undefeated in the National Trial League’s regular season, with a solid finish of seven wins and zero losses. The regular season of the competition ran every two weeks beginning in August and commencing in November. Haub Law is one of four teams that will now move on to playoffs in spring 2024. In addition to Haub Law’s undefeated record, this is the first year since Haub Law started participating in the competition that they have made the playoffs. The Haub Law team was coached by Samantha Tighe ’20 and Hilary Quinn. Haub Law students Joseph Demonte, Liam Rattigan, Chloe Devanny, Matthew Mattesi, Stephanie Areford, Victoria Buzzanca, Alexandra Stata, Arianna Cruickshank, Sabrina Rehfeld, and Katerine Balukas were amongst the students who participated over the course of the seven competitions.

Throughout the Competition, Haub Law students Joseph Demonte, Chloe Devanny, and Alexandra Stata were awarded best advocate awards as well. Student competitor Joe Demonte notes that, “Every time I compete, I feel like I get better, and I really enjoy the competitive aspect of mock trials. This specific competition was really enjoyable because of the short turnaround time. Every two weeks there's a competition so you do not have much time to get ready. I enjoy this challenge because it really tests your ability to think on your feet. This competition is also really a team effort, we would not be as successful as we have been without everyone’s efforts and our coaches.”

During the playoffs this upcoming spring, Joseph Demonte, Liam Rattigan, and Chloe Devanny will compete on behalf of Haub Law. Student competitor Chloe Devanny also notes that hard work that went into the seven rounds of the competition. “If it wasn’t for every single student advocate working their hardest, we would not have the amazing opportunity to compete in the upcoming finals,” said Chloe. Professor Lou Fasulo, Director of Haub Law’s Advocacy Programs and Professor of Practice in Advocacy, added, “I have had the opportunity to work with dozens of great law student advocates, this group of advocates rose to the highest level of expectation and defeated some of the top Trial schools in the country,” said Professor Fasulo. “Their dedication, work ethic, and talent was outstanding and the results prove it. The team’s undefeated status caps a terrific fall competition schedule. Haub Law is proud and our reputation is enhanced by their success.”

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