Lisa Fastenberg
Department Chairperson
BA, University of Pennsylvania
PhD, Yale University
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Number Theory, Elliptic Surfaces
Courses Taught
Past Courses
MAT 099: Basic Mathematics
MAT 100: Fundamental Mathematics
MAT 100: Fundamental Mathematics (CAP)
MAT 102: Math for Life: Intgrtd Review
MAT 103: Algebra - Arithmetic
MAT 103: Algebra-CAP
MAT 104: Finite Mathematics
MAT 111: Elementary Calculus I
MAT 117: Elementary Statistics
MAT 131: Calculus I
MAT 132: Calculus II
MAT 137: Intro to Discrete Mathematics
MAT 234: Intro to Prob & Stat Analysis
MAT 238: Linear Algebra
MAT 301: Algebraic Structures
MAT 395: Independent Study in Math
Publications and Presentations
Uniform Bounds for Integral Points on Families of Elliptic Curves
Fastenberg, L. (2002). Journal of Number Theory.
Computing Mordell-Weil Ranks of Cyclic Covers of Elliptic Surfaces
Fastenberg, L. (2001). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
Mordell-Weil Groups in Procyclic Extensions of a Function Field
Fastenberg, L. (1997). Duke Mathematical Journal.