Taking the Pace Brand Marketing Team to New Levels

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Meet Emily Tree '18, an advertising and integrated marketing major who after building up her resume with impressive internships, took on the opportunity of being a part of the Brand Marketing Team. Elected President of this year's competition team, Emily led her great team to success, as they came in third place in the district's tight race to the NSAC.

group photo with Emily Tree in the first row, third from the right
Emily Tree
Emily Tree

Emily Tree

Associate Director, Communications Planning, Carat USA

Class of 2018
BBA in Marketing - Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications

Member Of: President, Brand Marketing Team

Meet Emily Tree '18, an advertising and integrated marketing major who after building up her resume with impressive internships, took on the opportunity of being a part of the Brand Marketing Team. Elected President of this year's competition team, Emily led her great team to success, as they came in third place in the district's tight race to the NSAC.

First of all, tell us a little bit about you, about the Brand Marketing Team, and how you ended up becoming the president of this year's team.

I am a Lubin senior, graduating 2018 with a BBA in Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications and a minor in Creative Writing. I have interned at Zac Posen, LaForce Marketing Communications Agency, and Rolling Stone Magazine. Brand Marketing Team is the ultimate learning experience a business student can have at Pace. It gives students the chance to apply everything they've learned in their first three years of college to a real business challenge. Among many other things, students will learn team collaboration skills, refine their public speaking abilities, learn to handle time-sensitive tasks and build their confidence as professionals entering the work force. I became President of this year's team by the votes of my team members. In the first semester, we are given the chance to work with every person on the team and get to know each other as professionals. Before leaving for winter break we vote on who we believe will serve the team best in executive positions. I was incredibly honored to receive the nomination for President and was thrilled to serve my team as both President and a presenter in the final pitch.

Tell us a little bit about the amazing team of students you were working with.

I had the pleasure of working with a truly incredible team this year. We came from a variety of Lubin and Dyson majors and minors, and from all over the world. Some of the hardest working people I have ever met were on this team and without the collective effort and support from each member, we would not have been as successful as we were. In the final competition, one of the judges remarked that he could tell we were a “tight” team. I am very proud of the work that we've done this year.

Now that you are graduating, how do you evaluate the competition as a part of your Lubin experience as a whole?

The competition has been the greatest way to end my experience at Lubin. Working on Brand Marketing Team gave me the chance to put everything I've learned in my first three years at Pace to work, and I feel incredibly confident going into the work force after graduation.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for opportunities like this one?

I would advise students to reach out to their professors to find out about opportunities for Lubin students. There are great clubs, teams, and classes to be a part of in Lubin and reaching out to professors is a great way to learn about how to get involved. Your Lubin experience is what you make of it, so make the most of your time here!

How did you deal with time management, balancing team, classes, and an internship, etc.?

One of the greatest challenges I faced in Brand Marketing Team was balancing the team with an 18 credit course load, an internship, babysitting, and finding time for friends, family and myself. The key to staying on top of all of this is being honest with yourself about what you can take on in a day, and stay organized throughout the process. Throughout both semesters I had an ongoing list of what I needed to get done every day which allowed me to look forward and prioritize what needed to be done now, and what could be done tomorrow. Brand Marketing Team takes a lot of time, but it's worth it. You just have to stay organized and make sure that your to-do list has at least 30 minutes blocked off to do something for yourself.

The competition has been the greatest way to end my experience at Lubin. Working on Brand Marketing Team gave me the chance to put everything I’ve learned in my first three years at Pace to work, and I feel incredibly confident going into the work force after graduation.

How do you see the ad team experience affecting the future of your career?

I see Brand Marketing Team as the experience that I look back on for years to come as what prepared me best for a successful career.

Other than this competition, what has been your favorite memory or experience here at Pace?

Besides Brand Marketing Team, my favorite experience at Pace was studying abroad at Regent's University in London. The chance to work with students from all over the world and adjust to a foreign learning environment was incredibly valuable to my college experience.

Any advice for incoming freshmen on how to get the best out of their Lubin experience?

Go out there and try everything that Pace has to offer! Lubin brings its students a ton of great opportunities, and getting involved elevates your overall college experience. And if you find yourself interested in multiple areas of study, declare a minor!

In a few words, how do you define your #LubinLife?

Hard work, unparalleled opportunities, and freeconferencecall.com!

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Launching a New Career in Digital Marketing

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Virginia Dusi '18 used her MS in Social Media Marketing degree to beat out the competition for a desirable digital marketing job, and credits her experience at Lubin with helping launch her new career.

Lubin alumna Virginia Dusi '18
Lubin alumna Virginia Dusi '18,

Virginia Dusi

Ecommerce Consultant, Freelance

Class of 2018
MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Why did you choose Lubin for your MS degree?

I chose Pace because it was the only University in the city offering an MS focused on digital marketing. In fact, I wanted to get a Master's Degree to support my choice of switching from sales to digital marketing. I was looking for both solid theoretical preparation and some hands-on experience, and Lubin seemed to be the best choice for my purpose.

What was your favorite Lubin experience?

If I have to pick just one, I would say having the chance to attend exclusive events such as the Fast Company Innovation Festival at the 92Y, for which Lubin students had excusive tickets.

The skills and competencies I acquired through the MS program allowed me to succeed - and beat the competition - in the job hunting process, even with no previous experience in digital marketing.

What is your main takeaway from our MS program?

My main takeaway is that in order to succeed in today's business environment, one needs to always be willing to learn and stay informed. This is true for many industries, but especially for the digital marketing one. The completion of the MS program is the first necessary milestone in a never-ending process of self-development and refinement that will culminate with a brilliant career.

How has what you learned in the MS program influenced your career?

As I mentioned, I was in sales before and wanted to switch to digital marketing. The skills and competencies I acquired through the MS program allowed me to succeed - and beat the competition - in the job hunting process, even with no previous experience in digital marketing. Looking at the big picture, I can safely say that this MS degree allowed me to make my dream career a reality.

How do you define #LubinLife?

#LubinLife is the recipe for owning your career. The ingredients: fun, hard work, exciting events, and inspiring people. Mix everything together and.... enjoy!

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From Theater to Digital Marketing

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Kayla Kleinman '18 took advantage of the flexibility of the MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing degree program, and now she has a successful career as a social media coach.

Lubin alumna Kayla Kleinman '18
Lubin alumna Kayla Kleinman '18

Kayla Kleinman

Social Media Manager, Bookshop.org

Class of 2018
MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Why did you choose Lubin for your MS degree?

I chose Pace for my master's in science for a few reasons. I was really intrigued by the Social Media and Mobile Marketing focus, which is not a focus that's offered at a lot of schools. I knew I wanted to stay in NYC for my graduate studies. I also liked that there was some flexibility to the program, which I took advantage of. Some semesters I attended full-time, others I shifted my main focus to work outside of school and was a part-time student. The combination of those things made Lubin a good fit for me.

What was your favorite Lubin experience?

I enjoyed participating in an international field study course that traveled to Copenhagen and Stockholm to study marketing and sustainability. I didn't get to go abroad during my undergraduate experience so I was super excited to have the chance to travel as a graduate student. I absolutely loved the whole experience and the opportunity to take a course that culminated in this incredible trip.

I learned a lot about what I wanted my career to look like after I graduated. I was able to dabble in different aspects of digital marketing through the courses I took and my internship.

What is your main takeaway from our MS program?

I didn't have a background in marketing prior to starting at Lubin; my undergraduate degree was actually in theater, of all things. My main takeaway is confidence in my ability and knowledge as a digital marketer, and the knowledge that social media is ALWAYS changing.

How has what you learned in the MS program influenced your career?

Through my experience at Lubin and internship during graduate school, I learned a lot about what I wanted my career to look like after I graduated. I was able to dabble in different aspects of digital marketing through the courses I took and my internship. Through that experience, I learned that I love tackling creative tasks that let me use my passion for writing and that I also like opportunities that have a more entrepreneurial vibe.

How do you define #LubinLife?

To me, #LubinLife is making the experience your own. I'm super passionate about wellness and writing so I was always sure to bring that into the classroom to make the coursework most beneficial to me, my life outside of school, and of course my career goals after I finished school.

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Balancing Work and Life

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Brandon Markowitz '18 graduated with an MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing and ended up with an exciting career in digital marketing for a non-profit.

Lubin alumnus Brandon Markowitz '18
Lubin student brandon markowitz '18

Brandon Markowitz

Associate Director, Integrated Planning, iProspect

Class of 2018
MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Why did you choose Lubin for your MS degree?

I chose Pace because it was one of the few places in the greater NY region to offer an MS in a marketing concentration as opposed to an MBA.

What was your favorite Lubin experience?

My favorite Lubin experience was presenting a project at Media Storm and receiving feedback from industry professionals.

Lubin has definitely given me the theoretical knowledge to make informed decisions at my job.

What is your main takeaway from our MS program?

My main takeaway is that the industry is changing so rapidly that it's important to educate yourself on best practices as frequently as possible.

How has what you learned in the MS program influenced your career?

My undergrad degree is in English, so Lubin has definitely given me the theoretical knowledge to make informed decisions at my job.

How do you define #LubinLife?

When I think of #LubinLife, I think of work life balance - learning to manage both, with the understanding that hard work will lead to success.

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The Go-Getter Digital Marketer

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Meet Ashley Southard London '18, a graduate of the MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing program who learned the skills to launch her digital marketing career.

Lubin alumna Ashley Southard '17
Lubin alumna Ashley Southard '17

Ashley Southard London

Social Media Manager, Kichler Lighting

Class of 2018
MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Why did you choose Lubin for your MS degree?

I chose Pace because of the program's focus on social media and the mix of on campus and online classes. I also loved the opportunity to learn outside the classroom from real world experts in the field.

What was your favorite Lubin experience?

Definitely the travel course I took in 2017. We went to Copenhagen and Stockholm and learned about sustainability as it relates to marketing. I have the travel bug so this trip was not only a great chance to see two places I've never been to, but the sessions and company visits we did while abroad were also enlightening. Most of the companies we visited are pioneers in what they do and their innovation showed. I still take inspiration from these visits during my day-to-day work life.

I loved the opportunity to learn outside the classroom from real world experts in the field.

What is your main takeaway from our MS program?

I think my main takeaways are how to understand who you are marketing to, how to use data/analytics to fuel or backup your decisions and to always ask, 'why?'

How has what you learned in the MS program influenced your career?

Pace gave me the motivation and confidence to go after the digital marketing career that I wanted.

How do you define #LubinLife?

Being in the heart of NYC is one of the biggest benefits of being a student at Pace. For me, #LubinLife is all about taking the knowledge that I learned through the program and applying that to the real world, both in and out of the classroom.

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Launching a Career in Market Intelligence

Lubin School of Business

Lubin student Brianna Dunkers-Brown '17 from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania was a marketing major on our New York City Campus. Brianna interned at NBCUniversal for two semesters and discovered her calling: a rewarding career in market intelligence.

Lubin alumni Brianna Dunkers-Brown '17

Brianna Dunkers-Brown

Lubin alumni Brianna Dunkers-Brown '17

Senior Research Analyst, CNN

Class of 2017

BBA in Marketing—Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications

Member Of: Student Government Association, Beta Gamma Sigma, National Business Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America

Brianna Dunkers-Brown '17 from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania is a marketing major with a minor in psychology on our New York City campus. Brianna is very involved in student government—she is currently the Executive Vice President of the Student Government Association (SGA). Brianna has been interning at NBCUniversal for two semesters and has this to say about her experience: "The question students go to college to answer is 'What do I want to do with the rest of my life?' My internship at NBC Universal helped me answer that question. I have been searching for that answer for a while so to have this internship be able to answer that for me is tremendous!"

Where are you currently interning? Have you had any other internships previously?

I am currently doing my second internship at NBCUniversal. Last semester (Fall 2015), I was an ad sales client solutions intern. This semester (Spring 2016), I am a market intelligence intern. Previously I was a PR intern at Magic Bullet Media and a social media intern at Keeper of the Brand Marketing Agency.

What have you been working on at your internship? Has it sparked an interest in a career/area of study you hadn't already thought about? Or has it confirmed that you are on the right path?

My responsibilities as a market intelligence intern run the gamut, but for the most part, I create company overviews and one-pagers and work on one-off requests for various departments. Currently, I'm gathering data and doing research on best practices for targeting the LGBTQA market. This requires a specific profile of the LGBTQA consumer and a detailed description of their buying behavior. I always suspected that I would like figuring out why people do what they do, and I thought it would be interesting to apply that knowledge to marketing. However, even with that suspicion, I enjoy this work much more than I could've imagined. This discovery has been huge for me as a career in market intelligence is the path that I have decided to take after graduation next year.

I always suspected that I would like figuring out why people do what they do, and I thought it would be interesting to apply that knowledge to marketing. However, even with that suspicion, I enjoy this work much more than I could've imagined. This discovery has been huge for me as a career in market intelligence is the path that I have decided to take after graduation next year.

Do you believe your internship experience has helped to prepare you for your future?

Yes I do. My supervisor does a great job of giving me autonomy and letting me have control over the projects she assigns me while subtly guiding me throughout the process. This way, when I finish a project, I feel a sense of accomplishment because I know I did the work, but I also learned a lot about the right way to put together analyst reports, company overviews, one-pagers, etc. This type of mentorship has prepared me for my career because I have work to show future employers. It has also taught me a lot of hard skills that are useful for a career in research. I am familiar with over 10 new research databases and I know how to access the information and compile it in a way that tells a compelling story for the client.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?

My advice to Lubin students looking for internships is to not count yourself out of any opportunity. If you feel a bit under-qualified for a position, apply anyway. They may just take a chance on you based on your past experiences and your ability to sell yourself during the interview. Internships with steep learning curves such as these are usually quite challenging but have the potential to be incredibly rewarding. Pay attention to what your supervisors respond well to and do more of that. At your internship your primary goal is to impress the people you work for, so take their feedback seriously and show them that you're getting better every day. Put your game-face on and don't let 'em see you sweat. Have the attitude that you will succeed and you'll be surprised with how often you actually do. When you do this you'll earn the respect of your supervisors and peers.

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Advice From a Continuous Learner

Career Services/Internships
Lubin School of Business
New York City

Meet Shahzaib Khan '17, who says his internships and membership in student organizations while a BBA/MBA in Public Accounting major on our New York City Campus helped launch his career.

Lubin alumnus Shahzaib Khan '17
Lubin alumnus Shahzaib Khan '17

Shahzaib Khan

AVP, Citi

Class of 2017
BBA/MBA in Public Accounting

Member Of: Beta Alpha Psi, Lambda Sigma Honor Society, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society

Shahzaib Khan '17 from Brooklyn, New York, is a public accounting major on our NYC campus. Shahzaib is a member of Beta Alpha Psi (where he won 3rd Place Best Practice Regional Competition), Lambda Sigma Honor Society and Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society.

Shahzaib says that the best thing about his internship is that he's learning something new everyday. He encourages other students to take this time in their college-lives to shine! We think that's pretty sage advice from a college junior.

Where are you interning this fall?

I am interning at Nasdaq, Inc. in their Tax Department. I have previously interned at AXA Advisors LLC, Deutsche Bank and Deloitte LLP.

What have you been working on at your internship? Has it sparked an interest in a career/area of study you hadn't already thought about? Or has it confirmed that you are on the right path?

At Nasdaq I have been analyzing and assisting in the preparation of federal, state and local corporate income taxes for most of Nasdaq's domestic and international entities. I also received the opportunity to assist in the preparation of financial statement tax provisions and the reconciliations of liability and expense accounts. On the other hand, the best part is I am being exposed to many tax forms and understanding their importance. I feel that from the support of my supervisor and my tax team I am growing professionally and personally every day. Most definitely this has helped me realized that I am on the right path and ready to tackle any challenges the future holds for me.

Do you believe your internship experience has helped to prepare you for your future?

My internship at Nasdaq, Inc. has definitely prepared me for the future. By working with many tax professionals in my department I have developed more skills and have learned what it takes to be successful. I have learned that to be successful, not only hard work is required, but building a passion for what you are doing is what will make you succeed even more. At the same time you should always be energetic and have a positive attitude no matter what situation you are in.

My internship at Nasdaq has definitely prepared me for the future. By working with many tax professionals in my department I have developed more skills and have learned what it takes to be successful.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?

My advice would be to absolutely join a business organization. I am currently a part of Beta Alpa Psi, an academic Honor Society for Accounting, Finance and Information Technology students. The benefits are huge, and so are the networking opportunities! You receive the opportunity to meet different recruiters every week, from top firms such as Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, Pwc… you name it. Beta Alpha Psi also gives you the opportunity to compete in case competitions, where you get to shine and present in front of recruiters. This is what makes recruiters remember you and is also a resume booster! Also I suggest starting internships early rather than waiting till junior year. This will help build your resume and show recruiters that not only have you been working hard in school, but that you are eager to learn even more by interning. No job is too big or too small, you will always be learning at the end of the day. No matter what internship you do, you will always learn and that is the most important thing. Especially if you have a passion for something which isn't related to your major, go for it! But also remember to stay focused on your major as well. This is your time to shine!

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Writing Scripts that Solve Business Problems

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Meet Choenyi Gangshar from Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey (by way of Kathmandu, Nepal!). Choenyi is a Business Honors Program student on our NYC campus, a member of Beta Alpha Psi (Chairman of Performance Management, PwC Case Competition winner, 1st place Best Practice Competition Regional), and Lambda Sigma.

Choenyi Gangshar

Choenyi Gangshar

Data and AI Consultant, Accenture

Class of 2017
BBA in Finance / Information Systems (double major)

Member Of: Business Honors Program, Beta Alpha Psi, Lambda Sigma, PwC Case Competition Winner

Where are you interning this summer?

I'm interning at New York Life (NYL) in their Insurance Technology Department.

What have you been working on at your internship? Has it sparked an interest in a career/area of study you hadn't already thought about?

During this internship I have been mainly working with a large database, which can be thought of more as a data warehouse. In general, I strategize plans to solve a real time problem, write scripts (SQL, Linux) that will fix the problem, test it out in model, and push it in production. These problems can morph into monsters — which is not always fun, since it leads to more research and strategizing (and caffeine!). However, when I do find the solution it makes my day. There is nothing better than my manager saying that he is proud of my work! I do not know if the work I'm doing in this internship has sparked an interest in a career I hadnt thought of previously, but I did realize that I'm interested in something new, which is problem solving.

My manager is the best thing about my internship. He told me that he will definitely be teaching me during the summer, but in return I would have to teach him, as well. True to it, everyday has been a learning, exploring, productive, and unbelievably fun experience.

Do you believe your internship experience has helped to prepare you for your future?

My internship at New York Life has not only helped me narrow my career choices, but has also made me a stronger candidate for the field I want to work in. Working at NYL has given me the opportunity to interact with executives in different departments, from Investment to Legal. When I hear the role the executive plays, I ask myself if I can envision being in that role. When the answer is yes, I get closer to my career choice. I was also able to explore different office locations, which showed me how a company's culture can differ based on location and also how some fundamentals stay the same everywhere. I was able to see what environment I thrived in, and questioned myself why I like one better than the other. Also, the technical and analytical skills I developed and improved during this internship will always be in my benefit no matter what career path I choose.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?

My advice would be to have a game plan so you know if you are straying from the goal — and your game plan can be whatever you want it to be. Mine was to narrow down on careers and then narrow down on companies, so that before I graduate, I would have interned in my dream company at least once. This would help when I interview for the company for a full time position. My other advice is to get to know the manager before you accept the internship. During an internship, managers usually assign projects, so I chose to work for someone who will keep me busy with real work and from whom I can learn and grow. New York City houses the most successful companies of all sizes and industries, so go all out! Also, before you choose to do an unpaid internship, do some online research about what law makers think about unpaid internships.

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Expanding her horizons with internships

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Miki Carver '17 from Oceanside, California is a general business major (with a pre-law minor) on our Pleasantville campus. In addition to her internships at Fox News Channel and the Republican National Committee, she is also on the Pace Volleyball team! Miki’s advice to other students looking for internships? “Be open to anything!”

Miki Carver

Miki Carver

External Relations Lead, U.S. Public Policy, IBM

Class of 2017
BBA in General Business

Member Of: Pace Volleyball Team

Miki Carver '17 from Oceanside, California is a general business major (with a pre-law minor) on our Pleasantville campus. In addition to her internships at Fox News Channel and the Republican National Committee, she is also on the Pace Volleyball team! Miki’s advice to other students looking for internships? “Be open to anything!”

Where are you interning this spring? Have you had any other internships previously?

This spring I was interning at Fox News Channel in Manhattan, before that I was at the Republican National Committee in DC. This summer I am interning for a New York State Senator doing in the Public Relations department.

I met so many people that I plan on staying in touch with for a very long time. There’s a networking aspect to these internships and I thought it was important to utilize that.

What have you been working on at your internship? Has it sparked an interest in a career/area of study you hadn’t already thought about?

My internship at Fox News was accounting, so I was putting together balance sheets every month, sending and receiving invoices and working closely to compile general ledgers. Being in an environment like Fox News really made me more interested in the media side of politics, so this summer I picked up a spot on a campaign.

Do you believe your internship experience has helped to prepare you for your future? How so?

I totally believe that the experience helped me prepare for the future. At Fox and at the Republican National Committee, I met so many people that I plan on staying in touch with for a very long time. There’s a networking aspect to these internships and I thought it was important to utilize that.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?

My advice to Lubin students looking for an internship is to be open to anything. I am not an accounting major whatsoever, so [Fox News internship] this definitely gave me a different perspective on business.

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On the CFO Track

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Meet Samantha Jeroloman '17 from Monroe, New York. Samantha was a student on our Pleasantville campus, an accounting major, a member of the Accounting Society and Lubin Business Association, and a former player on the Pace women's soccer team.

Lubin alumna Samantha Jeroloman '17
Lubin alumna Samantha Jeroloman '17

Samantha Jeroloman

Accounting Operations Analyst, PepsiCo

Class of 2017
BBA in Public Accounting

Member Of: Accounting Society, Lubin Business Association

Meet Samantha Jeroloman from Monroe, New York. Samantha is a student on our Pleasantville campus, an accounting major, a member of the Accounting Society and Lubin Business Association, and a former player on the Pace women's soccer team.

Where are you interning this summer?

Konica Minolta Medical Imaging USA

It has been a great opportunity to see how the corporate world works. Being able to communicate and make connections with many different people was key.

What have you been working on at your internship? Has it sparked an interest in a career/area of study you hadn't already thought about?

I worked on the capital asset budget with the CFO and financial analyst, updated sales and profit reports, and created financial summary slides for the COO for use during all-staff meetings. I also audited company's software inventory.

Do you believe your internship experience has helped to prepare you for your future?

Yes, it has been a great opportunity to see how the corporate world works. Being able to communicate and make connections with many different people was key. I feel my communication skills have improved, as well as my Excel skills.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?

Apply for as many job openings as you can and go to every interview because it's very good practice. You'll become more comfortable in pressured situations.

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