Emilie Zaslow

Emilie Zaslow

Department Chairperson
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Communication and Media Studies

Emilie Zaslow

41 Park Row


Faculty Bio

My research focuses on the connection between identity and mediated communication. I am interested in the ways in which we come to understand ourselves, and our worlds, through our relationships with media texts and technologies. Specifically, my research has explored how media impacts gendered identities and our perceptions of the feminine.

For more information see: emiliezaslow.com

Awards and Honors

  • 2014, Kenan Faculty Development Grant
  • Pace University, 2014, Scholarly Research Award
  • Verizon Thinkfinity Initiative Grant, 2013, Developing an Interdisciplinary Digital Media Studies Minor and a Digital Cinema and Television Production Course
  • 2012, Pace Pawscar for Best Professor


PhD, New York University, New York, NY, 2006
Media, Culture, and Communication

MA, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 1997
American Studies

BA, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, 1993
Women's Studies

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Gender identity and media
Parenting communities online

Courses Taught

Past Courses

CMS 113: Media, Culture, and Society
CMS 235: Advertising & Consumer Culture
CMS 309: Girls' Media Stdy:Thry & Rsrch
CMS 335: Media and Gender
CMS 393: Internship Program I
CMS 394: Internship Program II
COM 113: Media, Culture, and Society
COM 119: Organizational Communication
COM 200: Public Speaking
COM 210: Intro. to Mass Media - A.D.P.
COM 235: Advertising & Consumer Culture
COM 244: Digital Cultures
COM 245: Commctn and Popular Culture
COM 297: Advertising & Consumer Culture
COM 297: Topic: Conflictr Management
COM 297: Topic: Media and Gender
COM 297: Topic:Digital Culture
COM 297: Youth, Media and Democracy
COM 312: Intro to Cultural Studies
COM 335: Media and Gender
COM 336: Propaganda
COM 393: Intern Program I
COM 393: Internship Program I
COM 393: Internship Program l
COM 394: Internship Program II
COM 395: Independent Study in Comm.
COM 397: Girls' Media Stdy:Thry & Rsrch
COM 499: Seminar in Communications
COS 113: Media, Culture, and Society
COS 296: Topic: Current Media in NY
COS 335: Media and Gender
COS 393: Internship Program l
COS 394: Internship Program II
DMS 393: Intern in Digital Media Stds
INT 296: Children in Urban Society
INT 299: Disability Stories thru Film
INT 299: Disability Stories Thru Film
INT 299: Narrative Medicine
SPE 203: Persuasive Speaking
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty

Publications and Presentations


Connecting local body politics to a digital feminist movement
Zaslow, E. & , . Jessalyn Keller and Maureen Ryan (Eds.), New York, NY :Routledge.

GFCF: Food, Autism, and Challenges to Scientific Motherhood and Neoliberalism
Zaslow, E. Florence Pasche Guignard and Tanya Cassidy (Eds.), Branford, Ontario , Canada:Demeter Press. , pages 17 pgs. .

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