For starters, said Ana B. Amaya, an expert in global health governance at Pace University in New York, this monkeypox outbreak is just very different from past outbreaks of the disease. The vast majority of the latest cases have been identified among gay and bisexual men, and sexual contact with multiple sexual partners has emerged as an important risk factor. Scientists are now trying to determine if the virus spreads through sexual fluids like semen and vaginal fluid in addition to the ways it’s already known to spread: via skin-to-skin contact and, to a lesser degree, by respiratory transmission.

Ana B. Amaya
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Faculty Fellow
Faculty Bio
Dr. Ana B. Amaya has appointments at the United Nations University (UNU-CRIS), Belgium and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom. A specialist on global health policy and multi-level governance for health, her research has entailed understanding the impact of new global health institutions and issues on the health systems of low- and middle- income countries. Most recently, this has involved examining regional organizations in the Global South and health disparities related to COVID-19. Other areas of expertise include: the politics of global health; health diplomacy; and the sustainability of development aid for health. She also sits on the Executive Board of Health Systems Global, a global membership organization of researchers, decision-makers and implementers dedicated to promoting health policy and systems research (HPSR) and knowledge generation.
Dr. Amaya has worked for several international organizations and universities, among these the UNU-CRIS; Overseas Development Institute (ODI); UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER); Pan American Health Organization (PAHO); LSHTM; and the University of South Florida. In addition, she conducted research for the HIV/AIDS Department at the World Health Organization and Committee for Development Policy (CDP-DESA) at the United Nations Headquarters.
Dr. Amaya completed a Doctor of Public Health, Public Health Policy degree from LSHTM. She also holds Master of Public Health, Global Communicable Diseases and a Certificate, Epidemiology from University of South Florida, as well as a Bachelor of Science summa cum laude, Integrative Biology from the University of Florida.
DrPH, Public Health Policy
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
London, United Kingdom
MPH, Global Communicable Diseases
University of South Florida,
Tampa, Florida, USA
BS, Integrative Biology
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida, USA
Awards and Honors
- Pace University, Book and Performance Completion Award (2022)
- Pace University, Kenan Faculty Development Award (2021)
- College of Health Professions, Pace University, Dean's Award for Outstanding Research/Scholarship (2021)
- Provost Office, Pace University, COVID-19 Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Award (2021)
- Pace University, Kenan Faculty Development Award (2019)
- College of Health Professions, Pace University, Travel award (2019)
- International Studies Association, Travel Award (2019)
- College of Health Professions, Pace University, Travel award (2019)
- Pace University, Kenan Faculty Development Award (2019)
- College of Health Professions, Pace University, Travel award (2019)
- World Health Organization, Conference scholarship (2018)
- College of Health Professions, Pace University, Travel award (2018)
- Pace University, Dean's Research Release Time (2018)
- Pace University, Scholarly Research Award (2018)
- International AIDS Society, International AIDS Society, International Merit-based Scholarship (2013)
- Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health, Inducted (2010)
- University of South Florida, Latin American and Caribbean Merit-based Scholarship (2007)
- University of Florida, Dean’s list (2006)
- University of Florida, President’s Honor Roll (2006)
- University of Florida, Summa cum laude (2006)
- Golden Key International Honor Society, Inducted (2005)
- Tau Sigma National Honor Society, Inducted (2005)
- The National Dean’s List (2005)
- Amaya, A.B., Esanova, F*., Felder, T*. & Hong, A*. (2024, October 28). Approaches to Universal Health Coverage and Equity Across Contexts: A Scoping Review. Poster presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Gregory-Martin, K., Amaya, A.B., Henley, T. & Hopkins, U. (2024, June 4). Exploring interprofessional collaboration in the midst of COVID-19. Poster presentation. 2024 Montefiore Wakefield Interprofessional Research and Quality Improvement Symposium, New York, NY.
- Amaya, A.B., Henley, T. & Gregory-Martin, K. (2022, November 7). The role of health policies in supporting primarily minority-serving healthcare workers during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Oral presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA.
- Amaya, A.B., Gregory-Martin, K. & Henley, T. (2022, October 7). Understanding the Barriers and Facilitators of Minority Care during the First Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A pilot study. Oral presentation. Montefiore Medical Center Annual Nursing Research Symposium, New York, NY, USA.
- Amaya, A.B. (2022, March 28-April 2). Tackling Inequities Within and Between: The Impact of Regional Organizations from the Global South during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Oral presentation. International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA.
- Addressing global inequities during COVID-19: Examining the role of collective action through regional organizations in the Global South. Amaya, A. B. (2021). American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. American Public Health Association.
- The role of Regional Cooperation in combatting health emergencies in the Global South. Amaya, A. B. (2021). International Studies Association Virtual Convention. International Studies Association.
- The role of health diplomacy in supporting the promotion of health as a human right. Amaya, A. B. (2020). American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. American Public Health Association.
- Importancia de la gestión publica en el área de salud. Amaya, A. B. (2020). Equipo Impulsor de la Reforma a la Funcion Publica Webinar.
- The politics of the health policy process: From global to local. Amaya, A. B. (2020). International Studies Association Annual Convention. Honolulu, USA.
- Health policy-making on Universal Health Coverage: the positions of actors in the Global South. Amaya, A. B. (2020). International Studies Association Annual Convention. International Studies Association.
- States and Diplomacy in Global Health. Amaya, A. B. (2020). International Studies Association Annual Convention. Honolulu, USA.
Professional and Public Service
- 2025 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, Expert Group member
- BMJ Public Health, Advisory Board member
- Public Health Challenges Journal, Editorial Board member
- American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, abstract reviewer
- Health Systems Global, officer, vice-chair of the Board of Directors
- New York Public Health Association, New York City Policy and Advocacy Committee, member
- Universal Health Coverage 2030 (UHC 2030) - United Nations High-Level Meeting, Task force member
- Think20 Official Engagement Group of the G20, Task Force member
Professional Memberships
- New York State Public Health Association
- American Public Health Association
- International Studies Association
- Health Systems Global
- Research Network for Health Systems and Infection, vice-president
- Henley, T., Gregory-Martin, K., Hopkins, U. & Amaya, A.B. (2023). Exploring interprofessional collaboration in the midst of COVID-19. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 46(4):267–290.
- Regional international organizations and health: A framework for analysis. Greer, S., Amaya, A. B., Jarman, H., Leguido-Quigley, H. & McKee, M. (2022). Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law.
- Regional cooperation is essential to combatting health emergencies in the Global South. Amaya, A. & De Lombaerde, P. (2021). Globalization and Health. Vol 17 (Issue 9)
- The Spread of COVID-19 among Blacks: How does it impact Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs)? Gregory, K., Henley, T. J. & Amaya, A. (2020). Journal of the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing. Vol 15 (Issue 2)
- Henley, T., Gregory-Martin, K., Hopkins, U. & Amaya, A.B. (2023). Exploring interprofessional collaboration in the midst of COVID-19. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 46(4):267–290.
- Greer, S., Amaya, A.B., Jarman, H., Leguido-Quigley, H. & McKee, M. (2022). Regional international organizations and health: A framework for analysis. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 47(1): 63-92.
- Amaya, A.B. & De Lombaerde, P. (2021). Regional cooperation is essential to combatting health emergencies in the Global South. Globalization and Health, 17 (9).
- Gregory, K., Henley, T. & Amaya, A.B. (2020). The spread of COVID-19 among Blacks: How does it impact Speech-Language Pathologists? Journal of the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing, 15(2).
- Amaya, A.B. & De Lombaerde, P. (2019). Multi-level health governance and health diplomacy: Regional dimensions. Regions & Cohesion, 9(1): 86–92.
- Amaya, A.B., Kingah, S. & De Lombaerde, P. (2019). The role of regional health diplomacy on data sharing: The SADC and UNASUR cases. Regions & Cohesion, 9(1): 93–132.
- Samuels, F., Amaya, A.B. & Balabanova, D. (2017). Drivers of health system strengthening: learning from implementation of maternal and child health programmes in Mozambique, Nepal and Rwanda. Health Policy and Planning, 32(7):1015–1031.
- Samuels, F., Amaya, A. B. & Balabanova, D. (2017). Drivers of health system strengthening: learning from implementation of maternal and child health programmes in Mozambique, Nepal and Rwanda. Health Policy and Planning. Vol 23 (Issue 7) , pages 1015–1031.
Research Interests
- Global health governance and diplomacy
- Regional health policies
- Global health partnerships
- Sustainability of aid, and health system strengthening, primarily concerning low and middle income countries
Courses Taught
- HSC 210: Health Care Policy
- HSC 310: History of Health Care Systems
- HSC 335: Health Policy: The Current State of Affairs
- HSC 410: Global Health Care Systems
- HSC 481: Capstone Project ll
- PH 610: Health Policy and Systems Reform