Lisa Fastenberg

Lisa Fastenberg

Associate Professor
Department Chairperson
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Mathematics PLV
Marks Hall


BA, University of Pennsylvania

PhD, Yale University

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Number Theory, Elliptic Surfaces

Courses Taught

Past Courses

MAT 099: Basic Mathematics
MAT 100: Fundamental Mathematics
MAT 100: Fundamental Mathematics (CAP)
MAT 102: Math for Life: Intgrtd Review
MAT 103: Algebra - Arithmetic
MAT 103: Algebra-CAP
MAT 104: Finite Mathematics
MAT 111: Elementary Calculus I
MAT 117: Elementary Statistics
MAT 131: Calculus I
MAT 132: Calculus II
MAT 137: Intro to Discrete Mathematics
MAT 234: Intro to Prob & Stat Analysis
MAT 238: Linear Algebra
MAT 301: Algebraic Structures
MAT 395: Independent Study in Math

Publications and Presentations


Uniform Bounds for Integral Points on Families of Elliptic Curves
Fastenberg, L. (2002). Journal of Number Theory.

Computing Mordell-Weil Ranks of Cyclic Covers of Elliptic Surfaces
Fastenberg, L. (2001). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.

Mordell-Weil Groups in Procyclic Extensions of a Function Field
Fastenberg, L. (1997). Duke Mathematical Journal.