A Mission to Spread Financial Literacy

Lubin School of Business

Lubin graduate student Shrey Jain '25 is on a mission to spread financial literacy and help others gain financial awareness.

Pace University Lubin School of Business student Shrey Jain '25

Shrey Jain

Class of 2025

Currently Studying: MBA in Business Analytics

Pronouns: He/Him

Pace University Lubin School of Business student Shrey Jain '25

Tell us about an extraordinary project you are presently working on for school or for fun.

I am on a mission to spread financial literacy. This summer, I dedicated my time to researching various macroeconomic and microeconomic data using the Bloomberg Terminal, sharing insights through regular posts. I plan to continue this work even after graduation. Overall, I would like to help others gain financial awareness. You can have a look at the article I worked on this summer (PDF).

Why did you choose your degree program?

I am pursuing an MBA in Business Analytics because of its broad applicability. To be an effective leader, one must have a bird's eye view of the entire organization. Business Analytics equips me with the skills to analyze data, identify trends, and make informed decisions. Additionally, it provides a macro perspective on overall business operations, enabling me to understand and navigate complex challenges.

Are you a part of any clubs? If so, which?

As a member of the Finance Club, I've had the privilege of exploring numerous opportunities that have enriched my understanding of the real financial world. One highlight was meeting Bill Ackman at an event, where I had the chance to ask him questions directly, gaining valuable insights from his experience.

What are your career goals?

My goal is to build a fintech startup and develop products for index option writing. Additionally, I plan to raise $100 million by 2030 and take the company public by 2034.

What do you do in your free time when you're not interning or taking classes?

In my free time, I read about unique business models and do research on microcap companies using the Bloomberg Terminal.

Surround yourself with quality people and build a strong network. A good network is not just for job or internship references, but for meaningful conversations, exchanging ideas, and sharing cultures. Building these relationships enriches your personal and professional life in ways that go beyond monetary gain.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students?

Surround yourself with quality people and build a strong network. A good network is not just for job or internship references, but for meaningful conversations, exchanging ideas, and sharing cultures. Building these relationships enriches your personal and professional life in ways that go beyond monetary gain. At the start, don't focus on earning money; instead, focus on investing in yourself and upskilling. In my life I have met quality people who have provided me with support, inspiration, and diverse perspectives that have shaped my journey.

Connect with Shrey:

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Professor Vanessa Merton Posthumously Recognized with 2024 Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University is proud to announce that the 2024 Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement has been awarded to Professor Vanessa Merton posthumously.

Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Professor Vanessa Merton
Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Professor Vanessa Merton

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University is proud to announce that the 2024 Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement has been awarded to Professor Vanessa Merton posthumously. The Richard Ottinger Faculty Achievement Award is awarded annually by the Faculty Development Committee, in consultation with the Dean, in recognition of a full-time professor’s outstanding service to the law school, the legal profession, or both. The award generally is based on the faculty member’s outstanding service during the previous academic year.

Professor Katrina Fischer Kuh, chair of the Faculty Development Committee, remarked: “While dealing with grave illness, Professor Vanessa Merton dedicated significant time and energy, at a moment when both were precious to her, to the Pace Immigration Justice Clinic. From spearheading outreach efforts to help recruit highly qualified candidates to lead the Pace Immigration Justice Clinic, to contacting alumni and colleagues for their continued support of the Clinic, to working with family to help establish and fund the Vanessa Merton Immigration Justice Fellowship, Vanessa displayed outstanding service of the highest order, as she did throughout her career. This recognition in the form of the Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement is a small way in which we can honor the time and energy that Professor Merton dedicated to the IJC over the last year, which will greatly benefit the Clinic, its clients, our school, and our students.”

The Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement is named in honor of Richard L. Ottinger, who served in the United States House of Representatives for eight terms, from 1965 to 1971 and from 1975 to 1985. Ottinger was Dean of the Law School from 1994 to 1999 and is the founder of the Pace Energy Project, now known as the Pace Energy and Climate Center. Learn more about the Richard Ottinger Faculty Achievement Award and other faculty designations and awards.

Professor Vanessa Merton began her legal education career at New York University School of Law, and was a founding faculty member of CUNY Law School, and a Mellon and National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow. She joined Haub Law’s faculty in 1989 and served as Associate Dean for Clinical Education and Executive Director of John Jay Legal Services, while creating and teaching clinics in Access to Health Care and Prosecution of Domestic Violence, and innovative programs aimed at providing legal services to those in need. In 2005, Professor Merton founded the Pace Immigration Justice Clinic and served as its Executive Director until early 2024. In this role she was a steadfast advocate for her clients and a role model for Haub Law students — providing representation on applications for asylum or family-based status, in removal proceedings at state and federal detention facilities, and on petitions for crime victims and juvenile immigrants. She assisted travelers detained at airports under the 2017 Trump Executive Orders, spent spring breaks volunteering at immigrant detention centers on the southern border, and established a 200-student emergency operation to assist people affected by 9/11. She was also a passionate advocate for protecting the rights of all American voters. Professor Merton passed away on July 15, 2024, and is fondly remembered as a teacher and mentor to generations of Haub Law students, many of whom she inspired to pursue careers in immigration justice or as public interest lawyers.

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Second Annual Private Environmental Governance, Sustainability, and ESG Legal Scholarship Workshop Held by the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

On September 12, 2024, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Environmental Law Program held the second annual private environmental governance, sustainability, and ESG legal scholarship workshop. The half-day lightning workshop included an impressive gathering of environmentally focused scholars who spent the day workshopping new scholarship. This year’s workshop was developed by Haub Law Professor Josh Galperin, who also moderated the event.

Attendees gathered for the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University 2024 Sustainable Business Law Workshop
Attendees gathered for the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University 2024 Sustainable Business Law Workshop

On September 12, 2024, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Environmental Law Program held the second annual private environmental governance, sustainability, and ESG legal scholarship workshop. The half-day lightning workshop included an impressive gathering of environmentally focused scholars who spent the day workshopping new scholarship. This year’s workshop was developed by Haub Law Professor Josh Galperin, who also moderated the event.

“This year’s sustainable business focused workshop included presentations by eight scholars in the field,” said Professor Galperin. “All participants were engaged, provided thoughtful comments, and left with new inspiration for future impactful work. Sustainable business practices are vital to the future of our environment and gathering individuals in a workshop setting who are dedicated to that goal moves us closer to achieving it.”

This year’s workshop was held the day before the 'Profit & Purpose' Sustainable Business Conference, which each year, Haub Law partners with the Westchester County Association (WCA) to host. The ‘Profit & Purpose’ Conference is attended by business, nonprofit, and government leaders, focused on new opportunities in sustainable investing and real estate, navigating an evolving regulatory landscape, and the connection between sustainability and diversity, equity and inclusion. Numerous sustainable business workshop attendees also attended the Conference held the following day, capitalizing on the momentum of sustainability forward thought-sharing.

“Through all of our sustainable business focused activities we are providing a space for business, environmental, and legal professionals to gather and advance practical sustainable business practices, not just in Westchester County, but nationally and internationally,” said Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law, Associate Dean of Environmental Law Programs and Strategic Initiatives, and Faculty Director, Sustainable Business Law Hub, Jason Czarnezki. “Whether it is at our workshops, conferences, or lectures where we showcase top scholars in the field or through our Sustainable Business Law Hub, which is supported by law students and scholars, we are focused on sustainable business practices as one of the keys to a healthy environmental future. Haub Law’s Sustainable Business Law Hub helps put theory into practice, this workshop serves to bolster that goal.”

The first annual private environmental governance, sustainability, and ESG legal scholarship workshop was held in spring 2023 in partnership with Vanderbilt Law School. The workshop has historically been and continues to be funded through the Sustainable Business Law Hub and the Haub Innovation Fund. Haub Law’s Sustainable Business Law Hub serves as an incubator space, student-training program, research endeavor, and think tank devoted to addressing global sustainability challenges through policy and research projects, relationships with the business community, and capacity building in private environmental governance. The Haub Innovation Fund is part of the generous naming gift to the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, which was made by the Haub Family, tireless environmental advocates and philanthropists.

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Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Hosts 3rd Annual WCA Sustainable Business Conference Featuring Haub Law Faculty and Alumni

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

For the third consecutive year, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University partnered with the Westchester County Association to host its Annual ‘Profit and Purpose’ Sustainable Business Conference at the Law School. The conference, held on Friday, September 13, brought together well over 100 business, nonprofit, and government leaders to discuss how businesses are innovating around climate change and social responsibility and inspire organizations to apply these principals to advance ESG in their practices.

Keynote Speaker and audience view at 3rd Annual WCA Sustainable Business Conference held at The Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Dean Horace Anderson along with Haub Law faculty, BOV, and WCA speakers at WCA conference held at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law

For the third consecutive year, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University partnered with the Westchester County Association to host its Annual ‘Profit and Purpose’ Sustainable Business Conference at the Law School. The conference, held on Friday, September 13, brought together well over 100 business, nonprofit, and government leaders to discuss how businesses are innovating around climate change and social responsibility and inspire organizations to apply these principals to advance ESG in their practices.

The conference kicked off with remarks from Horace E. Anderson, Jr., Dean of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University and Michael N. Romita, president and CEO of the Westchester County Association (WCA). Dr. Stephen Hammer, Founding CEO of The New York Climate Exchange, delivered opening remarks, sharing the vision of its innovative center for climate solutions on Governors Island. Through its many partnerships, the Exchange leverages the collective power of education, research, workforce development, policy development, and public programming to advance climate action at the local, national, and global level. Referring to the conference, Hammer said, “Its these kinds of conversations that are so helpful because they make it very clear as to the challenges or opportunities on the ground.”

Dean Horace Anderson along with Haub Law faculty, BOV, and WCA speakers at WCA conference held at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law

The half-day conference offered four panel discussions featuring experts in energy policy, business strategy, finance, law and compliance, including two panels led by several Pace | Haub Environmental Law faculty and alumni.

Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law, Associate Dean of Environmental Law Programs and Strategic Initiatives, and Faculty Director, Sustainable Business Law Hub, Jason Czarnezki moderated a panel titled, “What do ESG Lawyers and Sustainability Consultants Do?” which examined the rapid rise of sustainability and ESG expertise in law, accounting, and consulting firms. Haub Law alums Lauren Bachtel ‘13, Senior Counsel, Linklaters LLP; Zachary L. Berliner ‘18, Associate, Lowenstein Sandlers LLP’s Environmental Law & Litigation Group and ESG Practice; and Samantha Perlmutter ‘23, Sustainability Tax Staff at EY, along with Elizabeth Gousee Ballottee, Partner at PKF O’Connor Davies, joined the panel to discuss what services these professionals provide to clients such as advising on the role of directors in business sustainability, socially responsible investing and ESG ratings, voluntary reporting, and other voluntary sustainability regimes.

Another panel on “Greenwashing, ESG/Climate Disclosures, and The Chevron Doctrine’s Death” was moderated by Pace | Haub Environmental Law Professor Josh Galperin, and included Sustainable Business Law Hub Fellow Barbara Ballan, LLM ‘24, former Sustainable Business Law Fellow Maggie Pahl ’23, Environmental Attorney with Holland & Knight, and Brendan Reilly ‘04, Senior Legal Director of ESG Disclosures at PepsiCo. The panel addressed the laws and regulations that cover ESG disclosure, as well as consumer and securities greenwashing litigation, especially in light of recent decisions about regulatory authority from the Supreme Court, highlighting litigation risks.

The 2024 WCA Sustainable Business Conference offered key insights to help businesses start on a path to sustainability:

  1. How Consumers Are Demanding Sustainability – and Why You Should Listen: Customers are choosing businesses that prioritize sustainability. This demand presents an opportunity for companies to innovate, build stronger brands, and attract new markets. Transparency and responsible practices are key to winning over today’s socially-conscious consumers.
  2. New York's Clean Energy Push: Are You Ready for Challenges Ahead? The state's clean energy goals are revealing the complexities of transitioning to a sustainable future. While the journey has had its hurdles, progress continues, driven by policy changes. Businesses need clear timelines, flexibility, and resources to adapt.
  3. The ESG Regulations You Can't Afford to Ignore to Stay Ahead of the Game: The landscape of ESG reporting is constantly changing. While Europe is ahead in standardization, U.S. regulations are catching up. Businesses should prepare to align with frameworks like SSB and TCFD, ensuring their sustainability practices are not only effective but compliant with emerging standards.
  4. Is Your Organization Ready for Climate Risks? Here's What You Need to Know: From flooding to business interruptions, the impacts of climate change can be serious. Understanding these risks and planning for them is essential for resilience. Insurance and risk mitigation strategies can help protect businesses from climate-related disruptions.
  5. Collaboration Is the Secret to Sustainability – Don't Miss Our on These Opportunities: Tackling sustainability challenges requires teamwork. Cross-industry collaboration, like Con Edison’s Clean Energy Networks and the NY Climate Exchange, offers opportunities to develop new solutions. Working together with other businesses, policymakers, and educational institutions can help create practical, effective strategies for a sustainable future.
  6. Your Business Can't Ignore ESG Anymore. Here's Why: While addressing environmental issues may seem straightforward, social and governance challenges are just as critical. DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is gaining importance in sustainability efforts, especially with policies like the Inflation Reduction Act’s "Justice 40" clause. Westchester businesses need to embrace the full scope of ESG to stay ahead.

Video recap of the 2024 conference Photos from the event

A special thanks to the 2024 conference sponsors:

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Beyond the Internship: A Seidenberg Student-Athlete’s Career Leap

Seidenberg School of CSIS

Justin is a student-athlete majoring in Computer Science at Pace University’s Seidenberg School. He just finished up his junior year and had a summer internship at Staples. I recently caught up with Justin to hear about his internship experience which, in short, was phenomenal.

Pace University Seidenberg student Justin O'Neill dunking a basketball into a hoop at the Pace gym during a basketball game.
Pace University Seidenberg student Justin O'Neill dunking a basketball into a hoop at the Pace gym during a basketball game.
Carrie Sena

Remember Justin O'Neill? Justin is a student-athlete majoring in Computer Science at Pace University’s Seidenberg School. When we last spoke, Justin was finishing up his junior year and preparing for a summer internship at Staples. I recently caught up with Justin to hear about his internship experience which, in short, was phenomenal. Keep reading to learn more about Justin’s journey at Staples which (spoiler alert) is still unfolding…

Justin’s internship began on a positive note. He, alongside 40–50 other student interns, attended orientation at which they learned about Staples and about what to expect as an intern. Leaders from across the company shared information about its structure as well as key components of its culture. “Hearing from leadership about Staples’ goals and values really set the tone for the summer,” notes Justin. “And understanding more about the operational infrastructure was great context for me to have getting started.”

Justin was assigned to the Global Notification Platform Team which oversees communication related to all eCommerce transactions made on the company’s domain. As the only intern working with this small team, Justin was asked to contribute to a wide variety of projects with far-reaching and immediate impact. At times, he was surprised by the amount of opportunity he was given. “I had the perception that, as an intern, I would be assigned to less challenging tasks,” notes Justin. “Instead, I was given the opportunity to work on interesting and impactful projects.” Through working on such projects, Justin gained an awareness of the full lifecycle of his team’s process, including product initiation, development, testing, demoing, and going live.

Justin was also given his own project in which he was asked to engineer a solution to streamline a time-consuming process managed by the Staples Support Team. He met with the Support Team to learn about their needs and goals. From there, he built a system to address their pain points and create efficiency in the process. “It was really empowering to manage the project and make key decisions,” shares Justin. “I learned so much about collaboration, communication and creative thinking in this process.” Justin leveraged many of the skills he’s learned at Seidenberg to accomplish the project.

During his last week at Staples, Justin was given the chance to share his internship experience with Staples staff, members of senior leadership and other interns. He discussed the team he worked on, the skills he learned and was able to share a bit about himself. That this opportunity to reflect was part of his, as well as every student’s internship journey, was further evidence of a theme that was made clear to Justin all along – Staples’ deep investment in the intern experience. “I noticed this on day one with how comprehensive orientation was,” shares Justin. “And throughout the summer, there were many events organized to prepare students for the future.” Some of these activities included career readiness and resume building workshops as well as sessions focused on interview tactics and financial literacy. “All of these offerings, in addition to the incredible opportunities I was afforded through my team, made the internship an extraordinary experience!”

And Justin’s story at Staples continues.

At the end of the summer, he was asked to meet with a senior manager to interview for the company’s Rotational Program, wherein new hires are part of a 2-year program consisting of four 6-month rotations on different teams after which the individual can choose their path. Soon after the interview, Justin learned that he was selected for the Program, which will begin after he graduates. “I’m relieved to have a job lined up for when I graduate, as I know how challenging it can be to find work,” shares Justin, who is also incredibly happy to be returning to Staples. “I am thrilled to say the least!”

We, too, are thrilled and are excited to see what the future holds for Justin, in his senior year and beyond.

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Building and Embracing Community: Q+A with Lily Lockwood

Dyson College of Arts and Science

Lily Lockwood ’26, a double major in Peace and Justice Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies, shares her journey of discovering her passion for activism and social justice and reflects on the vibrant queer, femme, and activist community on campus that shaped her academic path.

Pace University Peace and Justice Studies and Women's and Gender Studies student Lily Lockwood
Antonia Gentile
Pace University Peace and Justice Studies and Women's and Gender Studies student Lily Lockwood

Lily Lockwood

Class of 2026

Peace and Justice Studies, BA
Women’s and Gender Studies, BA

How did you become interested in pursuing a double major in Peace and Justice Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies?

I entered Pace as an undecided major because I wasn’t exactly sure what path I wanted to pursue. During my spring semester, I added a Peace and Justice Studies (PJS) course, The Artist as Activist and Activist as Artist, with Emily Welty, PhD, to my schedule because I wanted to get a taste of the major. Over the course of the semester, I fell more in love with PJS and knew I would be declaring it as a major.

Around the same time, I became interested in pursuing a Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies minor to complement the PJS curriculum. At the start of my second year, I had taken so many Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) courses, met professors I wanted to continue studying with, and found courses I still wanted to take. So, it seemed only natural to add it as a double major. Like the year before, I decided to declare a Queer Studies minor to complement the WGS coursework. Every time I return to a PJS or WGS classroom, I am reminded of just how much I love studying both subjects.

Why did you choose to attend Pace?

I chose Pace because the first time I visited the New York City campus, I felt more welcomed and excited about going to college than on any other college tour I attended. Having been here for a couple of years now, I think a big part of that immediate sense of comfort is due to the strong queer, femme, and activist presence that I feel on campus, particularly within my majors. Pace also offered me the largest scholarship of the schools I applied to, which definitely made my decision even easier.

What have your experiences been like with the departments of your major? What faculty members have been instrumental in your academic journey?

I am so incredibly grateful for the connections I’ve made with my professors over the past few years, and many of them have been very instrumental during my time at Pace.

Professor Welty has been the most influential professor I’ve had the privilege to learn from and work with; not only is she an incredibly fascinating person with a wealth of knowledge and experience, her teaching and my learning style are very compatible, particularly due to her attention to pedagogy. She has also put deliberate effort and care into building a relationship and connection with me as a person, student, and activist.

“I chose Pace because the first time I visited the New York City campus, I felt more welcomed and excited about going to college than on any other college tour I attended. I think a big part of that immediate sense of comfort is due to the strong queer, femme, and activist presence that I feel on campus, particularly within my majors.”

In addition, Professor Emily Bent, PhD, co-director of the Dyson Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI), of which I am a fellow, is someone I’ve gotten to know both in classes, and as an advisor to the work I am doing with the WLI. Her feminist work in the nonprofit sector and at the United Nations has provided me opportunities to engage with those environments. For example, as a part of my Gender and Human Rights class, I attended the 67th annual Commission on the Status of Women, a two-week conference at the UN, in which I participated in both general assembly and civil society events.

Further, Professor and Chair of Women’s and Gender Studies Meghana Nayak, PhD, offered to be a resource to me from the very beginning as I was exploring majors, and her support and friendliness throughout the years has made my student experience all the easier.

In spring 2024, you participated in the Bread and Puppet Theater workshop at Judson Memorial Church. Tell us more about how meaningful this event was to you.

I believe that the Bread and Puppet workshop on cantastorias will have real life applications in my current and future organizing. I’ve already included the method in a protest plan and intend to use it more widely, particularly to share the medium with new audiences. The workshop also encouraged community building within the major and provided us an opportunity to learn from experts at the top of their field. The workshop truly reignited a flame within me for organizing and protest, particularly because of how fun and engaging the experience was. The paper itself recounted the workshop setting and experience and included feedback from its participants.

What other activities and organizations are you involved with at Pace?

When I first came to Pace, I knew I wanted to become involved in a race-based affinity space, which led me to the Office of Multicultural Affairs (ōMA), its Shades: Women of Color Collective, and Denise Belén Santiago, PhD, ōMA’s director and a professor of anthropology. I have worked with her in the Anti-Racist Advocates program, which has allowed me to attend the Critical Race Theory Bootcamp hosted by the African American Policy Forum the past two summers, as well as work on a number of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives at Pace.

In addition, during fall 2023, I was selected to be one of 30 Pace students participating in the United Nations Academic Impact Millennium Fellowship. As this fellowship requires you to be a part of an on-campus cohort, it was an amazing opportunity to connect with other passionate Pace students and work towards making a social impact with our projects.

I also work as a student assistant for central advisement and New Student Experience and Transitions, as I was immediately drawn to the infectious energy, positivity, and groundedness of the director of the Advising Center for Exploring Majors, Shannon Haick, who asked me if I’d be interested in working in that office, and I continue to work the front desk there. I am also a peer leader for UNV 101.

What would you like to do upon graduation/what are your career goals?

I would like to pursue a career in the peace and justice studies field. One path I’ve considered is community organizing because this is what I have the most experience doing and I like working outside of the confines of the state and its institutions, rather than trying to change the system from within. I also have a particular interest in making diverse and inclusive curriculum and education accessible to all communities. An alternative path that has sparked my interest is truth-telling and reconciliation work. The power of communication and community that are central to the truth-telling process resonate deeply with me and I think it would be very powerful to be able to facilitate a reconciliatory space.

What advice would you like to give to our current students?

The transition to college is just that, a transition, and I think it is important to treat it as such. You have so many opportunities available to you, whether at Pace or in the city and surroundings. Keep an open mind and explore everything. While you have all this newfound freedom, it also comes with the responsibility to take care of yourself. There are many supports available to you, but it is up to you to seek them out and get what you need. You may not need the same things you needed when you were in high school, so give yourself the grace to find what works for you now.

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Professor Williams on implications of Taylor Swift's presidential candidate endorsement on Lithuanian TV

Dyson College of Arts and Science

Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies Melvin Williams, PhD, examined the implications of Taylor Swift's recent endorsement of Harris/Walz in the 2024 US Presidential Election and further implications of celebrity endorsements in US Presidential elections on Lithuanian TV.

Pace University professor of communication and media studies Melvin Williams, PhD, being interviewed on Lithuanian TV.
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Commencement 2025: Speaker Nominations

College of Health Professions
Dyson College of Arts and Science
Lubin School of Business
New York City
School of Education
Seidenberg School of CSIS
Upcoming Opportunities

Who is going to address the Class of 2025? You tell us! The annual speaker and honorary degree recipient nomination process has opened so be sure to submit your nomination no later than Friday, October 25.

empty podium at commencement
empty podium at commencement

Who is going to address the Class of 2025? You tell us! The annual speaker and honorary degree recipient nomination process has opened so be sure to submit your nomination no later than Friday, October 25.

Nominees may be asked to speak at the main ceremony, to speak at a school or college ceremony, or to be honored without giving a speech. Each selected honoree will be awarded an honorary doctorate, the highest form of recognition Pace University can bestow upon an individual.

We are looking for honorees who exemplify the Pace Community’s values and aspirations, will confer distinction upon the University, and will help enliven and enrich Commencement day.

As you make your nomination, please prioritize potential speakers who will resonate with our graduates and whose personal stories or passions reflect Pace’s mission of Opportunitas.

Ambitious nominations are great; the people of Pace are go-getters, and we will pursue all appropriate nominations. At the same time, please remember we have been most successful with nominees who have a personal or professional connection to Pace, for whom Pace is reflective of causes they advocate, or whose own story reflects Pace’s mission. We also have most luck with nominees who are based near New York City or will have a reason to be here around Commencement.

Nominations will be reviewed by the Commencement Speaker Advisory Committee, co-chaired by Jeff Barnett, PhD, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean for Students, and Joe Sgammato, Director of Executive Communications. The committee includes representatives from our student body, staff, and faculty.

Read President Krislov's September 20 message to the community regarding Commencement 2025 and stay tuned to the Commencement website for more details as we move closer to the big day.

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Fall is here and that means flu season is upon us. Head to Pace's University Health Care for your flu vaccine and stay protected this year.

Environmental Law Scholar Professor Amanda Kennedy Welcomed at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University as a Visiting Guest Speaker

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University had the honor of hosting Professor Amanda Kennedy for a series of lectures and presentations. Professor Kennedy is a Professor of Law at Queensland University of Technology in Australia and Deputy Head of School at the School of Law. Professor Kennedy’s research interests fall predominantly within the area of agri-environmental law, and include natural resources and land use law, environmental justice and energy governance.

Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Visiting Speaker Amanda Kennedy
Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Visiting Speaker Amanda Kennedy

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University had the honor of hosting Professor Amanda Kennedy for a series of lectures and presentations. Professor Kennedy is a Professor of Law at Queensland University of Technology in Australia and Deputy Head of School at the School of Law. Professor Kennedy’s research interests fall predominantly within the area of agri-environmental law, and include natural resources and land use law, environmental justice and energy governance.

During her time at Haub Law, Professor Kennedy delivered a lecture on “Sustainable Development in International Environmental Law.” In this lecture, Professor Kennedy emphasized the vital role of law in achieving a just and sustainable future, advocating for equitable legal frameworks that promote sustainable resource use while safeguarding vulnerable communities.

Professor Kennedy also presented in Haub Law Professor Bridget Crawford’s tax law class where she spoke on taxation reform for the environment. This lecture highlighted the crucial intersection of tax law and environmental law, emphasizing how tax policy serves as a powerful tool to incentivize behavior change and address problems such as global emissions. She discussed Australia's carbon tax experience to illustrate the potential and challenges of using tax mechanisms to drive environmental progress.

A special faculty workshop also was held where Professor Kennedy presented on QUT’s experience with “Embedding Sustainability within the Legal Curriculum.” In addition to the various discussions and lectures, Professor Kennedy spent time engaging with the Haub Law community – faculty, staff, and students – and thought sharing.

Elisabeth Haub School of Law Visiting Speaker Amanda Kennedy with Professor Achinthi Vithanage

This latest visit is part of a joint endeavor between Pace | Haub Environmental Law and QUT Law’s Environmental and Social Governance Research Group. Previously, Achinthi Vithanage, Haub Law’s Associate Director of Environmental Law Programs & Professor of Law for Designated Service in Environmental Law, visited QUT Law to present a seminar, “The Evolution of the Role of the Lawyer in Promoting Environmental Sustainability: Our profession’s role in innovation, regulation, and responsibility.” The event was followed by a reception hosted by QUT Law’s ESG Research Group and Professor Vithanage also participated in a podcast interview with Professor Amanda Kennedy for QUT Law’s new subject on ‘Law, Governance and Sustainability’. Professors Vithanage and Kennedy also spent time visiting the offices of the Queensland Law Society (QLS) for a tour and a meeting with several members of the QLS to discuss the role of bar associations and law societies in advocating for climate action and sustainability.

Pace | Haub Environmental Law and QUT Law will be working on a joint online symposium for the coming year and additional news will be provided as it is available.

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A Host of Events Kick Off Fall 2024 at Seidenberg

Seidenberg School of CSIS

The Seidenberg School kicked off the Fall 2024 semester with a slate of engaging student events to bring our community back together and spark some fresh ideas for the beginning of the new school year.

Pace University Seidenberg students and faculty talking and mingling in the NYC Design Factory space for the NYC Community Day.
Pace University Seidenberg students and faculty talking and mingling in the NYC Design Factory space for the NYC Community Day.
Sven Latinovic

The Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems kicked off the Fall 2024 semester with a slate of engaging student events to bring our community back together and spark some fresh ideas for the beginning of the new school year.

On September 11, the annual Seidenberg Community Day was held on the Pleasantville campus, while the New York City edition of the event was held on September 18. Both Community Days provided students with the opportunity to explore the many clubs and resources that are integral to the Seidenberg experience. The students who attended had the opportunity to meet Seidenberg faculty and staff, fellow students, and they got to know more about Seidenberg’s labs and programs like the Design Factory, Blue CoLab, Robotics Lab, as well as student clubs like Women in Tech and the Cybersecurity Club. The event was also attended by the likes of eSports, Career Services, and the Pforzheimer Honors College, so that the attendees could learn more about resources that the school has to offer.

Seidenberg students and faculty mingling and talking in the Seidenberg Lounge at the Pace University Pleasantville Community Day.
Students and faculty mingling and talking at the Pleasantville Community Day.

Also on September 18, Seidenberg launched the 1st Annual Pleasantville Grand Prix, offering students a hands-on opportunity to test their engineering, coding, and problem-solving skills. Small teams of students were led by Professor Matt Ganis, and worked together to build, program, and troubleshoot their own robot cars. This event kicked things off and familiarized the students with the robot building phase, and will be followed by another two events: Programming and Troubleshooting on September 25, and the final Race Day on October 2.

An informational table for the 1st Annual Pleasantville Grand Prix at Pace University. On the table are a flyer for the event, a checkered flag, and a small robot car built by students.
Informational table for the Pleasantville Grand Prix, showing a small robot car built by students.

On September 20, Dr. Soheyla Amirian hosted AI: Separating Fact from Hyperbole, the first event of many to come in the Pace AI Series of topical conversations about artificial intelligence with experts. Over Zoom, she moderated a conversation with Dr. Illah R. Nourbakhsh, Kavcic-Moura Professor of Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, who delivered a thought-provoking lecture on the evolving dialogue surrounding AI and its societal impacts.

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