Pace Now

Faculty and Staff

I often say that the Pace Community is a family, and when I glance across this issue of Pace Now—which really means that when I look across our campuses this month—what I see is everyone in the Pace family coming together to celebrate the great things we’re accomplishing.

October 3, 2023
In the Media

This year, I’m happy to report, it really feels like we’ve turned a corner. As I see students on campus and run into faculty in hallways, as I chat with colleagues between meetings and hear from students in the class I teach each fall, I’m getting a different feeling than I have in some time. It’s a sense of cautious optimism. A sense that things are different. A sense that we’re all ready to put all the challenges and difficulties behind us, shake off the malaise of the past few years, and dive into something new.

October 3, 2023

Imagine dancing with Doja Cat. Now imagine doing it in front of 865,000 people. For Joanne Daquigan, Jada Clark, and Tiffani Rusell that dream became reality. Last month, they and several other members of the Pace Commercial Dance community performed alongside some heavy-hitting A-listers at MTV's VMAs.

October 3, 2023

Assistant Provost for Wellness Sue Maxam, EdD, gives us the scoop on Pace’s Center for Wellbeing and how it is helping make the Pace Community a “community of care.”

October 2, 2023
Faculty and Staff

Join Pace Library in the return of Adulting 101, a series of community-led workshops covering life skills every student needs to know but might not otherwise learn in the classroom.

October 2, 2023

Although he's far away from home, Danny Canales '24 is finding his on-campus family at the Lubin School of Business. Not only is the native Los Angeleno building a network within our Arts and Entertainment Management program, but he is also creating a community within several organizations that promote culture, the arts, and athletics.

October 2, 2023

Computer science student Sachin Archer knows what it’s like to defy expectations. His journey has led him from Jamaica to New York City, and now the world. Take it from him, it’s never too early to dive in: “I'm doing all these amazing things. And I'm only 19.”

October 2, 2023

Thanks to a new designation provided by the Federal Aviation Administration, Pace’s innovative drone program is flying high. Read how Professor Kate Fink, PhD, is exploring drone usage, regulations, and preparing Pace students for the FAA's Commercial Drone Pilot License exam.

October 2, 2023

Lubin student Richelle Fatalo '25 isn't afraid to step out of her comfort zone. When the opportunity to study abroad arose, Richelle went after it—despite having never set foot in the country that she would soon call home. Not only did she get to visit new cities and see historic landmarks, but she also gained valuable insight into how marketing is done in other countries.

October 2, 2023

Who is going to address the Class of 2024? You tell us! The annual speaker and honorary degree recipient nomination process has opened so be sure to submit your nomination no later than Friday, October 27.

October 1, 2023