Demosthenes Athanasopoulos

Demosthenes Athanasopoulos

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Chemistry/Physical Sciences NY
One Pace Plaza


Awards and Honors

  • Pace University, 2001, Kenan Award for Teaching Excellence
  • Pace University, 2000, Harold Blancke Chemistry Professorship


BSc, Athens University, Greece

MPhil, New York University

MSc, New York University

PhD, New York University, Chemical Physics

Research and Creative Works

Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts

Trichomoniasis: New Targets of Intervention and Novel Drug Candidates
Upmacis, R. K., Yarlett, N. & Athanasopoloulos, D. NIH R21/R33, Federal. Not Funded.

MRI: Acquisition of a Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer for Use in Research and Education in Chemistry, Biology and Forensic Science at Pace University
Upmacis, R. K., Athanasopoulos, D., Dai, Z., Mojica, E. & Yarlett, N. NSF, Federal. Not Funded.

Acquisition of an LCMS for Research and Teaching
Dai, Z., Upmacis, R. K., Athanasopoulos, D. & Mojica, E. NSF, Federal. Not Funded.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

BMB 711: Research II
CHE 111: General Chemistry I
CHE 111: General Chemistry I (Lab)
CHE 111: General Chemistry I (Lecture)
CHE 112: General Chemistry II
CHE 112: General Chemistry II (Lab)
CHE 112: General Chemistry II (Lecture)
CHE 301: Physcl Chem I: Thermodynamics
CHE 301: Physcl Chmstry: Thrmdynmcs
CHE 301: Physical Chemistry I
CHE 302: Physical Chem II (Lecture)
CHE 302: Physical Chemistry II
CHE 305: Quantum Chemistry
CHE 330: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHE 395: Independent Study in Chemistry
CHE 480: Research in Chemistry
CHE 513: Mthds in Scntfc Rsrch & Tchng
CHE 640: Physical Biochemistry
FOR 500: Introduction to Physical Chem
FOR 621: Internship
FOR 798: Thesis I
FOR 799: Thesis II
SCI 101: The Planet Earth

Publications and Presentations


Research and Development of Impression Evidence
Athanasopoulos, D.

Professional Contributions and Service

Professional Memberships

  • American Association of University Professors [Member]
  • American Chemical Society [Member]
  • American Physical Society [Member]