
Spotlighting the Importance of STEM with Sasha Alston '20

April 2, 2024

The Lubin Link Podcast

Lubin alumna Sasha Alston

Sasha Alston '20 is on a mission to ensure that young women and girls know the importance of coding and STEM-based industries. Equipped with her BBA in Information Systems and a minor in marketing from the Lubin School of Business, Sasha has authored children's chapter books highlighting the STEM adventures of her main character, Sasha Savvy. In this episode, Sasha also discusses her role as a Business Analyst at JPMorgan.

Tune into the Lubin Link podcast to hear how guests went from go-getting Lubin students to successful entrepreneurs, social media mavens, directors, CEOs, and beyond. They offer their best tips to students and share how you can make the most out of your #LubinLife.

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