
The Write Stuff

March 24, 2021
woman holding phone and typing

Kamari Stewart ’19 has worked for some heavy-hitting companies. She’s interned for the likes of Viacom, the Brennan Center for Justice, and The New Food Economy; acted as the managing editor for Pace’s Spoon University chapter; written for multiple digital publications; and most recently, landed a coveted internship at NBCUniversal for the TODAY show.

Before she began taking the Pleasantville Campus by storm, though, Stewart was unsure about whether she would attend Pace. It took a conversation with then-Dean of the Pforzheimer Honors College Susan Dinan, PhD, at a PaceBound event to really solidify Stewart’s decision. “She told me, ‘You’re not going to make a bad decision, you just have to make the best one.’ That is something that has stood with me for the past four years. She wasn’t trying to convince me that all of these others schools were bad—just to do what was right for me.”

What’s right for Stewart is also, as it turns out, writing. “For as long as I can remember, writing has been something that I’d loved to do,” she told us, explaining that her involvement in her high school student newspaper was what initially sparked her interest in journalism. “I chose digital journalism [as a major] because I like that it targets the digital aspect. We are in a digital world and it’s important to know how to adjust to that.” Not one to miss an opportunity, Stewart also set her sights on double minoring in politics and public relations. “I’m a person who likes to have as many options as possible,” she said. She felt that both areas of study have helped her navigate spaces in both communications and the news cycle.

And Stewart is all about research. Her recent feature for The New Food Economy regarding the rate of Amazon reviews in relation to food that’s too sweet was particularly compelling—and not to mention timely. “[It] was my second summer with them and it was even better than the last,” Stewart enthused. As their editorial intern, she hand a hand in a variety of tasks; from social media to the newsletter to feature writing and editing. “It’s a small newsroom so there’s a lot of moving parts [and] several pieces in rotation to be produced. My favorite task [was] getting to write for them. The editor who I was working with, Karen Stabiner, [was] just amazing. I was so nervous to write anything for them at all, and she made sure I put out the best quality work possible.”

It was that incredible ambition and work ethic that caught the attention of the Emma Bowen Foundation, where Stewart was awarded a fellowship. Its mission, to provide students of color multi-year internships in media, aligns perfectly with her passions. “I think media and newsrooms should be reflective of the world we live in,” she told us. “There is so much talent out there and foundations like the Emma Bowen Foundation give everyone an opportunity to succeed.”

Her advice for students looking to follow in her footsteps? “Stay focused and keep working toward your goals. You might face a lot of nos before you get one yes—but that will make it all the more worthwhile. You deserve to be here.” Also, she adds: “Use your resources! There are so many people at Pace who are here to help you. I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am now without the immense support I got from staff members, advisors, and faculty members.”

We can’t wait to catch Stewart’s next amazing project in the digital landscape. It’s sure to make waves!