Alfred Ward
BA, Fairfield University
MA, Fordham University
Experimental Psychology
PhD, Fordham University
Experimental Psychology
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Measurement quantitative methods including test development
Courses Taught
Past Courses
MHC 700: Concepts of Research Design
MHC 705: Statistics and Research Design
MHC 706: Statistic & Research Design II
MHC 831: Doctoral Dissertation Sem I
MHC 832: Doctoral Dissertation Sem II
MM 802: Maintain Matriculation-Phd
PSY 110: Introduction to Psychology I
PSY 112: Introduction to Psychology
PSY 205: Stats in Psych & Allied Fields
PSY 380: Experimental Psychology I
PSY 381: Experimental Psychology II
PSY 391: Practicum in Psychology I
PSY 605: Statistics and Research Method
PSY 715: Statistics & Research Design I
PSY 716: Statistics & Research Desgn II
PSY 721: Tests and Measurements
PSY 834: Doctoral Project Seminar
PSY 835: Doctoral Colloquium
Publications and Presentations
Predictors of Counseling Self-Efficacy: Examining Counselor Trainee’s Perception of Supervisory Interaction Style.
Doshi, P. & Ward, A. W. (2022). Academic Journal.