Lixin Tao
Department Chairperson
Faculty Bio
Dr. Lixin Tao received PhD in Computer Science from University of Pennsylvania in 1988. He is now full professor and chairperson of Computer Science Department at Westchester.
Awards and Honors
- East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2006, Advisory Professor Certificate
- Marquis, 2005, Who's Who in America - Commemorative 60th Diamond Edition
- Marquis, 2005, Who's Who in American Education - 2005
- Pace University, 2004, Pace Research Grant Proposal Time Release Award
- Computing Sciences Accreditation Board, 2004, Nominated to be Program Evaluator for CSAB (Computing Sciences Accreditation Board)
- Marquis, 2004, Who's Who in America
- Academic Keys, 2004, Who's Who in Sciences Higher Education - 2004
- Marquis, 2003, Who's Who in America
- Moore School, University of Pennsylvania, 1986, Research Fellow
- Moore School, University of Pennsylvania, 1984, Teaching Fellow
PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 1988
Computer & Information Science
M.S.E., University of Pennsylvania, 1985
Computer & Information Science
M.S.E., East China Normal University, 1981
Computer Applications & Software Engineering
B.S.E., East China Normal University, 1978
Computer Engineering
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Internet Computing; Server/Service Scalability; Component Technologies & Software Architectures; Parallel Computing; Functional Simulation Technologies; Combinatorial Optimization
Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts
SOA Server Technologies
Tao, L. IBM. . including a latest BladeCenter server cluster with 20 high-performance server processors (IBM’s only award in the same category in USA for 2005 targeting tier 1 or 2 computer science programs).
National Science Foundation award
Tao, L. High Performance Network Connections for Science and Engineering Research - HPNC: Internet 2, Pace University. .
Courses Taught
Past Courses
CIT 312: Introduction to Programming l
CS 121: Computer Programming I
CS 122: Computer Programming II
CS 241: Data Structures/Algorithms
CS 271: Fundmntls of Unix and C Prgmng
CS 324: Applctn Dvlpmnt w/ .NET & Web
CS 344: Intrnt Cmptng w/ Dstrbtd Cmptg
CS 344: Web Computing
CS 371: Operating Sys/Architecture
CS 371: Operating Sys/Architecture I
CS 397: .Net Web Technologies
CS 397: Intrnt Cmptng w/ Dstrbtd Cmptg
CS 410: Intro to Parallel Computing
CS 412: Concepts in Internet Computing
CS 490: Ind Study in Computer Science
CS 502: Fundamentals of Programming
CS 504: Advanced Programming
CS 600: Indpndnt Study in Grad CS
CS 604: Computer Systems and Concepts
CS 608: Algorithms & Computing Theory
CS 610: Intro to Parallel Computing
CS 612: Cncpts & Strctrs:Intrnt Cmptng
CS 619: Data Mining
CS 624: Applctn Dvlpmnt w/ .NET & Web
CS 631: Topic: .Net Web Technologies
CS 632: Directed Readings in CS
CS 644: Intrnt Cmptg Distrbtd Compnnts
CS 644: Web Computing
CS 691: Computer Science Project I
CS 692: Computer Science Project II
CS 693: Thesis I
CS 694: Thesis II
CS 702: Research Seminar
CS 704: Independent Research
CS 706: Dissertation Preparation
CS 800: PhD Dissertation
CS 804: Independent Research
CS 806: Dissertation Preparation
CS 812: Cncpts & Strctrs Intrnt Cmptng
DCS 803: Sftwr Dsgn & Implementation 3
DCS 804: Cmpnt & Srvc Ornt Sftw Engnrng
DCS 805: Web Technologies
DCS 806: XLM and Semantic Web
DCS 806: XML and Semantic Web
DCS 824: Cloud & Distributed Computing
DCS 860: Distrbtd Internet/Middleware
DCS 891: Research Seminar
DCS 891: Research Seminar V
DCS 891: Research Seminar VI
DCS 990: Dissertation for DPS in Cmptng
DCS 991: Dssrttn for DPS in Cmptg II
IT 612: Web Srvr Setup, Cnfgrtn, Scrty
IT 612: Web Srvr Setup,Cnfgrtn & Scrty
IT 624: Applctn Dvlpmnt with Net & Web
IT 626: Cncpts & Struct in Intrnt Cmpt
IT 632: Internet Computg w/ Components
IT 632: Web Computing
IT 642: Intro to Mainframe Computing
IT 660: Network Security
IT 662: Web and Internet Security
IT 691: IT for E-Commerce Project I
MM 803: Maintain Matriculation-CS PhD
Publications and Presentations
Extending OWL with Custom Relations for Knowledge-Driven Intelligent Agents
Tao, L. (2017). , pages 10.
Extending OWL with Custom Relations for Knowledge-Driven Intelligent Agents
Tao, L. (2017). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. , pages 156-166.
Cloud Computing and its Security Issues
Thakur, K., Tao, L., Wang, T. & Ali, M. L. (2017). Application and Theory of Computer Technology Journal. Vol 2 (Issue 1) , pages 10.
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Computer Society [Senior Member]
Department Service
- Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) [ABET National Evaluator for Computer Science Programs]
- Pace University, Computer Science & Information Systems [Attendee, Meeting]
- Pace University, Computer Science & Information Systems [Faculty Advisor]
College Service
- [Committee Member]
Public Service
- International Conferences [Referee]