Selling By the Numbers

Lubin School of Business

Diversity, exposure to real-world projects, experience-based learning, and access to a pool of resources. These are only a few of the reasons I chose Lubin for my master's degree. Rankings from US News and QS Top universities further supported my decision. At Pace, international students are treated with respect and have access to opportunities, which was very important to me.

Lubin student darshan vithlani '21
Lubin student darshan vithlani '21

Darshan Vithlani

Marketing Data Analyst, Agilysis

Class of 2021
MS in Marketing Analytics

Why did you choose Lubin for your MS in Marketing Analytics?

Diversity, exposure to real-world projects, experience-based learning, and access to a pool of resources. These are only a few of the reasons I chose Lubin for my master's degree. Rankings from US News and QS Top universities further supported my decision. At Pace, international students are treated with respect and have access to opportunities, which was very important to me. Additionally, Pace’s campus in New York City was the cherry on top. Lubin has notably reaped the benefits of its location, as this is reflected in the quality of the networking events and the career fairs taking place on campus and virtually.

What was your favorite Lubin experience?

Well, the whole master’s program was a splendid experience; however, my favorite Lubin experience was working as a Graduate Research Assistant with Professor Larry Chiagouris. It was my first professional experience working in the U.S. and it was life changing. I had the chance to work on market research for corporate clients and to contribute to publishing research reports and whitepapers. It was all possible because of the database access offered by the Pace Library. The library also helped me gain access to articles and books that were not in their catalog. The support I received from faculty and staff was also commendable.

What is your main takeaway from our MS program?

My MS in Marketing Analytics program contained a balanced composition of theory and practice. All of the professors start out by teaching from a conceptual foundation and slowly take things to an advanced level. I think this is hard to find at other schools. We learned how to use all the tools a marketing analyst needs in their profession. We had access to non-technical programs and learned programming languages such as R, and operating statistical tools such as IBM SPSS, and data visualization tools such as Tableau.

The real-world course projects made a difference on my resume. Many recruiters reached out because they saw these projects; I landed three summer internship offers.

How has what you learned in the MS program influenced your career?

The real-world course projects made a difference on my resume. Many recruiters reached out because they saw these projects; I landed three summer internship offers. I interned with WalletGyde, based out of Denver, CO, during Summer 2020. I also interned at Justin Alexander in Springfield, NJ, in Spring 2021, where I am now working full time as a Digital Marketing Analyst. All the skills I needed for this job I l acquired while earning my MS in Marketing Analytics at Lubin.

How do you define #LubinLife?

#LubinLife is a journey that transforms your personal and professional life. You will be exposed to talented minds and have the opportunity to make life-long connections. #LubinLife is not just about academics and networking; it is also about extra-curricular activities, student clubs, social events, case study competitions, and so on. Lubin is ot just an experience; it is a way of life.

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Sustainability in Business and in Law

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Meet Colin Meyer, a student enrolled in our JD/MBA combined program. Colin began this program in 2017 and attended Pace’s Elisabeth Haub School of Law, where he completed his JD within two years. This is his first semester as an MBA student on our New York City Campus and he is already taking the business world by storm.

Lubin student colin myers '21
Lubin student colin myers '21
Lubin student colin myers '21

Colin Myers

Associate, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP

Class of 2021
JD / MBA - focused on Environmental Law and Sustainability

Member Of: Pace Environmental Law Review, Pace Sustainable Business Club

Meet Colin Meyer, a student enrolled in our JD/MBA combined program. Colin began this program in 2017 and attended Pace’s Elisabeth Haub School of Law, where he completed his JD within two years. This is his first semester as an MBA student on our New York City Campus and he is already taking the business world by storm. This Eagle Scout is a Graduate Assistant, a Compliance Analyst at an advising firm, and a volunteer Legal Intern at a clean energy investment firm. Additionally, he is working with Lubin Professor Steven Mezzio on starting the Pace Sustainability Business Club. Colin has combined both his studies in law and business administration in a closely integrated curriculum that he focused on environmental studies and sustainability. We talked to him about his motivation for working hard and how he manages his time.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business to advance your business education?

I chose Pace because of the law school’s top tier ranking in environmental law and its proximity to New York City. Additionally, I come from a Pace family. Both my father and my sister attended Pace!

What value have you found in tackling sustainability from both a business and legal point of view.

While studying law the past two years, I realized the importance of understanding how businesses function and what internal factors drive their decision-making. Having this understanding will allow me to better be able to advise business clients on legal risks and opportunities. This dual understanding is particularly important in the sustainability realm. With the impending dangers of climate change, business managers must figure out how to stay profitable while risks are increasing and the world transitions into a low carbon economy. This dual program allows me to understand the ever-expanding regulatory framework around climate change and how it impacts businesses, but also what financial strategies can be used to reduce risk, remain profitable, and most importantly, positively contribute to society.

While studying law the past two years, I realized the importance of understanding how businesses function and what internal factors drive their decision-making. Having this understanding will allow me to better be able to advise business clients on legal risks and opportunities. This dual understanding is particularly important in the sustainability realm.

You are working on starting Pace’s Sustainable Business Club as a student organization. Tell us a bit about that project.

When I transitioned to Lubin, I a noticed the lack of a sustainability curriculum despite the prevalence of this topic in the business world today. I discussed this with Dean Neil Braun and he suggested that I meet with Professor Steven Mezzio, a former PwC Partner that specializes in business-related sustainability. Our conversation led to our decision to found the Sustainable Business Club. This club will differ from and be complementary to the other environmentally-focused student organizations on campus. It will focus specifically on the role, responsibilities, and impact public and private companies have on delivering and reporting traditional financial results, while at the same time prioritize positive environmental, social, and governance impacts for society. As a club, we will explore and understand business-related sustainability trends, impacts, and reporting practices, and serve as a learning hub, supporting thesis research and professional skills development. We will also facilitate networking and career options for students in the area of sustainability and collaborate to convene thought leaders, practitioners, regulators, influencers, academics, recruiters, and students to contribute to the dialogue on sustainable business.

What motivates you to work hard?

My motivation stems from knowing that I’m not where I want to be yet. This chip on my shoulder motivates me to work harder to achieve high grades, take on as many relevant jobs as I can handle, and constantly network. After graduation, I would ideally like to end up in the sustainability and climate change practice/service group of one of the Big Four or other consulting firms, or at a big law firm. Later down the road, I may want to transition to the public sector because being a part of the Boy Scouts instilled a sense of public duty in me.

You have a heavy class load, you are a graduate assistant, and you also have two jobs. Do you have any advice on time management skills?

Prioritization and using the weekend as an extension of your work week – both are essential. I find it very helpful to take some time at the beginning of the week to look at deadlines and prioritize the things that are due soon, as well as the work you may find challenging or time consuming. This helps prevent work from sneaking up on you at the last second. Additionally, by getting as much work done on the weekend as I can, it helps make my week a little less stressful and actually allows me to do better work because I am usually more well-rested. I am also a big proponent of meal prepping healthy food on Sundays. It saves me time during the week and also helps my brain fire on all cylinders during the week because of good nutrients. Although using weekends for schoolwork might not be very fun, it definitely pays off and provides dividends in the long run.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

To me, #LubinLife means excelling in the business world, as well as leveraging the great network and location that our community is exposed to.

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A Passion for Numbers

Lubin School of Business

A go-getter is someone who is active in developing their career, but who also makes time for friends, fun, exploring, and getting out of their comfort zone. Bhavna is a go-getter. This international student from Mumbai, India, came to the Lubin School of Business equipped with a passion for numbers, a hunger for networking, a merit scholarship, and an open mind.

Lubin student bhavna mansinghka '21
Lubin student bhavna mansinghka '21
Lubin student bhavna mansinghka '21

Bhavna Mansinghka

Account Technology Specialist, NetApp

Class of 2021
MS in Marketing Analytics

Member Of: Lubin Graduate Marketing Society, Toastmasters

A go-getter is someone who is active in developing their career, but who also makes time for friends, fun, exploring, and getting out of their comfort zone. Bhavna is a go-getter. This international student from Mumbai, India, came to the Lubin School of Business equipped with a passion for numbers, a hunger for networking, a merit scholarship, and an open mind.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business to advance your business education?

Pace University offers a wide range of opportunities and resources. Along with the diversity of the student body, being in New York City and studying near Wall Street gives you access to a lot of opportunities and networking events. The Lubin School of Business has a lot to offer to international students like me. The MS in Marketing Analytics program offered precisely what I wanted to study and the perfect combination of all the modules that I needed. The program checked every box for me in terms of professors, post-graduation opportunities, career services, and networking events.

What types of opportunities and resources have you taken advantage of as a graduate student at Lubin?

Early on, I was honored to be a recipient of the Graduate International Merit Scholarship. Additionally, I had received a Graduate Assistantship with Professor Samir El-Gazzar, helping him with his research for publication. I also worked as a Student Assistant in the International Admissions office. I was also awarded the Janetschek Professional Growth Fund, which I used towards attaining a professional certification in data science. Apart from these opportunities, Lubin enabled me to work with like-minded people on exciting projects, including being part of leadership teams in graduate student clubs. I have also been able to network with alumni and attend professional growth workshops.

I have a genuine interest in the subjects that I have studied. The drive to be better and excel at what I like plays a vital role in keeping me motivated. Additionally, the way that my courses' modules and assessments were designed felt like a perfect way to progressively enhance my knowledge in specific areas.

Tell us a bit about your internship experience. How will you apply what you learned to the rest of your career?

I started interning with NetApp as a Solutions Engineer in May 2020 and have been working with them ever since. I found this experience extremely rewarding and I learned a lot about analytics in the storage industry. I am glad to have built some tremendous long-term connections at NetApp. This experience has helped me professionally as well as personally. I've loved numbers since my youth, so collecting data and working on research projects with my supervisors turned out to be an enriching experience for me. My role at NetApp lets me utilize and enhance my skills in a collaborative environment, where I can learn from some of the best minds in the industry.

In addition to being very involved outside of the classroom, you've managed to maintain a 3.9 GPA every semester. What motivates you to work hard?

I have a genuine interest in the subjects that I have studied. The drive to be better and excel at what I like plays a vital role in keeping me motivated. Additionally, the way that my courses' modules and assessments were designed felt like a perfect way to progressively enhance my knowledge in specific areas. More importantly, I believe that in the long-term, discipline triumphs motivation; a systematic work ethic allowed me to always finish my studies before deadlines, which created time for other activities at Lubin.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students looking to make the most out of their experiences?

Academically, make detailed plans well ahead of time so that you can balance the focus on readings and assignments along with other activities of interest. This approach will give you a realistic idea about how much you can take on and allow you to maximize your learning. Being well informed about course content will better equip you to take advantage of Lubin's many professional development opportunities, including internships. Build your network organically: ask for help and guidance when in need, and be gracious to others when you are in a position to help. A strong work ethic and a sound support system are the foundation for a promising career.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity, and for me, #LubinLife is about excellence and capitalizing on opportunities. #LubinLife kept me motivated and involved, even during the pandemic, and helped me meet some great minds/people. #LubinLife is also about broadening your horizons by being part of diverse groups and projects.

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In the Heart of the Financial District

Lubin School of Business

Ayush came to Lubin ready to take the Wall Street bull by its horns. That is why he found that Pace University was the perfect place for him. He is an international student from Mumbai, India, who has taken advantage of every opportunity available, on-and off-campus. Ayush is a recipient of the Global Association of Risk Professionals Financial Risk Management Certificate Scholarship, a student leader, and a lot more.

Lubin student ayush bharat '21
Lubin student ayush bharat '21
Lubin alumnus Ayush Bharat Dhanuka '21

Ayush Bharat Dhanuka

Senior - Transaction Diligence, EY

Class of 2021
MS in Financial Risk Management

Member Of: Pace Indian Student Association, Graduate Finance Club

Ayush came to Lubin ready to take the Wall Street bull by its horns. That is why he found that Pace University was the perfect place for him. He is an international student from Mumbai, India, who has taken advantage of every opportunity available, on-and off-campus. Ayush is a recipient of the Global Association of Risk Professionals Financial Risk Management Certificate Scholarship, a student leader, and a lot more.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business to advance your business education?

The Lubin School of Business offers a plethora of opportunities for personal and career growth. Additionally, the location and proximity to the top financial firms made Pace University my top choice to pursue a graduate finance degree.

Your passion for finance is reflected in your presence on campus. What has it been like to be part of the Graduate Finance Club?

I headed the Finance Newsletter Team as part of the Graduate Finance Club. This experience helped me stay up-to-date with happenings within the finance world (a necessity in this field). Secondly, being associated with the Graduate Finance Club opens the door to multiple networking opportunities and allows me to interact with peers with similar interests and career goals.

My graduate assistantship with professor Picheng Lee was by far one of my most enriching experiences at Lubin. Working directly with a professor and contributing to research helped me develop essential skills for the corporate world.

Talk about what it is like to be a graduate assistant.

My graduate assistantship with Professor Picheng Lee was by far one of my most enriching experiences at Lubin. Working directly with a professor and contributing to research helped me develop essential skills for the corporate world. I got to work on exciting topics such as CEO compensation studies and the new credit risk allowances that banks are implementing. I think this assistantship catapulted my career trajectory.

You have a go-getter attitude and get involved in many projects and extracurricular activities. What advice do you have for other students?

First and foremost, Pace offers numerous opportunities to its students. My initial advice would be to not get overwhelmed by them. You can start by picking two or three interests that match your career goals. For instance, I relied on graduate organizations for networking; I relied on case competitions for learning and communicating with professors directly for advice. Lubin also offers the Analytics Bootcamp, which I wasn't able to attend, but it was highly recommended by my peers.

What are your future goals for your career?

My initial goal is to delve into the Wall Street finance culture. A Wall Street job would be a stepping stone toward my long-term career goal of becoming an independent finance professional practicing in financial disciplines such as investment banking or portfolio management.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

#LubinLife is the embodiment of everything that is Pace. It means taking advantage of everything this institution offers you - the motivated students, the melting pot of cultures, the professors, the extracurricular activities, the infrastructure - everything. Lubin becomes part of your life.

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A Bi-Lingual Marketing Role Model

Lubin School of Business

Meet Alexis Tenorio ’21, a Brooklyn native, Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications major with a minor in Business Analytics. Alexis is a first-generation student and part of Pace’s Student Support Services program, and he has been working hard to set an example for his younger brother.

Lubin student Alexis Tenoria '21
Lubin student Alexis Tenoria '21

Alexis Tenorio

Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft

Class of 2021
BBA in Marketing - Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications

Meet Alexis Tenorio '21, a Brooklyn native, and Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications major with a minor in Business Analytics. Alexis is a first-generation college student and part of Pace's Student Support Services (SSP) program. He has been working hard to set an example for his younger brother and his black-belt Tae-Kwon-Do level diligence has been paying off.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

I chose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business because of their reputation in the business world. A lot of my teachers in high school went to Pace and spoke highly of the school. Pace has significant resources for its students and that's something you don't find at other schools very often. The location is very convenient as well. Pace also hosts numerous networking events, especially within the Lubin School of Business. Additionally, the University has partnerships with schools across the world, so there are many study abroad options. I'm planning on studying in Spain in the Spring of 2020.

I chose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business because of their reputation in the business world.

What type of opportunities and resources have you been taking advantage of as an undergraduate student at Lubin?

I have visited the Tutoring Center and Career Services. Pace has also provided networking opportunities. I've also gone to the Study Abroad office, where I have been working on my application to go to Spain. Additionally, I am in the Student Support Services program and they have been a big help.

Tell us a bit about your internship experience and working at Univision.

By interning at Univision, I am getting real exposure to what a big media company is. Univision is the largest Spanish media company in the United States and it has its place within the "Big 6" media companies. It has in its multimedia portfolio many broadcast networks, tv stations, and online and mobile apps. They all are run from headquarters in New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami. Currently, I am working as a Business Development Intern. What I do on a day-to-day basis is identify potential partners/clients and compile research on market trends using databases such as Kantar, Miller Kaplan, Pathmatics, Nielsen, and Simmons MRI. I also get to work on determining total market spending through various platforms and report on key business metrics such as ROI and SOP, on current and future partnerships. One of the most interesting things that I have done, which happens to be an amazing perk I didn't know I'd get, is present recommendations to senior management and account executives on strategic initiatives and investment opportunities across all divisions.

How will you apply what you learned there to the rest of your career? What comes next?

This is my first internship in a corporate environment, so I will take everything I learn from it into my next one. Fortunately, I am in a position where I am learning something new from my supervisor and his colleagues every day. I've really improved my proficiency in using Microsoft Office and research databases. In the future, I am planning on getting more exposure to the marketing departments of different industries that I am interested in interning for, such as the sports, fashion, or music industries.

What motivates you to work hard?

My family motivates me to work hard. I am a first-generation college student, and that comes with a lot of responsibility. I have a little brother who looks up to me, and because I am his role model, I am working hard so that he can do the same when he becomes an adult. My parents came from Mexico and sacrificed so much to make sure I had everything I needed. They invested so much in my education, so I am not taking these opportunities for granted.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?

The advice I can give to other Lubin students is to always stay motivated. If you receive a "no" from a company, do not let that discourage you. There are plenty of opportunities out there and we just have to keep searching for them because we can't assume that things will be handed to us. Also, I would recommend working on being active on LinkedIn, because that is where you will connect with people from companies you'd like to work for.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

To me, #LubinLife means excelling in the business world. It also means to set the standard for Lubin's reputation.

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