Q&A With Kourtney Kelly '21

Dyson College of Arts and Science
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

Actor and accomplished pop singer is also a Biology/pre-med student who wants to make a difference

Five students at night looking at the NYC skyline over the water

Climbing the Charts

Kourtney Kelly

Actor and accomplished pop singer is also a Biology/pre-med student who wants to make a difference

You are originally from Canada. Tell us how you came to the United States and chose to attend Pace.

I first came to New York City when I was 18 to study film acting, but after completing my studies and spending some time working in the entertainment industry, I felt that I wanted to change careers. I wasn’t entirely sure about what I wanted to do, but I was living in the Financial District, and one day decided to walk into Pace and see what it was all about. A sense of community and close-knit relationship between faculty and students was really important to me, and that was what I discovered later on a campus tour. The faculty seemed so accessible, and with small classes, I wouldn’t be just a number, but a student known by face and name. On that day, I knew Pace was where I wanted to begin my path, and in hindsight, a decision I have not regretted for one second.

How did you decide to transition from acting to Biology/pre-med?

I have always had a fascination with the human body in regards to how it works, and really enjoyed studying biology in high school. In addition, my father was instrumental in founding a DNA research company, and my mother worked as a laboratory technologist in a hospital, so there were always stories around the dinner table about health sciences, and I loved it! However, my education in chemistry or physics was limited, so I was not confident that I could succeed in the sciences, and thought business would be a “safer” option. Then, a Pace admissions counselor told me, “If it’s science you really are passionate about studying, then go for it!,” and I am so grateful she did. Once classes began and I found my stride, I also decided to minor in chemistry and neuroscience. I now love what I study and appreciate how interesting and passionate the professors are with their teaching.

What have your experiences been like with the Chemistry and Physical Sciences department on the New York City campus? Are you engaged in other activities on or off-campus?

I’ve had incredible experiences. I try to really take advantage of the small classroom sizes and get to know my professors, including making use of their office hours, which helps tremendously in understanding the course material. This past fall, Professor Marcy Kelly and I researched how to develop a more accessible cure for tuberculosis for people in developing countries. Tuberculosis kills about two million people a year, making it a very important bacterium to study. I have always been interested in her research and its real life applications to an infectious disease that is claiming so many lives.

In addition to working in the lab, I am tutoring at the Pace Learning Center, volunteering at Mount Sinai, and am serving as vice president for the Tri-Beta National Honor Society and as secretary for the nonprofit, Global Brigades. Lots to keep me busy!

You are also a successful pop singer. Tell us about this other aspect of your life, and how do you balance it with being a student?

When I first came to New York, I was in a few commercials and movies, modeled for many designers, and participated in New York Fashion Week. In 2015, I created three songs that I was really happy with, and sent them to some DJs and contacts I had made, never expecting anything to come out of it. The song Solid Ground started picking up traction - DJs were making remixes of it, and it peaked at #12 on the US Billboard Dance Charts. This was and still is the craziest thing that has ever happened to me! As a result, I was able to go to the MTV Video Music Awards, the Grammy Awards, and the Emmy Awards, walking the red carpet alongside major celebrities. The success of the song opened many doors for me in the modeling world as well, such as working with some amazing designers and companies. I have made a few songs since then, but due to the time demands of school, I can’t commit to making more music professionally right now. It’s definitely something I miss, but school is my priority.

Have you overcome struggles during your life that you are proud of?

I come from a small suburb of Ottawa, Canada and have made New York City my new home, spending four years, first, studying and, ultimately, working in the entertainment industry in various capacities. In the process, I learned technical skills, as well as gained self-awareness and self-confidence, which can be quite a feat, considering the industry is very scrutinizing.

As a Canadian, I dealt with the obstacles of obtaining a visa to study, work and live in New York City, but with the support of family, trusted friends and mentors, I learned that if you want something badly enough, tenacity and hard work can ensure success.

In addition, although returning to school has been an exciting and stimulating time for me, there have also been challenges. Upon completion of my first degree and working in the entertainment field, I enrolled at Pace at the “old” age of twenty-one, at times, embarrassed. I had not been in a traditional classroom for nearly four years and also felt overwhelmed at the thought of being able to do well in biology and chemistry. However, learning how to use resources, surrounding myself with like-minded peers, practicing time management, maintaining balance with my personal life, and doing volunteer work are all things that I have been able to accomplish.

What would you like to do upon graduation/what are your career goals?

Upon graduation, I would love to go to medical school, and so, I am taking the MCAT in April 2020 and applying to schools this spring. That is my top choice; however, I am also considering pursuing a PhD first and seeing where things go from there. I want to be able to help people in any way that I can.

What advice, if any, would you like to give to our current students?

My advice would be to utilize your professors and the resources available to you.

Also, remember to enjoy college! It’s going to be one of the best times of your life and we are so lucky to live in the best city in the world, so take advantage of it while you are young.

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Q&A with Alexa Ruscitto '20

Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

When I met with the director, Clinical Associate Professor Michelle Land, the program felt like a perfect fit for me. She truly makes the program the gem it is!

Students in front of the library on the Pace Pleasantville Campus
Alexa Ruscitto

What attracted you to Pace?

Alexa Ruscitto

When I met with the director, Clinical Associate Professor Michelle Land, the program felt like a perfect fit for me. She truly makes the program the gem it is!

What has your experience as a student in the MA in Environmental Policy (MAEP) program been like?

I’m extremely passionate about the environment, and this program allowed me to take a step further and do something about it. Last summer, I was an advocacy fellow at the Waterkeeper Alliance, a nonprofit organization, and currently, I am working for both the Town of Bedford Supervisor and VHB, an engineering firm.

At the Town of Bedford, I research what other municipalities are doing in terms of policies, to see whether or not Bedford can adopt the same policies, if beneficial to them. I also apply for grants, and recently received one for the installation of two zero emission vehicle charging stations from the New York State Department of Conservation. With the pandemic occurring, I have been helping the Town create an FAQ and resources page for residents about the Town’s response to the coronavirus.

At VHB, I have been working on downtown revitalization initiatives, profiles for mixed-used developments, analysis of impediments for villages, as well as design guidelines for comprehensive plans.

I'm learning a lot from both internship opportunities that will only benefit me in the future.

I would love to be the person someone calls to make themself and their environment eco-friendlier.

How is the study of environmental policy meaningful to you?

I want to open the eyes and ears of people who think climate change is fabricated, that recycling won’t make a difference, and plastic pollution doesn’t occur. I believe this program has provided me with the knowledge to be able to be the voice the environment and society needs.

What are your career goals?

I’m extremely passionate about so many things; however, one main goal of mine is addressing water pollution, specifically, plastic pollution found in waterways. This has become such a crucial and overlooked issue that is significantly impacting the marine ecosystem and the human population. [A second goal] is to implement more sustainable infrastructure. Some buildings are energy-hoarding monsters, and I would love to be the person someone calls to make themself and their environment eco-friendlier. Right now, I think the world is my oyster (without the plastic)!

What advice, if any, would you like to give to current students?

I think my advice would be to keep being the best version of yourself. During graduate school, I think it’s so easy to lose sight of your goals. You’re in your program to better yourself in every aspect, and it will only help you and your future. Keep pushing, have pride in everything you do, and promote positive thinking!

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Q&A With Akhila Ramesh '21

Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

I chose to attend Pace (Pleasantville) because it was close to my home and offered a high-quality education on a walkable campus. I also had friends who attended and loved it here.

Students in front of the library on the Pace Pleasantville Campus

Why did you choose to attend Pace?

Akhila Ramesh

I chose to attend Pace (Pleasantville) because it was close to my home and offered a high-quality education on a walkable campus. I also had friends who attended and loved it here.

I transferred from a local community college, and when I first applied, I enrolled as a Management major in the Lubin School of Business, but felt that I wanted a more well-rounded experience. I was always an avid reader and a creative person, so I decided to come to Dyson. Once here, I discovered that I also enjoy writing and telling stories that bring out a range of human emotions. That is what drew me to pursue a degree in communications. I see my skill as a writer improving with each class I take, and I appreciate the context offered by each communications course, including a focus on history, ethics, and various types of writing and mediums.

What activities have you participated in as a student?

While I've been at Pace, I've participated in meetings for the Programming Board, a student-run organization that creates on-campus events, helped form a singing choir called Abyss of Sound, and co-founded a fashion club on campus called POSE.

I also have a passion for the environment, and was selected this year for the United Nations Millennium Fellowship Program, presented by the United Nations Academic Impact as well as the Millennium Campus Network. The aim of my project, entitled "Eco-nomize the Pace University Pleasantville Campus," is to promote green living on-campus, as well as in the school's curriculum, hopefully introducing a new class on sustainability in the upcoming semester.

Related to this is my advocacy for environmentally friendly and sustainable uses of fashion. “Fast fashion” is the second largest polluter in the world, after the oil industry, and I believe that contemporary fashion brands should align with a sustainable social impact or utilize "zero-waste fashion.” A model since I was 18, I am taking part in upcoming pageants in 2021, which include Miss US International and Miss Earth USA.

I enjoy telling stories that bring out a range of human emotions.

You were featured in a News12 Westchester segment on your volunteer efforts to send letters to nursing homes during the COVID-19 crisis. What inspired you to do so?

I felt that volunteering was a way to give back to those suffering from the effects of the virus, or the virus itself, without support in place. Many disparities have been highlighted since the outbreak of COVID-19, and that has made it harder for those across the world to access necessities such as food, medical care, and even close family and friends. I feel that it is a priority to remind everyone that help is there and that it is accessible, and to spread the positive message that we will get through this together.

Tell us about your career goals.

In 2018, I interned in Shanghai, China, at SMH International, an international marketing firm. There, I wrote public relations reports and attended meetings with foreign investors. I feel that my writing skills, along with my passion for various social causes, would allow me to successfully engage in marketing and public relations for various clients in fashion and luxury. That would be my dream job.

I would also like to write a book and become a motivational speaker one day.

What advice, if any, would you like to give to our current students?

Remember that college is an exciting time; spend it as if it were the best years of your life!

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Q&A with Brooke Salamone '21

Dyson College of Arts and Science
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

From the minute I toured Pace, I knew it was the place for me. I had this gut feeling it was where I belonged and where I wanted to pursue my undergraduate studies. From the location, to the student success stories, to the opportunities for internships and work, I was amazed by all the university has to offer. There is a certain air on campus that screams happiness, community, and success, and I wanted to be a part of that. Pace truly is a place like no other.

Five students at night looking at the NYC skyline over the water
Brooke Salamone

Why did you choose to attend Pace?

Brooke Salamone

From the minute I toured Pace, I knew it was the place for me. I had this gut feeling it was where I belonged and where I wanted to pursue my undergraduate studies. From the location, to the student success stories, to the opportunities for internships and work, I was amazed by all the university has to offer. There is a certain air on campus that screams happiness, community, and success, and I wanted to be a part of that. Pace truly is a place like no other.

What is it about Communication Studies as a major, and Journalism and Digital Storytelling as a minor, that interests you?

The major allows me to hone my creative skills while also teaching me fundamental theories and the science behind why and how we communicate as humans. Journalism, specifically, has always interested me because it is the responsibility of the journalist to tell stories and bring voices to the voiceless. In a way, communications is essential to the functionality of society, and as communicators, it is our job to propel important conversations.

What has your experience in the Communication Studies department been like?

The Communication Studies department at Pace is one of a kind! Each professor truly cares about their students, and wants us to gain valuable experience both in and out of the classroom. Specifically, Professor Min has been beyond instrumental in my Pace Path. From teaching me the fundamentals of journalism and helping me write my first article in AP traditional journalistic style, to sharing endless amounts of advice and having the best and funniest class lectures in town, I could not be more grateful. In addition, Professor Zaslow has supported me, both academically and professionally, from day one!

Communications is essential to the functionality of society, and as communicators, it is our job to propel important conversations.

What activities or internships have you participated in as a student?

During my time at Pace, I have had six internships, including interning at the The Wendy Williams Show for two semesters. During the second semester, I received a promotion to work directly as Wendy's executive intern on a daily basis, a program created for the first time by Wendy's chief of staff. It was the most rewarding experience I have had thus far at Pace. In fall 2020, I interned virtually for the editorial and marketing company, the Why Women Project. I created and scheduled daily social media content and campaigns for promotion and launches across all company channels. I also served as head of community management, through which I welcomed and engaged members, moving down the marketing and sales funnel to convert to a final sale.

I have also worked and written for The Pace Press, won an English Department Award for Excellence in Journalism, volunteered through the Center for Community Action and Research, and served as a tour guide in the Welcome Center on the New York City campus.

And you were also awarded a New York Women in Communication scholarship?

​​In May 2020, I was blessed to hear that I was a recipient of a 2020 New York Women in Communications scholarship (from the Interpublic Group). Finding [this] community of women who all celebrate and practice the same passion was beyond inspiring. In fact, during the interview process I met so many amazing women who I look up to as role models, and I desire to change the world for the better through work in the communications industry as they do.

​What advice do you have for other students?

Get involved, use your resources, be confident in your skills and passions, and set goals for yourself! I’ve learned that dedication and hard work always pay off, and no matter the size or scope of the job, it is important to put your best foot forward and work to the best of your ability.

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Q&A with Pasquale Noce '21

Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

I chose to major in Digital Cinema and Filmmaking because the Media, Communications, and Visual Arts department and community provided a cohesive, supportive environment for me. I also find fulfillment in creating media and enjoy the type of career opportunities this major offers.

Students in front of the library on the Pace Pleasantville Campus
Pasquale Noce

What is it about your major that interests you?

Pasquale Noce

I chose to major in Digital Cinema and Filmmaking because the Media, Communications, and Visual Arts department and community provided a cohesive, supportive environment for me. I also find fulfillment in creating media and enjoy the type of career opportunities this major offers.

What have your experiences been like with the Department of Media, Communications, and Visual Arts? Have certain faculty members been instrumental in your academic journey?

The staff and faculty within the department are all genuine and encouraging. The lab manager, Chris Lengers, is so kind and capable. Professor Lou Guarneri offers unique, hands-on class experiences and is down to earth. Dr. Paul Ziek is extremely dedicated and passionate about improving the department. There are many other people in the department who are inspiring and supportive.

What internships have you done while a student at Pace?

I had an internship at Pleasantville Community Television through which I assisted the Station Manager, by editing portions of shows to be broadcast on the local TV channel.

The Media, Communications, and Visual Arts department and community provided a cohesive, supportive environment for me.

What other activities have you been involved with as a student?

I thoroughly enjoy being president of Pace Book Club. I hold and lead weekly discussion meetings, plan upcoming events, and get to participate in this wonderful, unique community. The board members are all leaders who help make the club as great as it is. I am also treasurer for WPAW, where I work with the president to create budgets for upcoming events. Further, I am a writer for the Pace Chronicle, and as part of being a part of the Honors College, have mentored two first-year students.

What would you like to do upon graduation/what are your career goals?

After graduation, I'd like to find a steady job, possibly involved in post-production in the broadcasting industry. My career goals are to make a good salary and love what I do.

What advice, if any, would you like to give to our current students?

For current students, I advise them to find a club or community that makes them feel like they belong. Life is made better with interpersonal connections. I owe everything I have to Book Club.

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