Dan Baugher, Ph.D. is Professor of Management. He is currently Graduate Management Program Chair. Prior to taking on this administrative role, he served as Associate Dean for Lubin Graduate Programs for 10 years and before, as elected Chair of the Management and Management Science Department for 15 years. Before assuming the responsibilities of Chair, he served as Director of the Hotel Management Program for five years and as University Research Design and Statistical Consultant for ten years across all University Schools under the direction of the Provost.
Before joining Pace, he was an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University where he taught applied psychology to life inmates at Rahway State Prison and intro psychology to hundreds of students in large lecture sections. He served as a clinical intern at The Carrier Clinic in New Jersey working with suicidal patients under the supervision of J.R. Wittenborn, Ph.D. and Arthur Sugarman, M.D. He also served as a psychometric intern in the legendary AT&T Human Resources Research Laboratory in Manhattan where he evaluated the success of training programs and developed entrance tests and job analyses for the Bell System at its peak employment of one million employees under Mary Tenopyr, Ph.D., Robert Ramos, Ph.D. and Richard Riley, Ph.D.
He has published management computer simulations for Random House and McGraw Hill in his text, PC Case, created video case studies in intro management for McGraw Hill, and spreadsheet-based cases in strategy for SouthWestern Publishing. He has served as a c-suite consultant since 1973 beginning with research on management selection for Hardee's Food systems for its nationwide chain of restaurants. In 1993-94, he created the $1.9 billion business plan for expanded use of the NYC MetroCard for Nippon Telephone and Telegraph and evaluated the impact of the new medium on user subway turnstile throughput in a study of 14,000+ riders, published in the National Academies of Sciences Journal, The Transportation Research Record in 1996, shortly after implementation of the MetroCard in the city.
He continues to serve as a consultant to the New York State Division of the Budget where he created its top management promotion system and worked on Governor Mario Cuomo's Comparable Worth Initiative. He has also worked with the NYS Dept. of Taxation and Finance using big data analytics to determine who to audit. Other clients have included among others, the CBS board, AT&T, AT&T International, NJ Transit, NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation, Fragomen, DelRey, and Bernson (a major immigration law firm), NYC Board of Education, Ardsley Partners (a $1 billion equity-based hedge fund), NYS Office of Mental Health, NYS Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, Park Evaluations (an immigration support firm), Citibank, Security Capital Real Estate Fund, American Express, MetLife, the Port Authority of NY and NJ, Li and Fung in Hong Kong, and Yale University.
He has served as track chair in management for the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS) for the past 20 years. He has received a number of best paper awards from ASBBS as well as its outstanding scholar award in 2010 and outstanding service award in 2003. In 2000, he gave the keynote address at the Association of Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL) on Using the Internet in Business Education. His most recent three journal articles, published in 2016, focused on the validity and reliability of online product quality ratings of movies and DVDs by users on Amazon and Netflix. He has also been elected and served as residential condo president and treasurer for the Landmark American Tract Society Building in Manhattan (directly across from Pace University) since 2003.
He has been heavily involved in curriculum development at Pace including the creation of the hotel management program (now called hospitality), the UG HRM program, the Graduate HRM program with Dr. Ibraiz Tarique, the EMBA with Drs. Andrew Varanelli and Jim Hall, and the FastTrack MBA program. He teaches intro mgmt., OB and change (EMBA), and a doctoral seminar in research methods and has taught a range of other courses including human resources management, business strategy, leadership principles and practices, management seminar, hotel design, housekeeping, maintenance, and engineering functions, and organizational behavior.
Clinical Psychology and Psychometrics
MS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
Social-Personality Psychology and Assessment
BA, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.
With High Honors in Psychology
Publications and Presentations
Baugher, D., Noh, S., Ramos, C. (2016). The relationship of online Netflix user reviews to days to sale for new DVDs on Amazon. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal. 20(2 (Fall)), 135-148. Read More >>
Baugher, D., Ramos, C. (2016). The cross-platform consistency of online user movie ratings. Atlantic Marketing Journal. 5(3), 121-136. Read More >>
Baugher, D., Ramos, C., Eisner, A. (2016). The consistency and validity of online user ratings of movie and DVD quality. Journal of Business And Behavioral Sciences. 28(2 (Fall)), 94-103.
Baugher, D., Weisbord, E., Ramos, C. (2014). Is the empirical validity of prior experience for performance affected by rating approach? (A in ABDC Ratings). Personnel Review. 43(3), 438-463. Read More >>
Ramos, C., Baugher, D. (2013). The impact of the great recession of 2007 to 2009 on perception of the value of arts education and ability to gain funding in New York City. American Journal of Arts Management. 1(1)(March 2013), 1-11.
Eisner, A., Baugher, D., Korn, H. (2012). Campbell: Is the soup still simmering?. Journal of The International Academy for Case Studies. 18(5), 65-89. Read More >>
Baugher, D., Weisbord, E., Eisner, A. (2011). Damping the elasticity of demand function in a business simulation: does lower market volatility decrease student satisfaction with their experience?. Journal of Business And Behavioral Sciences. 23(3), 4-13. Read More >>
Baugher, D., Weisbord, E., Tarique, I. (2010). The relationship between prior work experience quality and job performance for financial analysts seeking promotion in state government: A 15-year study. Journal of Business And Behavioral Sciences. 22(1), 51-61.
Baugher, D., Varanelli, A., Weisbord, E. (2009). Egoism, justice, rights, and utilitarianism: Student views of classic ethical positions in business. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics. 1(January 2009), 1-11. Read More >>
Baugher, D., Varanelli, A., Weisbord, E. (2003). Relating group diversity to group performance in a business game: Some findings for ancestral diversity.. Journal of Business And Behavioral Sciences. 10 (1)27-36.
Baugher, D., Varanelli, A., Weisbord, E. (2003). Student hits in an Internet-supported course: How can instructors use them and what do they mean?. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. 1(2), 159-179. Read More >>
Baugher, D., Varanelli, A., Weisbord, E. (2000). Gender and culture diversity occurring in self-formed work groups.. Journal Of Managerial Issues. 12 (4)391-407. Read More >>
(1997). PC Case Business Case Software in True Basic.
Baugher, D., Varanelli, A. (1998). An instructional support software module for demonstrating graphical linear programming (programmed in True Basic).. The Journal of Private Enterprise. XIII (2)145-147. Read More >>
Baugher, D., Dennehy, R., Varanelli, A. (1996). Token versus stored value card use in the New York City Subway System: Observational study over two time periods.. Transportation Research Record. (1521), 91-97. Read More >>
Baugher, D., Varanelli, A., Hall, J. (1994). Ten years of experience with a performance 'based promotional selection and career development system within state government.. Public Personnel Management. 23 (4)525-558. Read More >>
Baugher, D. (1981). Measuring Effectiveness, Guest Editor, No. 11.. New Directions for Program Evaluations. 111-105.
Baugher, D. (1978). Age-related changes in psychological processes and mandatory retirement: Is the older worker inherently incompetent?. Aging & Work. 1(4), 243-250. Read More >>
Baugher, D., Gormly, J. (1975). The effect of personal competence on the significance of interpersonal disagreements: Physiological activation and social judgments.. Journal of Research in Personality. 9(4), 356-365. Read More >>
Baugher, D. (1987). PC Case Basica Software Modules.
Baugher, D., Varanelli, Jr., A. (1989). Resources for Strategic Analysis. In Linda Miles (Ed.), Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western Publishing Co. Read More >>
(1997). PC Case Business Case Software in True Basic.
Baugher, D., Wittenborn, J. (1980). Some dimensions of dysphorias and their assessment.. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease. (168), 75-83. Read More >>
Baugher, D. (1975). An examination of the non-specific skin resistance response.. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 6(3), 254-256. Read More >>