Irina Gazaryan

Irina Gazaryan

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Chemistry/Physical Sciences PLV


Faculty Bio

Dr Gazaryan graduated from Department of Chemical Enzymology, School of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, and was awarded PhD degree from the same University in Chemistry/Biochemistry

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Since 2005, Dr Gazaryan's research interests are in the field of neuroprotection, and in particular, in the development of activators of antioxidant and antihypoxic genetic programs. Two luciferase fusion reporters were developed and used for high throughput screening purposes. The patented Neh2-luc reporter and optimized HIF ODD-luc reporter are currently used to screen for new activators and perform their structural optimization. Structure-activity relationships using a 2D-titration approach with the available reporters permit elucidation of mechanisms of action of newly identified activators.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

BMB 711: Research II
CHE 111: General Chemistry I
CHE 112: General Chemistry II
CHE 113: Prin of Chem for the Hlth Prof
CHE 326: Biochemistry
CHE 328: Advanced Biochemistry
CHE 329: Adv Biochemistry Laboratory
CHE 480: Research in Chemistry

Publications and Presentations


Degradation kinetics of disulfide cross-linked microgels: Real-time monitoring by confocal microscopy
Mercer, I. G., Italiano, A. N., Gazaryan, I. G., Steiner, A. B. & Kazakov, S. V. (2023). Gels. Vol 9 , pages 782 (17 pages).

Probable mechanisms of doxorubicin antitumor activity enhancement by Ginsenoside Rh2
Popov, A. M., Klimovich, A. A., Styshova, O. N., Tsybulsky, A. V., Hushpulian, D. M., Osipyants, A. I., Khristichenko, A. Y., Kazakov, S. V., Ahuja, M., Kaidery, N., THomas, B., Tishkov, V. I., Brown, A., Gazaryan, I. & Po;oznikov, A. A. (2022). Molecules. Vol 27 , pages 628.

Structure–activity relationships and transcriptomic analysis of hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors
Poloznikov, A. A., Nikulim, S. V., Hushpulian, D. M., Khristichenko, A. Y., Osipyants, A. I., Asachenko, A. F., Shurupova, O. V., Savin, S. S., Lee, S. H., Gaisina, I. N., Thatcher, G. J., Narciso, A., Chang, E. P., Kazakov, S. V., Krucher, N. A., Tishkov, V. I., Thomas, B. & Gazaryan, I. (2022). Antioxidants. Vol 11 , pages 220.

HIF prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors for COVID-19 treatment: Pros and cons
Poloznikov, A. A., Nersisyan, S. A., Hushpulian, D. M., Kazakov, E. H., Tonevitsky, A. G., Kazakov, S. V., Vechorko, V. I. & Gazaryan, I. (2021). Frontiers in Pharmacology. Vol 11 , pages 621054.

Zinc switch in pig heart lipoamide dehydrogenase: Steady-state and transient kinetic studies of the diaphorase reaction
Gazaryan, I., Schedrina, V. A., Klyachko, N. L., Zakhariants, A. A., Kazakov, . & Brown, A. M. (2020). Biochemistry (Moscow). Vol 85 (Issue 8) , pages 908-919.


Lipobeads with degradable hydrogel core explode under presence of reducing agents: An approach to anticancer drug delivery
Kazakov, S. V., Perez, R., Sybesma, M. & Gazaryan, I. (2021). Pittsburg Conference (PITTCON 2021). ACS,