Pace Now


Students receive grant funding from Aging in America, Inc.

January 2, 2024

Jamaican American entrepreneur and trailblazing author Glen Laman ’73 is a Dyson alumnus whose success has been built on a foundation of the liberal arts and sciences.

January 2, 2024

Susanna Lammervo (MS in Human-Centered Design ‘23) first learned about the NYC Design Factory program sitting in her Information Architecture class, taught by Seidenberg Professor Andreea Cotoranu.

January 2, 2024
Research and Scholarship

Professor Nicholas Robinson’s article, Fostering International Conversation, co-authored with Dr. Grethel Aguilar Rojas of the IUCN, was published in AAAS Science Policy Forum. The article discusses how international laws seek to half the mass extinction of species on Earth today, beginning with the Endangered Species Act, and the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species, which are 50 years old this year.

December 21, 2023
In the Media

But there are few tools available to hold the justice accountable, says Pace University Law Prof. Bennett Gershman. Thomas' willingness to receive such benefits, including trips and vacations which total in the millions of dollars, is almost “certainly unlawful and ethically reprehensible,” Bennett Gershman, a former New York prosecutor and law professor at Pace University, told Salon. “We have never seen a situation like this before,” Gershman said. “Thomas could be removed from the Supreme Court for his misconduct but won’t be. He won’t leave voluntarily even if he doesn’t like the pay. He has lifetime tenure. His position appears to be to stonewall his detractors and continue to serve on the Court, serving without much distinction, but with considerable power.”

December 21, 2023
In the Media

“​The state court ruling sets a historic precedent which other states may follow,” Bennett Gershman, a former New York prosecutor and law professor at Pace University, told Salon. “It is a landmark ruling. I can’t think of an application of this provision in modern times.”

December 21, 2023
In the Media

Pace University has announced its introducing a new game development program starting in fall 2024. Students can now graduate with Bachelor's Degree in game development, and will have the opportunity to learn how to create mobile and traditional video games, preparing them for a booming industry. Pace athletics announced E-Sports as its 15th varsity sport back in 2021. The program was recently voted number one in the nation after winning a march madness-styled bracket for college esports programs.

December 21, 2023
In the Media

“As of 2020, the game industry is larger than the film and sports industry combined,” said Carmine Guida, professor of computer science and director of the game development program at Pace. “Our new Game Development major is highly project-based, enabling our students to graduate with a diverse portfolio of styles and genres of games. All are welcome to apply. Students who love technology and want to use it for creative pursuits thrive in this new major.”

December 21, 2023
Westfair Online
In the Media

Love video games? Make it your career. Pace University will launch a video game development program in the fall of 2024.

The new bachelor's degree will aim to produce students with a well-rounded education in game development, including computer science, art, design, and narrative, according to a news release Thursday.

December 21, 2023
In the Media

Pace President Marvin Krislov writes in Forbes about the coming AI revolution and why college graduates will be ready for it.

December 21, 2023