Lauren Birney

Lauren Birney

School of Education
School of Education NY

Lauren Birney



Personal Quote

Dr. Birney works collaboratively with partners and affiliates in creating STEM content, defining curriculum & assessment systems, and conducting program evaluation services for the K-12 STEM community. Dr.Birney founded and is the Director of the STEM Collaboratory NYC®, which was established to be a leader
in enabling students, teachers, faculty and scientists to engage in the fields of STEM education, create meaningful science curricula and provide interactive inquiry-based professional development for teachers. An integral component of STEM Education is the affiliation and partnerships between K-12 education
stakeholders, Universities and the multinational corporations. The support of these partners in terms of funding, resources, and affiliate activities is critical for the success of STEM fields. Establishing a network that is multilayered and integrates aspects of business into educational practices will provide constituents
with experiential learning and the ability to grow as a singular entity. Establishing multinational STEM Partnerships and collaborations will create unique opportunities for both Educational Institutions andcorporations to become substantial powerhouses in the STEM arena.

Faculty Bio

Dr. Lauren B. Birney Ed. D. is an urban STEM educator with 30 years of experience encompassing bothhigh school and university tenures. She is a Professor of STEM in the School of Education at Pace University preparing both pre-service and in-service teachers in the areas of curriculum and instruction, classroom management, teaching methodologies and research techniques. Lauren earned a B.A. in Biology/Chemistry from the University of San Diego, an M.A. in Counseling & and Ed. D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Southern California.

Awards and Honors

  • Environmental Studies Pace University, 2013, Pace Academy Faculty Scholar
  • School of Education, Pace University, 2010, Nomination- Provost Review Committee
  • 2010, Provost’s Research Release Time – Primary Investigator
  • Graduate Women in Science, 2003, Women Science Teacher of the Year
  • University of Southern California, 1998, Delta Epsilon
  • University of Southern California, 1994, Phi Delta Kappa
  • Point Loma Nazarene College, 1992, Phi Delta Lambda Honor Society
  • University of San Diego, 1988, Swimming Team Captain
  • University of San Diego, 1983, Bishop Maher Catholic Leadership Scholarship
  • University of San Diego, 1983, Collegiate Swimming Scholarship
  • University of San Diego, 1983, Sigma Pi Little Sisters
  • University of San Diego, 1983, Speakers Bureau Committee


EdD, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, 1998
Educational Leadership, Administrative Leadership Credential

MA, Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego, California, 1992
Counseling, Pupil Personnel Services Credential

Single Subject Teaching Credential, Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego, California, 1990
Biology, Supplemental: Chemistry, Physical Science, Physical Education, and CLAD Certification

Professional Study, St Clare’s University, Oxford, England, 1988
Liberal Arts and Spanish

BA, University of San Diego, San Diego, California, 1987

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Research areas of interest involve teacher retention, teacher credentialing, teacher qualification, and teacher characteristics. The relationship that exists between these factors is of significant interest. Issues related to academic achievement in secondary inner city public school settings including teacher assessment and training, educational professionalism, curriculum and instruction, and Secondary Science Education. Additional areas of interest exist in the implementation of educational restructuring efforts in Science and its relevance in secondary public education and its relevance to underrepresented students.

Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts

NSF DRL 1440869
Birney, L. . . "Curriculum and Community Enterprise for New York Harbor Resorption in New York City Public Schools"

STEAM Collaborative Project
Birney, L. Time Warner Cable Foundation. .

STEM Summer Camp
Birney, L. AT and T Foundation. .

STEAM Collaborative Project
Birney, L. Time Warner Cable Foundation. .

STEM Grant
Birney, L. The Verizon Foundation. .

San Diego Foundation Blasker Grant
Birney, L. San Diego Foundation. .

Courses Taught

Past Courses

ED 523: Mid Chldhd Adlscnc: Comm & Id
ED 620: Elem Meth: Learn to Teach
ED 630: Hmn Dvlpmnt in School Context
ED 631: Educational Psychology
ED 632: Lnge, & Dvlpmnt of Glbl Prsp
ED 633: Foundations of Education
ED 636: Meth Sci Intrdscplnry Tch 1-6
ED 637: Mthd:Math Intrdscplnry Tch 1-6
ED 640: Secondary Mthd: Learn to Teach
ED 644: Mkng Scnce Meaningful, 7-12
ED 690: Teacher as Researcher
EDG 601: Social Foundations
EDG 602: Adolescent Development
EDG 606: Learning Environments
EDG 609: Lang, Ltrcy, and Glbl Prspctvs
EDG 638: Scty, Schls, & Adlscnt Dvlpmnt
EDU 696: Oyster Project (BOP)
TCH 420: Sci Methods: Intgrtd Approach

Professional Contributions and Service

Intellectual Property

Copyright: The STEM Collaboratory NYC® [Non-Provisional] , United States

Professional Memberships

  • American Women in Science
  • Delta Epsilon
  • Graduate Women in Science
  • Italian Community Membership
  • National Education Association
  • National Science Teachers Association
  • Phi Beta Kappa
  • Phi Delta Kappa
  • San Diego Teachers Association
  • United States Masters Swimming Association

Related News and Stories

In the Media

Science Now features a piece on School of Education Professor Lauren Birney highlighting her efforts to engage middle school students in an ambitious restoration program called The Billion Oyster Project the initiative is in partnership with the National Science Foundation.

Pace Magazine

School of Education's Lauren Birney, EdD, is co-leading a powerhouse group of collaborators to build upon the New York Harbor School’s project to put science into the hands (quite literally) of middle school students in low-income neighborhoods.