
Reporter in the Outfield

March 16, 2021

Communications major Tara Bernstein ’18 is an outfielder for Pace’s softball team on the Pleasantville Campus, and a big-time sports enthusiast. Her passion for reporting led her all the way to interning for the Mets, NBC Sports, and New York 1 News (NY1 News). She’s covered everything from human interest stories to play-by-plays, and she’s just getting started! We were lucky enough to catch up with Bernstein on her way to her next gig.

Why did you end up choosing Pace? What set Pace apart from other universities?
I was interested in going away to school in Florida, but I realized NYC had more opportunities. Now looking back, I see all my friends who went to school in Florida, and yeah, it seems like a lot of fun, but I know Pace was a better choice for me. I've already had six internships, so it was a definitely a good choice to be so close to the city with the ability to commute back and forth from home as well as play softball. For me, it was the best package to play softball for them with the scholarship that I got.

Have you worked with Career Services? If so, who referred you?
I met with Nicole Catalfamo my freshman year up until my junior year, and she helped me with my resume. I also attended two workshops there that were all very helpful. While Career Services didn't get me those internships, they really helped me prepare for them. I just applied online for a lot of the internships I received.

What has your preparation process been like when applying and interviewing for positions?
The first internship that I received was with the Mets. It was a part-time job that turned into a full-time one. I just applied on their website, so I wasn't expecting anything. Then I checked my email one day and realized they wrote back to me! I've been a diehard Met fan all my life, so getting that response was kind of a dream come true. After that, it made networking easier to open doors for other opportunities.

I reached out to the Major League Baseball organization, and got to work the all-star game down in Miami. I also worked with NBC Sports Radio. I got that internship because of a broadcasting camp I did in high school. I met one of the directors there, who actually has his own show now. So I interned with them and that really opened doors for me.

Last semester, I worked with NY1 News. I also worked the Power Showcase, which is a recruiting camp for collegiate athletes and younger athletes who get to show off their skills in front of pros and scouts. I was an on field reporter there in Miami. I kind of created my own little show and got to interview the players behind the scenes. Most recently, I was an intern with the transit reporter, José Martinez.

Of all your employment positions, which did you like the best? What was a defining moment for you while working there?
I have to say I liked working for the Mets the most because I'm a diehard fan and I got to bring my friends and family to games. That's something I never got to do when I was at home. I like to make sure they're happy and getting to share that experience. Working there was so fun!

What motivates you?
My family. My dad is one of my biggest supporters and mentors, but also my parents and grandmother. I do everything for them. I'm pushing hard every day so that when they're older, I can take of care of them and they can take it easy. My dad used to take me to my softball practices. He's a musician, so it was a different lifestyle for him—traveling everywhere while he had his gigs.

My family means everything to me. They're a big reason why I wake up every day and strive to be better.

You've worked for the Athletics Department for a while now. How did you get involved? What's it like working there?
I've been commentating for basketball, which is interesting because I've always focused on baseball. In general, working with the Athletics Department has been cool. Working with all the athletes and hearing their stories has been a good experience, and I've been able to create my own content there.

What is it about sports that inspires you? How has it shaped your academic experience at Pace?
I've been playing since I was ten years old. I've always wanted to play baseball, but obviously had to pay softball. It helped me focus in school. I mean, you have to get good grades and be able to work well with others in sports, so that has helped me in school and life, and now everything that my coaches taught is coming together in college ball and interning with the Mets. I can use what I've learned from being on an actual team and transfer that to jobs and life in general. Softball has really taught be to be resilient and confident in myself.

You were a reporter for NY1 News in the fall. Tell us about that!
That was actually very interesting. It was so different! I had been so into covering sports that covering New York City transit news was a different beat for me. Traveling the city and going to the different trains was so interesting. The first story they sent me to cover was when a little boy had passed away and I had to go interview the family. It was so tough—it really reminded me of why I knew I didn't want to be in news, just strictly sports. But it definitely taught me that now I am able to cover news and it shows that I'm well-versed in other subjects, not just sports.