Pace Now

In the Media

Professor Bennett Gershman writes about “The Tragic Case of Crosley Green” for Law & Crime. Green spent 31 years in prison before he was granted release in 2021 by a federal judge. Now, following two years of freedom with his family, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed the ruling and ordered him back to prison next week. Professor Gershman recounts this unsettling case, examining the constitutional and ethical duties of the prosecutor who failed to disclose information resulting in the release, and questioning the “heart” of the American justice system.

April 14, 2023
Law & Crime
In the Media

Legal Theory Blog reports Professor Katrina Fisher Kuh posted an article on “Can the Constitution Save the Planet?”

Here is the abstract: The Constitution as presently worded, interpreted, and applied is obstructing the development of a robust societal response to climate change, in part by failing adequately to protect healthy democratic processes and advance real social justice. We could, of course, amend the Constitution to explicitly support protection of the environment and/or better protect democratic processes and advance social justice.

April 14, 2023
Legal Theory Blog

Fatima Rehana '23 always dreamed of getting a graduate degree that combined her interests in marketing and analytics. She found that unique opportunity at the Lubin School of Business. As she pursues her MBA in Marketing Analytics, Fatima is also building leadership skills and friendships on campus by taking advantage of all of the student organizations that Pace University offers.

April 13, 2023

Rebecca Sikar '19 joins the latest episode of The Lubin Link to discuss how she broke into the business side of fashion and worked her way up in the industry before landing her current role as the Global PR Manager of 3.1 Phillip Lim.

April 13, 2023
Announcements and Statements
April 12, 2023

Three Dyson students have been selected for the prestigious Jeanette K. Watson Fellowship, a three-year cohort experience that connects students from 12 New York City partner institutions to funded internship opportunities across the country and abroad.

April 11, 2023
Press Release

Terryl Brown, an attorney with extensive legal, leadership, and management experience in city and state government, has been named vice president and general counsel for Pace University.

April 11, 2023
Press Release
In the Media

"To me, it's straightforward criminal law," said Bennett Gershman, a Pace University law professor and former prosecutor. "You've got the act, you've got the consequences and you've got the culpable mental state. I don't know how he could say he didn't intend to do it."

April 7, 2023
In the Media

"They are going to try to throw as much smoke and mirrors and red herrings into the case as they can. With Trump, every single microscopic issue is going to be litigated," said Bennett Gershman, a law professor at Pace University.

April 7, 2023
Law 360
In the Media

For students in Sarah Blackwood’s How to Read Moby-Dick class at Pace University, learning about Herman Melville’s work isn’t confined to lectures, essays or classroom discussions. Blackwood’s syllabus includes a tour of Lower Manhattan locations featured in the author’s novels and stories: the Wall Street law offices where Bartleby, the titular scrivener of one of Melville’s best-known stories, worked, as well as the streets that Ishmael walked in the opening chapter of Moby-Dick.

April 7, 2023
Inside Higher Ed