
Science Students Shine at Spring Research Conferences

May 19, 2023

A number of Dyson students in the STEM disciplines earned accolades at research conferences this spring, highlighting their impressive faculty-sponsored work.

NEURON Conference

Emma Brown ’23, Behavioral Neuroscience, won best poster at the NEURON (Northeast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience) Conference, hosted by Quinnipiac University. In her category, Brown was competing against 54 other students from prestigious universities throughout the northeast.

Eastern Colleges Science Conference

Eight students from biology, chemistry, behavioral neuroscience, and forensic science—accompanied by Associate Professor of Biology Daniel Strahs, PhD, and Assistant Professor of Biology Wei Fang, PhD—attended the 2023 Eastern Colleges Science Conference at Sacred Heart University.

Noor Aayla ’23, Behavioral Neuroscience, received the Chemistry Poster Presentation Award for her work with Strahs: "A Method to Analyze Eletctrostatic Interactions Between Ethacridine and Topoisomerase IA in E. coli."

Denia Diaz ’23, Biology, and Anastaiia Kirdiianova ’26, Behavioral Neuroscience, who both conducted research with Jeanmaire Molina, PhD, received the Ecology Poster Presentation Award for their poster "A Symbiotic Trifecta: The world's Largest Parasitic Flowers, Their Host Plant, and the Microbes that Live Within."

Northeast National History Conference

Emily Schmidt ’23, MS Environmental Science and Policy, took second place in the graduate student category at the Northeast Natural History Conference in Burlington, Vermont, for her poster titled “Are Human Perceptions of the Environment Consistent with Ecological Data? A Study of User’s Opinions and Water Quality in the Pocantico River, Westchester County, NY.” Her research was a collaborative project with Clinical Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Michael Rubbo, PhD, and Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Anne Toomey, PhD.

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Research and Scholarship

As part of a collaboration funded by the Amelia A. Gould Undergraduate Research Assistantship, Film and Screen Studies student Ben Pfeifer '26 and Art professor Jillian McDonald used 3D animals, AR, and drawings inspired by pandemic musings to create a vivid narrative of climate change and artistic exploration which were projected on the Manhattan Bridge.