Erica Johnson

Erica Johnson

Associate Chairperson
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
English NY

Erica Johnson



Faculty Bio

Erica Johnson's research focuses on Caribbean literature and cultural memory studies. She is the author of several books including Caribbean Ghostwriting and Cultural Memory, Memorials, and Reparative Writing.

Awards and Honors

  • Mellon Foundation, 2024, Mellon Foundation
  • Camargo Foundation, 2021, Camargo Foundation Fellowship


BA, Carleton College

MA, University of Washington
Comparative Literature

PhD, University of California, Davis
Comparative Literature

Research and Creative Works

Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts

Camargo Foundation Fellowship
Johnson, E. L. February 2021 - May 2021. Camargo Foundation, Private. .

Courses Taught

Past Courses

ENG 120: Critical Writing
ENG 393: Internship
LIT 205: Intro to Lit, Culture & Media
LIT 211: Early World Literature
LIT 211: The Individual and Society
LIT 296: Topics: Clmt Chng, Lit, & Vlnc
LIT 304: Postcolonial Literature
LIT 313: Stds in the Novel: 21st Cntry
LIT 319: Intro to Literary Studies
LIT 373: Modernism
LIT 387: Comparative Literature
LIT 387: Open Seminar
LIT 395: Independent Study-Literature
LIT 396: Topic: Postcolonial Lit
WS 271: Women in Jeopardy

Publications and Presentations


Wreckognition: Archival Ruins in Dionne Brand’s The Blue Clerk
Johnson, E. L. (2023). Springer International Publishing. , pages 47-64.

Comparative counter-archival creativity: M. NourbeSe Philip’sZong!and La Vaughn Belle’sChaney
Johnson, E. L. (2021). Journal of Aesthetics & Culture. Vol 13 (Issue 1)

The Female Face of Shame
Johnson, E. L. (2013). The Female Face of Shame.Erica L. Johnson and Patricia Moran (Eds.), Bloomington, IN , United States : Indiana University Press.


"Wayward Temporalities: Literary and Artistic Interventions in Archival Time"
Johnson, E. L. & , . (2023). Time and Measure. International Society for the Study of Time,