Prof. Kole Camaj

Prof. Kole Camaj

Clinical Assistant Professor
Assistant Chair & Director of Economics Programs
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Economics PLV

Prof. Kole Camaj

156W, , Mail Box # 1
Choate House
| Office Hours: Mon 12:00pm-2:00pm,Wed 11:00am-2:00pm
Mail Box # 1
Choate House


Faculty Bio

Kole Camaj has more than twenty years of hands-on experience in an academic setting, private enterprise, politics, and the United Nations. He studied at several US and international institutions ultimately graduating from the top graduate schools in the United States. He was a student of foreign languages, political science, economics, finance, and management, as well as international law, diplomacy, negotiations and mediations, and international security studies.

In the last ten years, he has been a professor at seven universities instructing a broad range of courses in economics, business, and finance at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He also instructed courses on contemporary social issues, sociology, political science, and history as well as on operations, policies, and procedures of the United Nations, the horrific civil wars of the 1990s in the Balkans, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the trial of Milosevic, and the International Criminal Court (ICC) procedures. He integrated quantitative and qualitative methods and critical thinking elements into all the lessons he instructed. He also provided students with assistive technologies and modifications to the materials he covered.

Camaj was an entrepreneur for many years. He founded and managed new entrepreneurial ventures, dealing with many issues such as financing, accounting, high-tech marketing, and data management. This experience allowed him to bring real-world elements of finance and business into classroom teaching. In the nonprofit sector, he led and accomplished different projects as well. Together with a group of former students of "Džafer Nikočević Elementary School”, he led the project in fundraising and building a brand-new school in the town of Vishnjeva, in Montenegro.

Camaj participates in many United Nations conferences that deal with economic development, global health, and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT PrepCom). He is also fluent in Albanian, Serbo-Croatian, and Russian, and has superb presentation skills in all the above languages.

Awards and Honors

  • University of Rochester, Simon Graduate School of Business, 2009, Awarded an Innovative Scholarship


BA, City University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Politics and Philosophy; Law, Policy, and Society

Certificate, Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Yale University
Scientific Teaching Fellow in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Certificate!

MALD, Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
International Law and Diplomacy!

MBA, University of Rochester, Simon Graduate School of Business
Finance, Economics, and Management

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Interested in the economic fundamentals and contemporary world markets, the international financial markets, and Financial Modeling such as Econometric Models, Asset Pricing Models, Interest Rate Models, Derivative Models, Risk Models, and Portfolio Models.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

ECO 105: Principles of Economics: Macro
ECO 106: Principles of Economics: Micro
ECO 230: Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 238: Money and Banking
ECO 380: Mathematical Economics
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty