Press Release

Westchester County Honors Pace Energy and Climate Center and Partner WCA with ECO Award

April 26, 2022
Westchester County Executive George Latimer with Michael Romero, President and CEO of the WCA, and Horace E. Anderson, Jr, Dean of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law, and Craig Hart, Executive Director of the Pace Energy and Climate Center
Westchester County Executive George Latimer with Michael Romero, President and CEO of the WCA, Horace E. Anderson, Jr, Dean of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law and Craig Hart, Executive Director of the Pace Energy and Climate Center

On Earth Day, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University’s Energy and Climate Center and its partner the Westchester County Association (WCA), were honored for their work developing a Clean Energy Program Portal at the 3rd annual Westchester County ECO Awards. The awards ceremony was hosted by Westchester County Executive George Latimer and Westchester County’s Department of Environmental Facilities at Glen Island Park in New Rochelle to recognize outstanding contributions to the environment and sustainability made by residents, students, schools, municipalities, businesses, and other organizations throughout the county.

The Clean Energy Program Portal is a dynamic searchable guide to clean energy incentives, tools and technical support for businesses in Westchester and the surrounding region. Pace and WCA developed the portal to support the local business community in embracing sustainable business practices in the Westchester County and beyond.

“While the Center works on a broad range of initiatives internationally, nationally and state-wide, there is no more important work than our work in our own community,” said Craig Hart, Executive Director of the Pace Energy and Climate Center who accepted the award along with Michael Romero, President and CEO of the WCA, and Horace E. Anderson, Jr, Dean of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law. “Our collaboration with the Westchester County Association is important to our encouraging greater sustainability among the business community in Westchester.”

Along with the Pace Energy and Climate Center and the WCA, Westchester County recognized several other non-profit organizations and volunteers whose innovation and support to municipalities has helped the county remain a leader in its sustainability efforts compared to many other counties, states, and regions.

Read more about the ECO Awards

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An avid reader and world traveler, Steffen Pedersen has worked his entire legal career as a maritime lawyer in international law firms. Currently, he is working as a maritime arbitrator with a keen interest in deep sea mining. He is also a frequently published author and panelist on the topic of international arbitration and mediation, with a focus on East and South-East Asia. Steffen decided to pursue his LLM in Comparative Law at Haub Law to open the door to more opportunities in the United States in his career as an international arbitrator. 

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