How Experiencing a Disaster Could Heal You in an Unusual Way

Dyson College of Arts and Science

Lead author Anthony Mancini of Pace University in New York cites the example of the Virginia Tech campus shootings, which inspired his research, to illustrate this concept.

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Finding Career Inspiration at a Start-Up

Lubin School of Business

When Lubin graduate student Vaishali Dulani '23 started exploring the business world, she had no idea what aspect of the industry she wanted to pursue. After connecting with Career Services and landing her dream internship at a start-up, she discovered her passion for digital marketing.

Lubin graduate student Vaishali Dulani '23
Lubin graduate student Vaishali Dulani '23

Vaishali Dulani

Digital Media Product Executive, Electric Symphony Media

Class of 2023
MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Current Internship and Title: Digital Media Product Intern at Electric Symphony Media

Pronouns: She/Her

When Vaishali Dulani started exploring the business world, she had no idea what aspect of the industry she wanted to pursue. After connecting with Career Services and landing her dream internship at a start-up, she discovered her passion for digital marketing. When she returns to the Lubin School of Business in the fall, Vaishali will be able to apply her real-world experience to what she learns in class.

How has the Lubin School of Business helped you prepare for your current internship?

I had no idea where to begin searching for an internship, but the International Student Professional Readiness Education program (INSPIRE) was a huge help in getting the application process going. Everything was properly explained, including how to write a cover letter and network. Pace University offers the best help through Career Services—from tailoring your resume to helping you prepare for interviews, which is definitely beneficial for any job application. It helped me secure this position.

Pace University offers the best help through Career Services—from tailoring your resume to helping you prepare for interviews, which is definitely beneficial for any job application. It helped me secure this position.

What attracted you to this internship?

I was attracted to this internship because it is a dynamic job role related to my coursework at the Lubin School of Business and the skills I want to build in a marketing career. I also always wanted to gain experience at a startup for my first internship, so this is quite a blessing. This internship is a blend of digital, traditional, and social media which is a good start in gaining experience in every area of marketing.

Describe what a typical day looks like as an intern at Electric Symphony Media (ESM).

As a product team intern, one of my responsibilities is to assist with the setup of Facebook and Google Ads campaigns for both small and large clients of Electric Symphony Media (ESM). My typical day involves developing campaigns and coming up with content ideas for ESM's social media.

What has been the highlight or most enjoyable aspect of your internship so far?

The best part of the internship is when we have a game day at the end of the week. Everyone participates in teams and competes with one another to keep the spirit high. It is so much fun and mood-lifting. I adore the work environment at ESM because it keeps my work and personal life in balance.

How has this experience shaped or impacted your career goals?

There is a lot to learn and there will always be more to learn. Because marketing offers a variety of job possibilities, I wasn't sure which avenue of marketing I should pursue at first. My experience as a digital media product intern has given me the opportunity to learn more about digital marketing. I'm confident that I am ready for bigger opportunities in the future, having set up advertising campaigns and producing content for social media.

How will this experience impact your next semester at Lubin?

I will now be able to relate more to what will be taught in class, as I will already have hands-on experience. My experience will definitely be helpful in class projects and assignments at Lubin.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students who would like to pursue an internship in the future?

Don’t give up if you get your first rejection—keep grooming your resume and LinkedIn profile because they are the key elements in the application process. Also, in my personal experience, a cover letter goes a long way.

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How To Change The Law On Periods According To Two Law Professors

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

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Making a Difference Through Marketing

Lubin School of Business

When Lubin student Danielle Bellino '24 landed her internship with the Ronald McDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley, she knew she'd be getting hands-on experience in a welcoming environment. What she didn't expect was how much her work would impact dozens of local families in need.

Lubin student Danielle Bellino '24 with welcome sign at her internship at the Ronald McDonald House
Lubin student Danielle Bellino '24 with welcome sign at her internship at the Ronald McDonald House

Danielle Bellino

Class of 2024

Currently Studying: BBA in Digital Marketing

Current Internship and Title: Marketing/Public Relations Intern with Ronald McDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley

Pronouns: She/Her

When Danielle Bellino landed her internship with the Ronald McDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley, she knew she'd be getting hands-on experience in a welcoming environment. What she didn't expect was how much her work would impact dozens of local families in need. She'll now head into her next semester at the Lubin School of Business, not only with real-world experience, but with a greater understanding of how marketing can make a major impact.

How has the Lubin School of Business helped you prepare for your current internship?

Amazing Lubin professors, such as Professor Jim Davis, have helped me prepare for this internship. My professors are always available to help in preparation for interviews, give detailed feedback on resumes, and aid in preparing students for real-life situations in the business world.

What attracted you to this internship?

I was attracted to this internship because I had heard how welcoming the work environment is from previous interns, and how much experience I would gain from working under the supervisors at the Ronald McDonald House. It is a very hands-on internship where I'm free to implement my own ideas into the work I'm doing.

Describe what a typical day looks like as an intern at the Ronald McDonald House.

This is a hybrid internship, so I work from home, as well as in the Ronald McDonald House, where families of sick children are living. Typically, I start my day by going over what I completed during the previous week with my supervisor. Then, we work together to come up with the tasks I will complete during the upcoming week. Being that the Ronald McDonald House is a non-profit organization, most of my work is aimed at encouraging donations through social media posts on multiple platforms. I do this by filming and shooting content at the House with families who live there and with other people and organizations that donate supplies or money to the House. We also have a program in which people come and cook meals for the families, so I shoot content for that as well. Another major responsibility is aiding in planning upcoming events. I curate lists of possible donors, local businesses who may be interested in donating to events or promoting them with flyers, and potential vendors for activities at the events themselves. It has been my duty to reach out to them, and I have found that many are willing to help.

What has been the highlight or most enjoyable aspect of your internship so far?

The most enjoyable aspect is that my work is directly helping the families that live at the Ronald McDonald House. They are facing such a traumatizing moment in their lives—their child being extremely ill—that most parents could not even fathom. It is amazing to talk to them and gain insight into their experiences and how living in the house makes the experience more comfortable. The sense of community that has been formed between the families is heartwarming to see.

How has this experience shaped or impacted your career goals?

Whether or not I work in the non-profit space in the future, I will always remember the fact that marketing has such a huge impact on the well-being of a small business. Just from one post on social media, we are sometimes able to connect with donors who brighten the days of families or curate events that do the same. Also, the hands-on aspect of this internship has given me so much insight into what I will be doing in the future and has only made me more excited to work in the marketing field.

Whether or not I work in the non-profit space in the future, I will always remember the fact that marketing has such a huge impact on the well-being of a small business. Just from one post on social media, we are sometimes able to connect with donors who brighten the days of families or curate events that do the same.

How will this experience impact your next semester at Lubin?

Having such an amazing first internship has given me even more ambition to want to continue to gain experience within the marketing field. It has also made me want to gain more knowledge. I'm so excited for next semester at Lubin and will be a part of the Lubin Business Association in the hopes of inspiring other marketing students to do the same.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students who would like to pursue an internship in the future?

My advice would be to work closely with your professors and Career Services to curate professional relationships with them. Because of my Lubin professors and Career Services, I was extremely prepared for applying to internships and, as a result, having successful interviews. Never be afraid to ask questions or for help because you never know the opportunities you may get out of them.

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