Joseph A. Siegel, Interim Executive Director, Pace Energy and Climate Center and Adjunct Professor of Law at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Joseph A. Siegel

Adjunct Professor
Interim Executive Director, Pace Energy and Climate Center
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Environmental Law

Joseph A. Siegel


Adjunct Professor Joseph Siegel currently serves as interim Executive Director of the Pace Energy and Climate Center at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law. Previously, he worked for 38 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2, office in New York where he was a Senior Attorney, co-chaired the Region 2 Climate Change Workgroup and the Office of Regional Counsel’s Climate Change Workgroup, managed the Region 2 Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution program, and served on the Steering Committee of the Mid-Atlantic Federal Climate Partners. Much of Professor Siegel’s legal work at EPA involved regulation of the energy sector under the Federal Clean Air Act. He has also been a leader on national policy related to climate change, air pollution and dispute resolution.

Professor Siegel has been a mediator and facilitator for over 20 years and often serves as an impartial third-party on matters involving climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation as well as other environmental issues. In this work, he seeks to build bridges among diverse stakeholders and help them arrive at collaborative solutions.

His international work includes serving as Education Chair for the Climate Change Project of Mediators Beyond Borders International and participation in various international collaboration and conflict resolution initiatives on climate change such as Adaptation Without Borders and Better Climate Governance. Joe teaches and lectures on mediation and conflict resolution at both United Nations climate change summits and domestic conferences on climate change and dispute resolution. He was also a member of the Advisory Group to the United Nations Environment Programme and Permanent Court of Arbitration on Environmental Dispute Resolution and Dispute Avoidance.

As an Adjunct Professor at Haub Law since 2001, Professor Siegel has taught courses in the JD and LLM Energy and Climate Change Programs, including the Clean Air Seminar, Climate Change Seminar, and Adaptation to Climate Change. He also teaches Environmental Dispute Resolution at Hofstra Law School where he has been a Special Professor of Law since 2014. Previously, Professor Siegel taught environmental law and environmental justice for 11 years at City University of New York Law School at Queens College.

Professor Siegel served as Chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Committee on Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Ecosystems of the Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER) and Chair of the ABA SEER Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee. He also served as Vice-Chair of the ABA Renewable Energy Resources Committee and editor of the Energy Committees Newsletter. He has been a frequent lecturer and author on climate change, conflict resolution and collaboration.


  • BA, Wesleyan University
  • JD, Hofstra University School of Law